Mexico will Achieve the Goal of Constructing 6 Million Dwellings in 2012: Calderón
Presidencia de la República go to original September 11, 2009

| President Felipe Calderón leads lunch during First International Forum on Sustainable Housing. |  | Mexico City - President Felipe Calderón declared that despite the economic crisis, the rate of granting credits for housing has been maintained, making him confident that the goal of constructing 6 million homes by the end of his government would be achieved.
 During his address at a lunch at the First International Forum of Sustainable Housing, the President declared:
 "In fact, constructing and financing housing in Mexico was not a problem nor did it cause the crisis. In Mexico, we are using it as a solution to encourage aggregate demand, precisely at these times of economic crisis.
 He explained that unlike other countries, where the economic crisis was a mortgage crisis involving credit, where the financial situation several affected credit mechanisms, despite the adverse conditions, Mexico was able to sustain the credit rate, not at the same rate as during the boom but with positive credit flows for housing.
 “At the start of my government we proposed, as stated in the National Development Plant, that by the end of the administration, six million more dwellings would have been built in Mexico." This year saw the worst economic crisis there has ever been, a credit crisis in the international sphere and yet despite this crisis, before three years of government have elapsed, over three million dwellings have already been constructed in Mexico," he said.
 He added, “We are going to achieve the goal of six million dwellings by the end of this administration."
 Of those six million dwellings, he said, three million will be built by INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE, since so far, government's public housing institutions and organizations have provided 600,000 credits, in other words, nearly six times the amount granted six years ago.
 He said that Federal Government has a strong commitment to sustainable development, which it why it has set itself the challenge of creating alternatives which, while responding to the housing needs of Mexican families, will have less of an effect on the environment and the ecological heritage of future generations.
 As a result, he said that the Green Mortgage Program Infonavit has begun to implement has become a virtuous instrument which in addition to promoting the construction of sustainable housing, creates better planned urban environments and fosters a better quality of life.
 A propos of this, President Felipe Calderón declared:
 “The costs of acting now are high, but the costs of lack of action and immobility are significantly higher and we are now paying for the problems Mexico has experienced, including the incalculable damage caused to the environment." |