|  |  | Health & Beauty | December 2009  
Puerto Vallarta Health News: January 2010
Pamela Thompson - healthcareresourcespv.com

| For more information, please contact Pamela Thompson at (322) 222-9638, 044-322-107-7007, Nextel 145-6912 or send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. |  | Hang on to your New Year's hat! As we move in to 2010, we at HealthCare Resources have a whole bunch of clinics, activities & events scheduled to assist & enlighten you! This is a long newsletter, so settle in, grab a cup of coffee, pull out your calendar & let us help you to fulfill some of those New Year's resolutions. We are proud of our physicians and clinics and we look forward to assisting you with your healthcare needs.
 As you read through the following information, please remember the following:
 • It takes me a few days to get this newsletter out to our email list.
 • If you want to be taken off of this email list, please let me know.
 • Feel free to send this on to anyone you might think would be interested
 • All clinics & events require a reservation-appointment.
 As always, I would like to stress the following important items pertaining to health care in the Banderas Bay area:
 • Register with your consulate.
 • Make sure you have insurance that covers you here.
 • Establish yourself with a personal physician.
 • Remember that you must keep your own medical records here.
 • We are able to assist you with each of the items listed above.
 Skin Clinic January 13, 2010 Have your skin checked from head to toe by an oncologist. $250 pesos
 Mammogram Clinic January 14, 2010 Includes mammogram, ultrasound (if necessary), manual exam. These clinics have received rave reviews over the past couple of years. $800 pesos
 Women's Health Clinic January 19, 2010 Complete physical exam, pap smear, pelvic exam performed by a wonderful, bi-lingual female GYN. $750 pesos
 Eye Clinic January 26, 2010 Complete eye exam (includes check for glaucoma) $250 pesos
 Colonoscopy Ongoing Special discounted price. Just do it and get it over with!
 Men's Health Clinic Ongoing Comprehensive exam with numerous diagnostic studies and includes follow up consult with a wonderful GP. Men 40 years and older: $3534 pesos Men under 40 years: $2899 pesos
 HealthCare Resources Breakfast January 18, 2009 Our last special gathering held at Archie's Wok was a huge success, with many on a waiting list wishing to attend. These gatherings are unique and especially geared towards newcomers to the area as well as "old-timers" wishing to promote their business/activities. Each event features a couple of local physicians, lots of surprises and special health-related prizes. Great connections and friendships have been formed at these events! This one will be at a new location with fabulous food created by Kathy Overly! Tickets are only sold prior to the event with limited space! $140 pesos each. Tip included. Email for details.
 Skin Care in the Tropics Dra. Alma Vargas - Dermatologist January 27, 2010, 10 am No charge IFC Clubhouse
 Individual One-on-One Meeting Let's sit down together over a coffee and go over your insurance policy, talk about health issues, register you with the US Consular Agent (Canadians may register online), answer any questions-concerns regarding healthcare in the area, set you up with a private physician among many other things. No charge but we request you bring a donation for New Life Mexico of men's deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush - something like that.
 Personal Medical Record Tuesdays and Thursdays $250 pesos per person to create your very own, personalized medical record.
 Story Circles with Lynn Rogers, PhD Saturday mornings 10 am-12 noon January 16, 23, 30 & February 6, 2010 Personal storytelling is easy and fun - it's the most natural form of human expression. This circle is about being and playing together, not about performance! Nothing to plan. Just show up with an open heart and see what stories arise in the moment. Lynn is an experienced professional storyteller who has told her stories from San Francisco to St. Petersburg. She will gently guide you to tap in to your wealth of stories and show you how to share them with ease. Experience the healing power of telling your stories and really being heard. Enjoy listening to tender, funny and amazing stories. Connect in the warmth of a shared community. Price: $1200 pesos per series Registration: 322-151-3639 or lr(at)lynnrogers.com
 Biblioteca Los Mangos Sally's Corner (children's library) is finished, up and running. You must go by and see this amazing little space! You will want to settle in with a book. We are having a Volunteer Training Program on the morning of January 9, 2010 at the library. If you are looking for a way to give back to the community, please consider attending this program! You don't need to speak Spanish! This is not just to assist with the Children's library, but to assist with the many tasks required to keep the library running smoothly. Even a couple of hours per month would be fabulous! Please contact me for further information.
 New Detox Program We are pleased to announce a new detox program at Hospital Medasist. This four-day inpatient plan provides an integrated assessment, both physical and mental, for individuals struggling with addiction. For more information, click HERE.
