October was a busy month for the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI). The association staged two significant conferences. The first was the annual FORUM of the Mexico City AMPI Section. It is always the largest in the country, with more than 600 attending this year.
Marcelo Ebrard Governor of the Federal District delivered the opening address. A key subject was the new real estate law. "My state will pass legislation before the end of December. The law will be aimed at regularizing the real estate industry to help protect consumers from unscrupulous practices." (NOTE: D. F. will be the sixth state to have a real estate law with legislation pending in eight other states.) Meanwhile AMPI President Adan Larracillo is having ongoing meetings with the Federal Government on this important initiative.
Eugene Towle, Director of Mexico's; leading real estate consulting company, SOFTEC made an impressive presentation. It covered everything from Global Cereal Harvesting and Gross National Product per capita to statistics on Mexico's automobile and real estate industries. One chart in his presentation showed the growth of the Mexican middle class from 30% in 1996 to 58% in 2006.
The AMPI Conference in Merida, Yucatan was considered by many to be the biggest and best ever. During her speech opening the event, Yucatan Governor, Ivonne Pacheco promised we would enjoy Merida and the state of Yucatan. Her prediction turned out to be true. "Watch for the smiles on the faces of our citizens." she said. From the waiters at breakfast to the taxi driver going to the airport, always a smile and a pleasant greeting.
The schedule was full of interesting presentations. Two were especially interesting to members doing business in Mexico's "Restricted Zone."
Jennifer Wiziarde, Manager of Global Networks for the National Association of RealtorsŪ (NAR) and Carlos Fuentes, Regional NAR Coordinator for North and Central America. held Networking sessions. They discussed the benefits of NAR for AMPI members and the illegal use of NAR trademarks.
The word REALTORŪ is trademarked protected as is the "R" logo with the blue background. AMPI members are eligible to become an International REALTORŪ and legally use the word and symbol. Jennifer asked that if anyone sees a violation of the trade mark that a report be sent her and she will turn it over to NAR's legal department.
A panel that discussed "Doing Business in the Restricted Zone." was moderated by Linda Neil of AMPI La Paz/Los Cabos. Panelists were Thomas Lloyd an internet marketing specialist from Riviera Maya, Doug Jones an authority on bank financing from Puerto Vallarta and Victor Loza, President of the AMPI-API State Commission for Baja California.
Two important agreements of cooperation were signed at the Conference. The first was with the Retirement Communities Association in Mexico. (AMAR) Its objective is to promote Mexico as a retirement destination. The second agreement is with the Canadian Real Estate Association. (CREA) The aim is to foster cooperation between AMPI and CREA and to promote referrals between the two countries.
Ten new members of the National Advisory Council were elected at the Annual General Assembly. They will serve a two year term replacing outgoing members. The Advisory Council elected Guillermo Salgado of Cuernavaca as AMPI's new Vice President.
Guadalajara was selected for the site of the 2012 Conference.