|  |  | Health & Beauty | May 2009  
HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta News
Pamela Thompson - PVNN

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | Hola a Todos! This is going to be a long newsletter so sit back, grab an iced tea or coffee and settle in for a bit of a read! Don't give up half-way through because below there is some very important information/details.
 This past month brought me about 3,000 emails regarding the swine flu alone! Answering those put me behind in many things - but now we are back on track!
 This past high season was just that for HealthCare Resources - a HIGH season! Emmanuel and I are very proud of our services, and look forward to many new projects, clinics and services that we are planning for next season.
 In the meantime, we are here, as always, for all of your healthcare needs - from insurance sales and/or claims, home health services, physician referrals, specialized clinics, speaker programs, surgical packages - you name it! We are proud of the physicians that we are associated with - their professionalism and service is outstanding.
 Some of the items we are working on for next season include:
 Personalized health records (remember you must keep your own medical record here!), a membership program, more specialized clinics, a specialized Gay Men's Health Program, and much more!
 CLINICS for JUNE, 2009
 Women's Health Clinic Tuesday, June 9, 2009 $775 Pesos Wonderful female, bi-lingual GYN. By appointment only.
 Mammogram Clinic Wednesday, June 10, 2009 $800 pesos Includes complete mammogram (female technician), manual exam (by oncologist) By appointment only.
 Skin Clinic Friday, June 12, 2009 $250 pesos Skin check from your scalp to your toes - by an oncologist. By appointment only.
 Colonoscopy Just do it and get it over with! On-Going Special price of $3,800 pesos (does not include price of any biopsies if taken) By appointment only.
 Free Plastic Surgery Consult Thinking of having a little nip/tuck? Doesn't hurt to find out! By appointment only.
 Free Bariatric Surgery Consult My "surgiversery" date was this past May. I cannot believe it has been two whole years since my bariatric surgery (gastric sleeve). My only regret? I didn't do it sooner! Are you a tiny bit curious? I would love to share my story with you! 120 lbs never to return again. By appointment only.
 One-on-one General HealthCare Information Meeting I am happy to sit down with you and go over general health services-health care information in our area. Let's make a personalized healthcare plan for you! By appointment only. No charge - but I do request you bring a donation for our food drive. Click HERE for more information.
 "Low Season" sends our snow-birds north but there are still loads of us who call Vallarta "home" and live here year-round. Last summer, many of us gathered throughout the summer to go to the movies, have lunch, exchange books - a variety of things. I sort of became Julie the Cruise Director.
 I have already received numerous emails asking if we would be doing things like this again this summer. Of course! But this time, I'd like to ask YOU (who are interested) to pick an "event-to-do-idea" and make your own! I will be happy to send out the info to those who are interested. But you must come up with the idea of what to do! Let those imaginations run wild! Email me if you are interested. Note: This isn't a business-thing. This is a social-thing!
 With the arrival of the H1N1 flu to our area, everything else disappeared - including flights, cruise ships, tourists. I urge you to shop locally, buy a bauble on the beach from a vendor, come up with your own ways to put a bit of peso-flow into Vallarta and the surrounding area. Several local businesses have submitted some absolutely FABULOUS deals-discounts which I will list below. In order to receive the discount you must mention HealthCare Resources!
 Dee's Coffee Shop Free (and yummy!) cookie with every purchase! Location: Rudolfo Gomez #120 (across the street from the San Marino Hotel)
 Miralo 20% discount on any purchase! If you have never been to this amazing little shop, you must! Gorgeous glassware, boxes, mirrors, plates - do your Christmas shopping now! Cash only. Location: Francisco I. Madero #267 Website: miralo.biz
 Cassandra Shaw Jewelry 20% discount on any purchase from now through October 15, 2009. Cash only - no exceptions! Buy yourself a present! Location: Basilio Badillo #276
 Encore (Best place to buy clothes anywhere around!) 15% discount on purchases 20% discount to consignment clients! For the months of June and July. Location: Lazaro Cardenas #584
 Pie In The Sky 10% discount on any purchase (another yummy place to go!) Buy yourself a scrumptious, delicious chocolate beso! Location: Puerto Vallarta - Lazaro Cardenas #247 (near the corner of Ignacio Vallarta) or Bucerias: Hero de Narcozari #202 (on the right side heading away from P.V.) Website: PieInTheSky.com.mx
 Solutions Rubarb Directory Puerto Vallarta, Vallarta's fastest growing online Directory offers you to try their services with a 10% discount by contracting for one year. Offer good June through September 2009. As well, if it's time for a new website, this is the guy to use! 10% discount on website design if purchased June through September 2009. Contact: Ruben Perez at ruben(at)solucionesrubarb.com
 Dr. Leonard Sugarmen - Chiropractor June and July, new patients receive the special price of $400 pesos for first time visit (regularly $600 pesos.) Location: Insurgentes #236-A Contact: Dr. Leonard Sugarmen, (322) 223-3845 Email: sublaxationdr(at)yahoo.com
 Vallarta Yacht Club • 50% discount on Flag Membership! (new members only) June 1 through August 30, 2009. Stop by and receive a Temporary Membership Card good for two weeks and receive member prices on food, beverage and Internet.