 Mexican Will Our presentation of "Do I Need a Mexican Will" was a huge success. I now have an outline of the program presented by Lic. Rolando Romero. Let me know if you would like a copy.
 North Bay HealthCare Resources is planning on heading north over the next few months offering presentations and some clinics. If you live north of La Cruz and are interested in finding out-being on an email list for these events, please let me know.
 Remember to check BanderasNews.com frequently for a multitude of articles/information pertaining to the area. You can click on the HealthCare Resources icon on the right-hand side of the homepage, which will take you to numerous healthcare related articles.
 So many great things to do and see this month! The following are in no particular order, so be sure and check dates and contact the person listed for further details!
 Miralo, Francisco I. Madero #267 This has to be one of my most favorite shops in the area. Glassware, mirrors, frames, unique knick-knacks. "Simply unique" pretty much sums up this treasure shop. Hi to Bud & Rodolfo. Receive a 10% discount by mentioning HealthCare Resources. Check out their website at: miralo.biz.
 Becas Vallarta Polly Vicars and her crew of dedicated volunteers continue to present a wide variety of activities raising funds for local, well-deserving students to continue their education.
 January 20, 2010 Becas Breakfast at Daiquiri Dick's Restaurant, 9:30 am. Tickets sell out fast - $150 pesos pp. Advanced purchase only. phvicars(at)gmail.com, (322) 223-1371 or 044-322-182-0215.
 January 30, 2010 Glamour on the Red Carpet for the Kids at Japanice Restaurant, Calle Morelos 696 Gala casino night as Vallarta has never seen before! General admission: $350 pesos. Proceeds to be divided among Becas, RISE and Nuestra Huerta. Contact phvicars(at)gmail.com or seth(at)foodbyseth.com for more info.
 Make A Wish Annual golf scramble tournament on January 31, 2010 at Flamingos Gold Club. Great prizes and a fun day for all! Reserve your spot early by emailing rick(at)makeawishmexico.org.mx. Make A Wish continues to have a need for sponsors, donors and/or people to adopt wishes. Wishes always outstrip the resources available. Make-A-Wish Mexico has never said "no" to a wish due to financial insufficiency. They welcome any and all support from the community! For further info, please call (322) 222-9111.
 US Consular Agency Community Network Breakfast Monthly breakfasts for Jalisco and Nayarit. Next one is January 15, 2010 at Vallarta Yacht Club in Nuevo Vallarta, 9 am. This is the place to network, make new friends, greet old ones, promote your business-charity and find out what's going on in the Riviera Nayarit and Puerto Vallarta area. The "Bring-A-Thing" focus for January is to support the Bucerias Bilingual Community Center and needs include bilingual dictionaries, office supplies, English language workbooks, etc. Reserve at lailworth(at)yahoo.com.
 Whale Watching If you don't do one other thing this winter, take a whale watching tour with Ocean Friendly Tours. It's beyond belief! There are several upcoming dates in January where a portion of the ticket sales will go to three well-deserving Banderas Bay area charities. Click HERE to learn more.
 Expats in Vallarta This is a group of expats from different areas who live in the Puerto Vallarta area. The purpose of the group is informal fellowship and assistance for expat residents or visitors living, working or investing around Vallarta - or considering it. No membership fee or requirement. Only pay for what you consume. Meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 5 pm at Uncle Bubba's - 429B Basilio Badillo.
 Flowers! Flowers! Flowers! Flowers-To-Go is one of the best smelling spots in Puerto Vallarta. Located in the heart of the Southside they carry unique, gorgeous flowers. Whether you buy one, or a whole bunch, you'll love your purchase. Their staff is friendly and has an eye for arrangements and variety. Stop by, take a whiff and pick up something for YOU! (or a friend!).
 International Surfing Tournament Mark your calendar for January 30 and 31, 2010 to head for the small village of Quimixto, where surfers from all around the world will participate in this 2nd annual tournament. Last year's tournament was a huge success - and the word has gotten out that this is THE place to surf!
 Rolo Romero (tournament organizer) says: "This year we are projecting twice as many visitors that we had the first time. By going to the event, you’ll be contributing a lot to the village of Quimixto, who happens to be the poorest of the so-called 'islands' (Las Animas, Quimixto and Yelapa). We know of people and charities who go to Quimixto and bring toys and candy to the children, which is praiseworthy, but this event truly brings these children & families hope by realizing the potential they have as a surfing destination, that, well-nurtured, could become a type of Sayulita (with its limitations), where surfing keeps a large number of the population working and earning decent money."
