|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | October 2009  
A BanderasNews Brief & Upcoming Events
Mike A. Arevalo - PVNN October 14, 2009
 There's always so much going on in Puerto Vallarta and around Banderas Bay, it can be difficult to keep up with it all. So we've put together a brief overview of some of this week's news headlines from local Spanish language publications, and added some upcoming events you won't want to miss.
 Banks vs. Influenza
 Puerto Vallarta is one of the most popular tourist destinations today, which is why PV's government is taking new safety measures. Since the majority of tourists will visit a bank at least once during their stay, new safety precautions will be set in order to prevent the influenza virus from spreading through the banks.
 Starting this week, every bank in Puerto Vallarta will be required to provide clients with hand sanitizer, alcohol wipes, etc. in order to stop the influenza virus. Puerto Vallarta government officials made it clear that these are just precautionary measures and assured that there is no H1N1 epidemic in the Banderas Bay area.
 Puerto Vallarta Tourism Back on Track
 Puerto Vallarta is ready for the 2009-2010 high season, this was a statement made by Department of Tourism director Miguel Gonzalez Gonzalez. The best way to predict how the economy will be like this high season is to look at the incoming flights.
 And according to the airlines, starting in November Puerto Vallarta tourism will be back to normal. This is great news for all of the locals who depend on tourist dollars as their main source of income. After suffering an economic "crisis" all summer, the upcoming winter season promises to be a breath of fresh air for Vallarta.
 No One Left Behind in Vallarta
 Illiteracy is not considered a problem in Puerto Vallarta, assured Enrique Gomez Trejo, head of the IEEA (Education department). He told the press that out of 144 thousand people over the age of 15 who live in Vallarta, only 5000 of them cannot read and write, which is about 3.6%.
 As this is a large percentage of illiteracy for any city, Puerto Vallarta is starting a new campaign to assure PV will keep on the right track. Starting next month, adults who were not able to finish elementary or junior high school will be given a chance to obtain their certificate of graduation by completing a course which covers all of the basic information learned during elementary and junior high school.
 Upcoming Puerto Vallarta Events - Click on titles for more information
 Bariatric Surgery Information Session - October 13th
 Expats in Vallarta October Meetings - October 13th & 27th
 Mammogram Clinic - October 15th
 U.S. Consular Agency Network Breakfast - October 16th
 BINGO for Bougainvillea - October 16th & 23rd
 PEACE Daily Yoga Classes for Locals - October 18th-22nd
 Banderas Bay Community Choir Rehearsal - October 19th
 First Half Marathon in Nuevo Vallarta - October 25th
 Oktoberfest at Kaiser Maximilian - through October 31st
 Halloween Spooktacular for Make-a-Wish - October 31st

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