Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - There are many joys associated with purchasing a new home in Mexico, but exploring the possibilities of an older house opens the doors to creativity. Anita Dabbs, a real estate agent with Ron Morgan Properties in Bucerķas, specializes in buying and selling older homes. Read Part One.
It is one step at a time after you have purchased an older Mexican home. Remodeling in Mexico is not that much different than it is in the United States or Canada. Just let your imagination run wild and start on items yourself, work with a contractor, or you can even hire an architect to assist with structural plans.
Anita Dabbs, a real estate agent with Ron Morgan Properties, specializes in buying and selling older homes in Bucerias, Mexico, which is just north of Puerto Vallarta. "I always recommend a house inspection before you make your purchase," says Anita. "This way you will know what repairs, if any, are necessary to avoid any issues after you move into the home." She also advises to put the necessary systems in first (if necessary) electric and plumbing, so all the remodel phases can begin effortlessly.
The primary objective is to be sure the house is airtight. "I typically suggest sealing the roof and exterior walls and then repainting, in addition to repairing windows or having them replaced," says Anita. "You don't want to renovate inside and then have leaks, because the rainy season can be brutal."
"Your first decision is whether or not to do a total makeover or a partial remodel," says Anita. "You may want to live in the house for a while to completely realize exactly what you want your dream home to be." Spending time will let you asses any quirks that you want changed. This is more economical, and gives you time to plan the next phase.
"If you have done a considerable amount of renovating and are comfortable then you can probably work directly with a contractor. However, if you lack the vision to imagine potential changes, especially if this involves moving walls, then you probably should work with an architect," says Anita.
"Set up interviews with potential candidates and then visit the homes they have remodeled and interview their clients. This will give you a feel for the architect and the styles that are best produced by that person, and you may make some new friends, too." You want to feel comfortable while talking with your architect about explaining your visions and, most of all, you want that person to understand what you hope to have as an end product.
Anita bought her Bucerias home in 1998, rehabbed it to her desires, and eventually moved to it full time in 2004. She knows the town, the properties and specific blocks intimately and is the perfect estate agent choice, especially if you are looking for an older home that is only awaiting your personal touch.
For more information, you can contact Anita at the Ron Morgan Properties office in Bucerķas at (329) 298-0492, or by calling (314) 723-5187 from Canada or the US.

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