 Organizers: Tourist Department of Jalisco, Fideicomiso Costalegre, City of Cabo Corrientes, Surfing Association of Jalisco, the whole town of Quimixto and private enterprises.
 What? You don't surf? Well, neither do I - but I'm sure heading over there to see those who do and enjoy a fabulous beach day! If you are interested in going along with a group (of non-surfing beach lovers!) please contact me, as I already have a few who would like to attend! For further information regarding the tournament, please contact pvrolomx(at)yahoo.com.mx, or visit SurfingJalisco.com.
 Xocodiva! Chocolate! Check out their new space, directly across the street from their old one (in front of Hotel San Marino, next to Dee's Coffee Shop in Old Town). It's gorgeous and you can see them making these yummy treasures. Now featuring teas as well! A must see!
 New Life Mexico Always a long list of needs, but especially needed right now are boxer shorts & white socks (the short ankle kind), cough medicine, toothpaste and toothbrushes. Please contact me for further information.
 Rancho Limon Talk about a hidden little paradise! Located in Las Palmas, this organic farm-ranch produces fabulous fruits and vegetables. Watch for a major announcement very soon about their tree-planting program with a special one for Valentine's Day. What a lovely memorial to someone - a tree planted in their name! Further information: alison(at)pvexperience.com.
 Writer's Conference Puerto Vallarta Writer's Group is pleased to announce their upcoming yearly conference. This is going to be a jam-packed series covering many topics with some well-known authors! Click HERE to see this stellar line-up!
 International Friendship Club The next Bazaar is January 20, 2010 from 10 am to 2 pm. Great buys and fun items! The IFC has a wide array of programs and activities, benefiting the local community. Stop by their office and speak with Josue (their great receptionist!). Or, you can call (322) 222-5466. Located across the street from the main Mercado, behind the bank and up the stairs (next to El Fuente de Puente restaurant). The IFC is working in conjunction with Beyond Vallarta Tours and offering some amazing trips throughout Mexico. Rave reviews!
 Encore Is one of your New Year's Resolutions to clean out your closet? Can't fit in to some of those clothes you have? Take them to Encore, let Mikki sell them for you (so others can enjoy them) & re-stock your wardrobe with some fabulous "new" items. It's the only place I shop! (Thus my four overflowing closets!) Shoes, jewelry, evening gowns - the works! And now she has a special area with larger sizes - no one need look frumpy! Located a bit east of the mercado on Lazero Cardenas. Info: pvencore(at)yahoo.com
 Hacienda Jalisco in San Sebastian How about an overnight getaway with scrumptious food, fresh from the garden, a romantic fire in the fireplace, clear, fresh air, loads of history, lots of peace and quiet? Head up to the Hacienda Jalisco in San Sebastian (be sure and pick up some coffee!) 10% discount when you mention HealthCare Resources. info(at)haciendajalisco.com
 Some Items Needed: Magazines, diabetic testing supplies, new or gently used baby (newborn) clothes, baby blankets, medical supplies. Please contact me for further information or questions.
 They're BAAAAACK! Last but certainly not least - Hank and Conrad are bringing chicken back to Vallarta! "What?" you say. "There's plenty of chicken in Puerto Vallarta!" That may be true - but not like they cook it up! Lunches will be the highlight of your day now. Beginning January 25, 2010, they will be doing what they do best at Sol's Cafe Bohemia restaurant, lunch hours - located around the corner of Olas Altas, on the west side of La Piazetta. The news of their returning to cooking has brought many smiles (and some salivating!) to those of us who became hooked on their food back when they were "Chiles". Further info: hankandconrad(at)yahoo.com And yes! They are going to have BREAD SALAD! Yum! Yum! Yum!
 Coming up in February:
 • Heart Month - lots of clinics, speakers revolving around cardiac care • Brownie Bake-Off • Local Hospital tours • Special Valentine Gifts
 Nearly all of the events listed above will have a special article up over the next few weeks on BanderasNews.com with photos, details, etc., so be sure and check back frequently!
 2009 has been challenging to say the least. But here we are at the beginning of a brand new year with high hopes for one and all. I urge you to participate in your community in whatever way works best for you. As far as healthcare goes, take responsibility and plan ahead!
 I would like to thank everyone for the support that has been given to HealthCare Resources - from our fabulous local physicians to those that have sent holiday greetings. We are blessed to live in this area! Please see my Holiday Reflections article - as I say in the article, pat a back, shake a hand, play fair, be nice. Cheers to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010!
 Warm regards, Pamela Thompson HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta 044-322-107-7007
Pamela Thompson is a registered nurse who has lived in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta. |

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