Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - If you are looking to buy a second home in Puerto Vallarta, consider bidding on Casa Chickie, a luxurious estate property in the prestigious gated community of San Xoaquin on Puerto Vallarta's southern shores.
Casa Chickie will sell at Auction with Online Bidding Only. Opening bid amount is $900,000 USD for this property that was previously listed at $3,500,000. Bids open on July 24th and concluding on July 29th at 4 pm CDT/5 pm EDT on AuctionNetwork.com. A 2.5% Buyer Broker commission is offered. No online bid deposit is required. Contact kathy.coats(at)williamsauction.com for auction details.
Open Houses will be held to see this stunning residence from 1:00 to 4:00 pm on July 23rd and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on July 25th through July 29th.
For more information, email Carl Timothy at carl(at)timothyrealestategroup.com, or call him in Puerto Vallarta at (322) 223-5300.

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