 • Vallarta Yacht Club Jr. Sailing "Learn to Sail Week" This is a 5-day summer program with professional instruction. Monday through Friday July 6-10, 2009 from 10 am to 4 pm. Limit of 10 per class. Ages 10-15 years. Participants in the 1 week program qualify for a 50% discount on the first month's fees for the regular sailing classes. Location: Vallarta Yacht Club - next door to Paradise Plaza in Nuevo Vallarta. Phone: (322) 297-2222 VallartaYachtClub.org
 PVRPV Outstanding, reputable, top-notch & very community-service oriented company offering a complete line-variety of condos-villa-vacation rentals. Ask for your discount! Contact: Tim at tim(at)pvrpv.com or (322) 222-0638 Website: pvrpv.com
 Salon blu (This one is beyond amazing!) 25% discount on any services by Len or Clay (all clients) 15% discount on any services by Daniel and/or Betty (new clients only) Closed Mondays Location: Olas Altas #513 Phone: (322) 223-9660 Website: BluSalonPV.com
 Xocodiva With any purchase over $150 pesos, receive a free chocolate bar! Location: Rudolfo Gomez # 111 (next to Hotel San Marino)
 Yoga Vallarta Free Yoga Mat (retail value $450 pesos) when you commit for two months and purchase monthly, unlimited pass. This cannot be combined with other promotions. While supplies last. Location: Basilio Badillo # 325 Contact: 044-322-116-5809 or info(at)yogavallarta.com Website: YogaVallarta.com
 Photography! If you’ve been waiting to do photos of your family: now’s the time! Summer special for family and group sittings: regular price $350 dollars, mention this ad for summer rate of $250. Can be up to 25 people, individuals and group, one-hour sitting, your choice of venue in the Puerto Vallarta area. Other areas will be considered, tell me what you want. Home shoots also at summer rates. Ask me, I’ll visit your home, give you a quote on a “short-shoot” as well as the "real deal!" Contact: Josef Kandoll at (322) 138-3788 Website: JosefKandollW.com or WeddingsJosef.com
 Hacienda Jalisco Escape the heat to gorgeous San Sebastian! Summer price is $770 pesos per person, per night and includes dinner and breakfast. For June and July we are offering this for $670 pesos per person, per night. Remember as well that we now do lunch with a minimum of 24 hour notice! Contact: info(at)haciendajalisco.com Website: HaciendaJalisco.com
 And now, one of the best offers I have seen around:
 Pegaso Sailing Tours • Day boat trip to Marietas, Yelapa and Las Animas: Regular price is $77 USD. Special price: $350 pesos!
 • Sunset Sail: Regular price is $55 USD. Special price: $250 pesos! (Children 7 to 15, half price. Children under 7, no charge.) This is a smaller boating/tour company in the area. I have known the owners for many, many years. They are top-notch and have very personalized service, gorgeous boats - true quality.
 If you are interested in going with a group on either tour, let me know as I am planning a couple of "gatherings" to do this. Perhaps you are single, sort of shy and not really up to going on a tour alone - then come join us! Email me for details. Click HERE for more information about Pegaso Sailing Tours. Pegasus Phone Number: (322) 290-0705 for reservations (English speaking)
 It is more important than ever that we take care of one another. I am always open to your ideas, questions, suggestions and even complaints! Please contact me for any questions and-or appointments on any of the above items. I always look forward to hearing from you!
 Stay cool! Stay hydrated! Pamela Thompson Emmanuel Gonzales HealthCareResourcesPV.com pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com (322) 222-9638 044-322-107-7007 145-6912 Nextel
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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