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Number 3,291
Cindy Sheehan

Number 3291 has a name: Brian. The only thing I know for sure about Brian was that he was in the Army and he was probably blown up by an IED. His family lives in North Carolina, and that's where his body will be returned - under the cover of darkness to hide the shame of the Bush regime.

Mexican Laborers Vital to US Economy
Robert H. Dunn

I wish to address our Mexican immigration problem. I am a retired avocado grower from Fallbrook. I have lived in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, in the winter months for the last 20 years. I know well the Mexican people and their culture.

The Winning Card
Doris Meissner & James Ziglar

After more than 20 years of failed immigration reform efforts, Congress must not bake half a loaf. Secure biometric Social Security cards are an essential ingredient in any comprehensive immigration reform.

A Marshall Plan for South of the Border?
Alexander Simon

Today, Americans are struggling with the issue of immigration, especially from Latin America, which has enormous impact on our way of life. It is long past time for dealing with this difficult issue. Yet stopgap solutions, such as walls and armies at the Mexican border, are demanded.

The Beginning of The End for Traditional Puerto Vallarta
Ronald Walker

The period of "desincorporation" of four Puerto Vallarta parks took 2 years and 7 days. But the loss of the traditional parks was not a singular event. As it can now be seen, it was the beginning of the end for traditional Puerto Vallarta.

Editing History
V.B. Price

When I learned that PBS filmmaker Ken Burns, whose documentaries I've always enjoyed, made a 14-hour film about World War II without mentioning Hispanic soldiers and their sacrifice, I felt betrayed as a New Mexican.

Blood and Murder: All in the Plaza
Kyle Sheahen

Historically, the Romans had the Coliseum, the Church had the Inquisition and we have Todd Bertuzzi. Our airheaded masses howl as boxers bludgeon brain cells or NASCAR drivers implode into oblivion. For the truly twisted, however, nothing compares to the joyous savagery of a Mexican bullfight.

Leave Americans in Mexico Be
Jacob G. Hornberger

There is a big immigration problem that has been growing year after year. An increasing number of American citizens are moving to Mexico, and some of them are even becoming undocumented workers. Even worse, they are refusing to assimilate and are even insisting on retaining their U.S. citizenship.

$64,000 and 25 Years to Get a Green Card

President Bush came to the Mexico border in Arizona on earlier this week and talked about how America suffers from a system that exploits immigrants who come to do jobs that Americans won’t do. But, that was just a show.

The Birth of an Activist
Sara Rich

When Suzanne asks where her generation is in the peace movement, I tell her to look in the mirror and all around her. All of the other soldiers she knows are just activists waiting to be born, and she could be just the one to help them wake up.

The Illegal Immigrant Invasion Continues
Tim Edson

Few issues in recent years have posed a more difficult, politically-sensitive question for policymakers than the issue of illegal immigration. Politicians have avoided addressing the issue, and as a result, 10 to 20 million illegal immigrants, overwhelmingly Mexican, now reside in the US.

Sometimes, Going Outside the Law is Necessary
Chris Huntemann

If the government in Mexico has its way, a trio of bounty hunters from the United States face the risk of spending up to four years in a Mexican prison for going into the country to bring a convicted rapist back to America to face the music.

Mexico: Big Abortion's Safety Net
Mark Crutcher

If all goes as predicted, Mexico will soon legalize abortion and become a full-fledged participant in the most prolific holocaust the world has ever known. To bring this about, the Mexican abortion lobby has regurgitated the same collection of lies and distortions that their American counterparts have used over the last 40 years or so.

Easter in Crawford, Texas: Hell Freezes Over
Mimi Kennedy

Though snow ruined many a childhood Easter outfit for me in Rochester, NY, somehow I don't think Easter snow is expected in Texas, a state that borders Mexico. It's the kind of thing that makes people think twice, even people who normally avoid thinking once. We can hope.

Making Mexico a Foreign Policy Priority Can Increase US Security and Prosperity
Eric Farnsworth & Monica Guevara

President Bush's trip to Mexico was a success. But executive and legislative branch follow-up must be sustained, leading to concrete results.

