Editorials | Opinions 
««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Falwell and Me
Jeff Cohen
 It was fitting to see so much gushing on TV news about Reverend Jerry Falwell in the hours after his death. He and TV news held the same things sacred: fame, soundbites and uninformed fear-mongering.
Our Opinion: Overblown, Racist Fears
Tucson Citizen
 Inaccurate and borderline racist fears are being raised about trucks from Mexico preparing to carry Mexican freight into the United States. Behind the wheels, they say, illiterate Mexican peasants, unlicensed and overworked, are falling asleep after hours of nonstop driving.
Keep Out the Vote
Michael Winship
 Scratch the surface of anything vaguely nefarious at 1600 Pennsylvania and sooner or later you're likely to hit The Rovester. His most famous bit of dark wizardry is to take a negative about his own guy and turn it into a positive - or, rather, a negative against the other side.
The US Government Now Helping Publicize New Michael Moore Film
Devin Faraci
 If you or I were to be the target of a blatantly politically motivated investigation by the US government, we’d be sweating. When it happens to Michael Moore, he’s smiling.
In Los Angeles, Where the Police Were Unable to Contain Themselves
Carolyn Curiel
 Everything changes in Los Angeles, it seems, except the police. On May 1, members of a Police Department riot control unit violently and unnecessarily dispersed participants in a pro-immigrant march. It was the biggest fiasco since the last time the L.A.P.D. clashed with a minority group.
Greatest Ever Mexicans - Subcomandante Marcos
Gary Denness
 Subcomandante Marcos is the fourth person in my Dirty Dozen, and so far the third who is still alive, and all of them have been men. Whether that says anything for me or for Mexico is for you to decide!
Bush's Wink Becomes a Royal Pain
D. Parvaz
 Having rules for when to wink at someone is the sort of thing I believe the upper crust needs to occupy its time between visits to multiple vacation homes. The rest of us can't and shouldn't be bothered.
If My Parents had Raised Paris Hilton
Alan Burkhart
 Paris Hilton drove under the influence of alcohol. She was caught, her license was suspended and she was put on probation. She violated that probation. People who violate probation go to jail. At least that's how it works here in the real world...
Right Royal Glare as Bush Slips Up Again
Sheryl Gay Stolberg
 Presidents come and go, but for more than half a century, the Queen has always been the queen. So it was perhaps no surprise that Washington went a little gaga as the Queen and Prince Philip began an official two-day visit to the capital.
Immigration a Real Conversation-Stopper
Daniel Fenton, Kim Walesh & Cesar Buitrago
 What happens when a community can't talk, really, about a complex, pressing issue? When it comes to illegal immigration, our local community - like our nation - has failed to have the kind of real civic conversation so essential to democracy.
Invasion from Mexico: Insecure Borders, Islamic Terrorism, Sex Slavery
Joe Armendariz
 While the government should always be conscious of the taxpayer funds it is spending in order to avoid waste, the War on Terror cannot be won without the necessary investment in bolstering security services and protecting the American border from what can only be described as an invasion from Mexico.
The Mexican Border is a Despicable Revolving Door!
Family Security Foundation
 FSM Contributing Editor Gabriel Garnica explores the blatant, dangerous bias in under reporting the litany of tragedy, injustice and pain caused by criminals sneaking into the U.S. only to parade in cynical “demonstrations” demanding their “rights.”
Choice for Mexico City
Lourdes Cárdenas
 Mexico City has become the first entity in Mexico to legalize abortions. The move is unprecedented in Mexico – and a major step ahead in women's rights. This is the first time that a state government has referred to abortion as an ethical dilemma and given full recognition of a woman's ability to decide over her pregnancy.
An Open Letter to President Bush
Lynn Stuter
 It is only fitting, Mr President, that I open this letter by saying that at no time in the history of this nation have the American people been so ashamed of their President; Watergate, Whitewater and Bill Clinton’s promiscuous trysts in the Oval Office with Monica Lewinski don’t even compare, and those were certainly heinous enough.
“Radical Anti-Clericalism”
California Catholic Daily
 The Catholic Church in Mexico is suffering political fallout for its opposition to legalized abortion in Mexico City over the last two months, with opponents accusing the Church of violating the precepts of the secular state by participating in the public debate.
Atenco Leaders Jailed in Vicious Act of Class Reprisal
Phil Hearse
 Key leaders of the peasant struggle in San Salvador Atenco, Mexico state, have been sentenced to 67 years 6 months in prison, in a vicious act of class revenge.
Letter from Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group to the Mexican Government
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group
 We are writing to you again in order to denounce the lack of human rights in Mexico, the continuous harassments, threats, disappearances and abuses towards social activists. We feel disgusted by the news that arrives often from different human rights and social organisations in Mexico.
From Yukon to Yucatán
Bill O'Brien
 There are two "hot button" issues facing Texans today. One is controlling the border to stem illegal immigration, and the other is the Trans-Texas Corridor, the super highway/railway that will run between Mexico and Oklahoma.
Candidate Alexander: LAPD Assaults May Day Supporters
Peace and Freedom Party
 Los Angeles police officers brutally assaulted peaceful marchers and supporters at a rally in Los Angeles creating outrage and anger from millions nationwide.
