La Paz, BCS, Mexico - This year's National Association of Realtors Conference and Expo was held in San Francisco, California from November 8-11, 2013.
Following is a quote from a Staff member at NAR, "Having attended this event four times already, it's far from my rookie year, yet I find myself completely blown away at how our attendees continue to outdo themselves, each year. We had nearly 22,000 attendees overall, about 1,900 international attendees and delegations from four countries (Iceland, Jamaica, Dominican Republic and Ghana) made the trip to the U.S. for the first time." (Editor's Note: Mexico had 40 in attendance, a record number for that country.)
The Conference and Expo offered a wide range of educational sessions and several notable networking and social events. These included; Residential Economic Issues & Trends Forum, presented by NAR's Chief Economist, Dr. Lawrence Yun, a Power Networking, What Drives the Foreign Buyer and Seller panel, and for those interested in Mexico, a Making Money with Mexico panel. It was moderated by Presidential Liaison from NAR to Mexico, Linda Neil of the Settlement Company.
Social events included the International Realtors Welcome Reception, an Inaugural Gala for the installation of new President Steve Brown (who made an inspiring acceptance speech,) an International Night Out, and an Awards Ceremony. The Celebrity Concert featured the well-known rock group, Foreigner.
A favorite event for me is the CIPS breakfast. It is a chance to renew acquaintances with CIPS designees from around the world and meet new Designees. In 2014 a record breaking 500 Realtors received their certificates and pins. I am proud to say that twenty-nine are from Mexico.
This year, the General Assembly was addressed by Hilary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State and former. U.S. Senator from New York. Her address was interrupted numerous times. Following her speech, she sat down with President Gary Thomas for a frank and open, Q&A period. Gary's first question produced laughter from the large crowd. It was: "As my first question I am going to ask you tell us something everyone is waiting to hear." A pause and then... "When are you going to become a grandmother?"
Hilary's appearance was preceded by the "Parade of Flags." Realtors from 61 NAR affiliated countries came on stage waving their country's flag. This was the second year for the event and it generated great excitement in the hall.
Next year's NAR Conference and Expo will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana.