Guadalajara, Mexico - More than 600 members of the Mexican Association of Mexican Realtors (AMPI) from Western Mexico met recently in Guadalajara. They came to attend the twenty first annual Forum of the AMPI Section in that city.
Alonso Ulloa Velez, Secretary of the Economy and Promotion in Jalisco, opened the FORO. He made a special reference to work being done on a real estate licensing law in the Jalisco Congress. Deputy Mariana Fernandez is heading a Commission of the Economic Development Department. It had its first meeting on August 31st. A major objective will be to eliminate "coyotes" (non professionals) from performing legal real estate transactions.
NOTE: While a handful of states now have licensing, meetings between AMPI President, Adan Larracilla and the Chamber of Deputies at the federal level are ongoing. The most recent work session was August 5th.
The Key Note address was given by Andres Oppenheimer from the Miami Herald. His column is syndicated and appears in more than seventy newspapers mostly in the United States, but as well in Argentina. Andres is a Pulitzer Prize winner. He is the author of the bestselling book, Bordering on Chaos.
Oppenheimer touched on several economic and social themes. He said that Mexico can take advantage of new high salaries in China to increase activity in the Mexican manufacturing sector. He suggested that Mexico is in a great position to promote, medical tourism. "Every day, there are more than one million Americans looking outside the U.S.A, for medical services." he said. "Forty six million citizens are without medical insurance."
He added that Mexico should accredit the largest number of hospitals possible to satisfy certified organizations in the US. Mr. Oppenheimer told the FORO that in order for Mexico to be competitive with China, India, Brazil and other Latin American countries, a new emphasis should be placed on educating engineers and scientists. Other sessions included a panel on the future of real estate in Mexico, a presentation on creativity and innovation, and architecture in Mexico.
A warm reception was given to Dr. Carlos Andrade Garin, Director General of the organizing committee for the sixteenth edition of the Pan American Games. They will take place in Guadalajara from October 14 to 30th in Guadalajara. In addition to athletic activities there will be 451 cultural events. The media center, which has almost been completed, will be larger than the one for the Olympic Games held in Beijing. Dr. Garin's presentation received a standing ovation.
Attendees at the FORO were invited to attend AMPI's Fortieth Annual Conference and Annual Meeting. It will be held in Merida, Yucatan from October 3 to 7th.