Absurdity Upon Absurdity
Alan Burkhart
 Western culture has been inundated with celebrities who seem to believe the simple fact of their popularity is equivalent to expertise in fields of which they know little, if anything about.
It's Not Easy to Forgive Dad Who Chose His Freedom Over Son's Life
Merlene Davis
 Some people make it so hard for me to be a Christian, to follow my faith The main one this week is Byron Keith Perkins, the father who was released from jail temporarily in January 2006 in order to see whether he was a compatible kidney donor for his son.
Republicans Equal Life; Democrats Equal Death?
Keith Olbermann
 Since some indeterminable hour between the final dousing of the pyre at The World Trade Center, and the breaking of what Senator Obama has aptly termed "9/11 Fever," it has been profoundly and disturbingly evident that we are at the center of one of history's great ironies.
Bin Laden or Chavez?
Michael Rowan
 Americans believe that the most dangerous enemy they face today is Osama bin Laden. But they are wrong. Based upon the cold logic of weapons capability and the intention to use them, the most dangerous enemy America faces today is Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.
Sex and Abortion in the City (Mexico City)
Cameron Scott
 In Mexico, feminism never took. Gender relations there are pretty close to what they were in the United States in the early 60s. And because the country is largely Catholic, birth control isn't widely used among married or unmarried couples.
Ramsey Clark: “The Winds of Impeachment are Sweeping the Country”
 The following is a press release sent to the national and international media by ImpeachBush.org. The second half of the press release includes a statement from Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General.
The Story of Me I Didn’t Know
New America Media
 As the immigration debate rages on, the children of many immigrants have no idea how much it relates to them. Debbie, 15, knew nothing about the grueling three month journey her mother took to come to America, all while she was pregnant with the author herself.
“Sowers of Violence and Terror”
California Catholic Daily
 While the new government’s offensive against organized crime is going through its most critical and decisive phase, with important blows by the police and military against narco-traffickers and increasingly violent reactions from drug gangs, some are beginning to say the war on drugs is a failure - and that it’s time to quit the battle and capitulate to the enemy.
US Truckers' Protest Target Should Be NAFTA
Henry Lamb
 The parade of tractor-trailer trucks now heading toward the nation's capitol, hopes to bring D.C. traffic to a standstill, April 23-24. The protest is against the recent announcement that Mexican trucks will be allowed to deliver goods directly from Mexican ports to customers anywhere in the United States.
Illegal Immigration: Are We Just too Stupid to Solve It?
Frank Miele
 I suppose in the 13th century when the Mongols invaded Europe, they might have thought of their sweeping presence as a kind of “immigration” — and who in Austria would have had the temerity to stamp “visa denied” on the broad swords of the khans?
The Spencer Tunick Experience
Dane Schiller
 This is my account of posing for Spencer Tunick in an installation that was organised for the "Imaginarius" Arts Festival in the beautiful town of Santa Maria da Feira, a small town of about 10,000 inhabitants, 30 km south of Porto, Portugal on Saturday, the 13th of September 2003.
Mexico's Crackdown on Drug Violence Came to My Door Today
Howard Dratch
 In researching a coming article on post-traumatic shock disorder I was just looking at web sites in the US (mainly) for gun shops, shows, dealers and NRA advocates. Assault weapons remain a good choice. I found AK-47 clones for as little as $569 on sophisticated sites with gun shop location guides - 'find a gun store near you.'
Fleecing of Pennsylvania Taxpayers
Glen E. Spangler
 Governor Rendell spends $700 Million Dollars of taxpayer money to solve Philadelphia's Convention Center 2005 $14.8 M loss. Glen E. Spangler, CHA, CHSP, shares his thoughts on convention centers and local economic development.
The Solution for Immigration
 As you may have noticed, the immigration debate has elevated a couple of notches. Alonso Hurtado's essay, "One King, One Race, One World," discusses how immigration not only affects the western hemisphere, but all other regions of our planet.
What Gonzales Really Told Us
William Rivers Pitt
 The testimony given Thursday by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales before the Senate Judiciary Committee during a hearing to investigate the firing of eight United States attorneys deserves a place of high honor in the Gibberish Hall of Fame.
More Immigrants Means More Jobs
David Alff
 Many Americans believe that immigrants take jobs from native-born U.S. citizens. These people might be surprised to know that immigrant entrepreneurs frequently start companies which actually create jobs for native and foreign-born workers.
Bounty Hunter Was Right
Scott Hansen
 This past Friday was a difficult day for me. As I was channel surfing, I saw one of my most favorite reality TV stars, Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman, as vulnerable as ever, pleading his case on an MSNBC talk show, to not be sent to Mexico to stand trial.
Are They Serious?
Eugene Robinson
 Gonzales had an op-ed Sunday in The Post that included this positively breathtaking claim: The attorney general of the United States writes that "to my knowledge, I did not make decisions about who should or should not be asked to resign." To his knowledge?
American Highways About to Become More Dangerous
Alan Burkhart
 In spite of the fact of highway safety being the prominent issue that it is, our Boy Wonder in the White House feels that allowing thousands of potentially dangerous Mexican trucks to stream across our border will somehow benefit America.
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