La Paz, BCS, Mexico - 'Global' was the buzzword at this year's Annual Conference and Expo of the National Association of Realtors (NAR) in Orlando, Florida.
Hundreds of Realtors came from around the world to participate and share experiences. For the first time, The People's Republic of China sent a delegation. There were eighty-five Chinese registered for the event. Another large delegation came from Brazil. They had fifty members in Orlando.
Mexico's Delegation was led by the President of The Mexican Association of Real Estate Professional (AMPI) Sergio Gomez. Others in the Mexican group were Vice President Guillermo Salgado, AMPI Administrator, Barbara Gaxoet and the new Executive Vice President Elect, Martha Ramirez. Also in the AMPI delegation was NAR's Presidential Liaison to AMPI, Linda Jones Neil.
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In addition to information sessions such as: Top Tools for Global Professionals; Prospects for the Global Economy and Implications for Real Estate Forum; Economic Issues and Residential Real Estate Trends and Hispanic 2.0 Reaching The Next Generation; there was a special class, Conducting Real Estate Business with China: Inbound and Outbound. The Moderator for the panel was Adrian Arriaga, NAR's Presidential Liaison to China. As in other years, there was also a large Trade Show with an International Networking Section where those from offshore could meet.
Three popular social events took place. These were a celebrity concert starring Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh, PLUS Realtors Got Talent, Realtors Night out at Universal's Islands of Adventure and Realtors International Night out and Awards Ceremony. More on the latter, below.
The CIPS Breakfast as always is a pleasure to attend. Four hundred and fifty new Designees received their PINS and Certificates. The forty new Designees from the Philippines stole the show. Their Instructor had given them a project. It was to decide on a costume for the breakfast. Instead of traditional dress, they decided to dress like chefs. The cameras flashed as they passed though the receiving line of CIPS instructors.
Doing Business in China included a panel of professionals from China and the U.S. Adrian Arriaga was the moderator for this event. On the panel with Professor Junping Liao from the China Institute of Appraisers and Agents (CIREA) were Vincent Mo, Chairman of Sou Fun the world's largest property site. It is listed on NASDAQ, Herb Jahnke who has been operating as a catalyst between NAR and CIREA and a Florida Realtor who explained the details of a transaction where Chinese investors purchased a marina in her state.
On Saturday morning, forty six Brokers from Brazil toured properties in Orlando. With them was the owner of the largest MLS system in their country. A spokesperson for the group said, "Brazilians have traditionally been buying in Miami. If prices are lower in Orlando, I am sure they will buy here." (Editor's note: We need them to take a look at Mexico. There are many bargains, especially in the tourist zones.)
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Realtors International Night Out and Awards Ceremony
The following is from NAR's Global Web site... (There were seven awards handed out. Two of them, described below pertain to Mexico.)
The International Night Out Dinner & Awards ceremony is the global real estate community's chance to relax and kick up our heels after a long year's work. About 650 attendees from more than 60 countries, gathered to reunite with colleagues, to develop new friendships, and to recognize those individuals and organizations that have worked so hard during the past year to keep our international real estate world turning. Special thanks and congratulations to this year's award winners:
Outstanding Ambassador Association - Texas Association of Realtors
Each year, our foreign cooperating association partners are paired with a state or local REALTOR association that has agreed to serve as an ambassador association. This year we honor the Texas Association of Realtors for quietly and modestly building a dynamic ambassador association relationship with AMPI Mexico, where between AMPI chapters and local Texas associations, over 75 agreements have been established that facilitate doing business and making connections from the grassroots level on both sides of the border. This year, Texas and AMPI have held two joint trade missions - in Cozumel and San Antonio - with over 100 Realtors participating.
International Realtor of the Year - John Glaab and Linda Neil of Mexico
This is a new award category for 2012. The award is designed to recognize and honor international members who embody Realtor spirit. Recipients of this award go above and beyond; they volunteer their time to the Association and help to build Realtor brand awareness. They are educating and promoting Realtor professionalism to both agents and consumers, while also providing an example for all Realtors to follow.
John Glaab and Linda Neil are long-standing International Realtor members, and are true stewards of our Association. John, a CIPS designee and published real estate writer, utilizes public relations and social media to grow the Realtor name and brand. Linda Neil, the current NAR President's Liaison to Mexico, has just been added to the cadre of CIPS instructors. Together, this dynamic duo successfully serves as global ambassadors for our Association.
Gary Thomson of Orange County, California is the new NAR President. Steve Brown of Dayton Ohio is President Elect for 2013. Next year's Conference and Expo will be held in San Francisco, November 9-14.
He is a Certified International Property Specialist and a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. John recently received the National Association of Realtors new award, International Member of the Year. For further information, contact John at John.Glaab(at)