|  |  | Puerto Vallarta Real Estate  
Timothy Real Estate Group Associates with PVRPV
Taniel Chemsian - PVNN May 24, 2010
 Puerto Vallarta - Carl Timothy founder of Timothy Real Estate Group today announced an affiliation agreement with PVRPV to handle their property management and vacation rentals.
 "The decision to outsource these services to PVRPV was a logical one. Both of these sectors - property management & rentals, and sales & development - require their own specialist and attention. We have entrusted PVRPV to handle our clients property management so that Timothy Real Estate Group can concentrate on what we do best, which is representing Buyers and Sellers of real property," states Timothy.
 "The selection of PVRPV to handle the property management services of our clients was an easy decision to make based on PVRPV's vacation rental experience and online presence which includes real time availability for properties, rates, the ability to accept credit cards for immediate bookings, online financial reporting, and their operational staff," explains Timothy.
 Vacation rentals and property management are a primary concern for any homeowner and especially those who are non-residents and may not understand the intricacies of employee rules and regulations as well as local tax laws. PVRPV, a leading vacation rentals group in the Puerto Vallarta area, has vast experience in this area.
 The service we offer our clients will be made seamless thanks to our mutual investment in new technology and enhanced communication between the two companies. Timothy Real Estate Group and PVRPV will continue to put the client's needs at the forefront.
 Timothy Real Estate Group's new office at the Rivera Molino Plaza are located near the offices of PVRPV and allow for easy access between companies for our clients needs.

Timothy Real Estate Group is a full-service real estate sales, rentals and development agency representing some of the most distinguished properties and developments across Puerto Vallarta, Bahía de Banderas and the Riviera Nayarit. For more information, visit TimothyRealEstateGroup.com.
 Click HERE to learn more about Timothy Real Estate Group
PVRPV is your experienced and reliable choice for Puerto Vallarta home, villa and condo rentals and rental property management. For more information about PVRPV's vacation rental services click HERE, or visit PVRPV.com. |

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