Puerto Vallarta Real Estate | June 2008  
The World's 1st Turning Timepiece Building
Nancy Faraj - LemonAdz FZ.LLC

| 55º Time Dubai™ is ready to break ground | Dubai, U.A.E - Never before in the history of architecture has a structure been designed to emerge, that moves in sync with the earth, sun and time.
 Dubai, positioned on the 55º east longitude line, is a little more than just an exotic getaway situated on the North-eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula. While residents and tourists experience temperatures that often soar to a melting 45º C, a new dimension to living is adding some cool to Dubai.
 360° Time World is proud to announce the world's 1st Turning Timepiece Building: 55° Time Dubai preparing to break ground this year in Dubai on 8/8/2008.
 55º Time Dubai is a precision "Timepiece Building" powered by the sun and scientific imagination, turning 360º in 7 days, offering 360° panoramic penthouse views to all apartments providing a new view of the city every day.
 55° Time Dubai, the winner of the international CNBC award for best "High Rise" architecturally designed building of 2007, will be the first of 24 Timepiece Buildings to be constructed around the world all turning in complete synchronisation utilising unique rotation technology under licence from 360° Time World.
 The designs of the individual Timepiece Buildings will be the product of internationally renowned designers and architects incorporating the latest in eco friendly technology.
 "Press conferences and releases, planned for New York, Prague, Moscow, Delhi, and Hong Kong, are being organised to enable the architectural vision and passion behind the Timepiece Buildings to be brought to the notice of the world. Information will be given to explain the ethos of 360° Time World; on how the Timepiece Buildings are to be constructed and what they will bring, not only to the cities within which they are situated, but also to the world. The 360° Time World approach will explain how the buildings harness the power of nature making them iconic, architecturally unique and eco and people friendly" says Mr. Tav Singh the Director of 360° Time World.
 55° Time Dubai holds a Government of Dubai (RERA) approved development licence No. 2007/01/160. The developer together with "Meraas Holdings Limited" a newly established prominent entity in Dubai, are close to finalising a Joint Venture Agreement in respect of the development of the 55° Time Dubai tower.
 The engineering team, includes engineers: Nick Cooper of Bennett's Associates (Engineers UK), Glenn Howells concept Architects (UK), James Abbot of P&T construction Architects (Dubai), and the project is managed by Gautam Kulkarni KPMC (Dubai), who are to commence mobilisation by (8/8/8) and aim to complete the structure of 55° Time Dubai (the world's first rotating timepiece building) (10/10/10). Hand over of apartments is expected by 11/11/11.
 About 360 Time world: 360° Time World is to build 24 Turning Timepiece mixed use (hotel and residential), sustainable, eco friendly, Unique Signature buildings in leading cities of the world.
 When completed these buildings will all turn with the power of nature and in sync on the hour providing a 24 hour world Time view in real time. These eco friendly buildings are to be located and named by the planets natural mathematical longitudinal line.
 A place that links life to personal space, the space to a place in a city, and a city that vibrates in sync with 24 other cities, all connected in real time.
 About CNBC Awards:
 55º Time Dubai is A World First. The exterior Architecture and interior Apartments have been awarded CNBC "Arabian Best Hi Rise Architecture", meeting international standards.
 Email: nancy(at)lemonadz.com or Press(at)360timeworld.com | 
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