|  |  | Puerto Vallarta Real Estate | December 2008  
Second Annual Real Estate Fair
John K. Glaab - PVNN

| The Second Annual Real Estate Fair is scheduled to be held in Zihuatanejo from January 19th-21st. |  | The Zihuatanejo Section of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals, (AMPI) is combining forces with the magazine, Another Day in Paradise, The Settlement Company, Mexico's oldest escrow and title company and the legal firm of Connell & Associates, as sponsors of the Second Annual Real Estate Fair to be held in Zihuatanejo, January 19th to the 21st.
 The Fair will include a Property Showcase, a Buyer Education Seminar and a Seminar for Real Estate agents. It will provide an opportunity for buyers to learn about purchasing property safely in Mexico and a learning and networking opportunity for real estate agents.
 The event will kick off on Monday, January 18th with a Property Showcase. This will be followed by a real estate tour of open houses in Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo. Transportation will be provided. Following the tour, a luncheon will be held at the Dorado pacific Hotel.
 Tuesday will start with a morning Buyer Education Seminar, "Everything you needed to know to Buy Real Estate in Mexico." It will be presented by Linda Neil, founder of The Settlement Company, Mexico's oldest escrow and title company. Linda is a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos and has served two terms on AMPI's National Advisory Board. The seminar will be presented in English and is intended for foreign buyers. In the afternoon, a panel of professionals will answer and discuss questions and speak on real estate in Mexico.
 On Wednesday, the Zihuatanejo Section of AMPI is sponsoring an Agent Education Seminar. It will be delivered in Spanish and English by attorneys and specialists from the law firm of Connell and Associates. Included will be topics of interest to foreign buyers wanting to purchase in Mexico's "Restricted Zone," including information about taxes, the federal zone and Ejidal properties. There will be a question and answer period and a networking session. The seminar will be followed a social event.
John Glaab has been a member of NAR's International Section for over a decade. He has earned the Certified International Property Specialist designation and is a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. He spends half the year in La Paz, Baja California Sur and the other half in Uruapan, Michoacan. For further information, contact John at John.Glaab(at)settlement-co.com. |

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