What the Bible Says - And Doesn't Say - About Homosexuality
Rev. Mel White

Many good people build their case against homosexuality almost entirely on the Bible. These folks value Scripture, and are serious about seeking its guidance in their lives. Unfortunately, many of them have never really studied what the Bible does and doesn't say about homosexuality.

Against All Odds at the Border
Robert Klein Engler

Unless trends are reversed, there will be no United States of America left in 10 years. An immigration reform that gives away citizenship also gives away the nation.

Why Christians Hate Gays, Blackwater USA is Even Creepier than You Thought, and You Shouldn't Buy Bolthouse Farms (All in One Handy Blog Post!)
Cameron Scott

We throw around the term "religious right" so often that sometimes I wonder if it's not as much a bugaboo as the "homosexual agenda." But then I read articles like Sarah Posner's "Army of God" on AlterNet.

Union Hypocrisy on Illegal Immigration and Mexican Truckers

Why oppose allowing Mexican truckers into America legally, under the NAFTA treaty, in order to conduct legitimate commerce but support Mexican immigrants coming into this country illegally?

Heroes, Sung and Unsung
David Swanson

This week in a bar in Austin, Texas, we held a family reunion for the peace movement. The occasion was the presentation of the Camp Casey Peace Awards.

Happy Easter - While It Still Exists
Bill Rowe

Get ready for it: No more Happy Easter holiday, but Happy Spring break. Such may be the price of tolerance and equality under a full, democratic separation of church and state.

Extinction is the Only Answer
Alan Burkhart

Well, I suppose the Great Global Warming Debate is over. That august scientific body known as the United States Supreme Court has ruled that carbon dioxide is a pollutant. That settles it, right? The SCOTUS is after all the final arbiter of all human affairs.

Global Community, We're Not
Felicia Benamon

Globalization is one big word for one world government. Globalization brings about a clamp down on individual freedoms; you believe what "they" want you to believe... whatever "they" think is best for the global community. By "they", I am talking about the global elite.

Reflections on Immigration
Irving Wladawsky-Berger

The immigration debates going on in the US are being closely followed in Mexico. The people I spoke to were generally very critical of the Mexican government because it has not done nearly enough to improve economic conditions in the country so that the poor don’t feel the need to go North in search of a livelihood for them and their families.

The Right Seeks to Rein In Presidential Power
William Fisher

Leading voices in the conservative movement are demanding that the Democrat-controlled Congress restore checks and balances within the government and rein in the power of President George W. Bush.

Doin' the Karl Rove Dance
Elizabeth de la Vega

Last week, Americans with access to YouTube were subjected to a once-in-a-lifetime performance by President Bush's senior political adviser Karl Rove. At least, I fervently hope that this event will only happen once in our lifetimes.

Slowly, Painfully, Mexico Changes the Status Quo
Carlos Luken

Every nation that has transformed itself into political maturity learns it must eventually face the task of recognizing and choosing its most important sacred cows - only to proceed to slaughter them at the altar of democracy.

Three Years Ago Today
Cindy Sheehan

Three years ago today, my oldest son was deployed to a war zone in a conflict that never should have happened, and because of the illegal invasion and immoral occupation, he was soon to be killed.

Elizabeth Edwards for President
Frank Rich

Elizabeth Edwards's choice to stay in the political arena despite a Stage 4 cancer diagnosis didn't tell us anything we didn't already know about Elizabeth Edwards. People admired her before she was ill for the same reasons they admire her now.

Demonizing Mexico Is Wrong In Fact And Ethics
Samuel Cavazos

Some people in the United States are all upset because Mexico is trying to help their people by providing a way to contact authorities if they are found in danger while crossing into United States.

Choice and Safety for Mexican Women
El Diario

In Mexico, the Catholic Church and conservatives oppose the legalization of abortion. But the denial of choice creates dangerous conditions in Mexico. Because abortions are outlawed, many Mexican women resort to unsafe procedures, risking their health and lives.

Mexico's New Envoy to U.S. Takes New Tack
Marcela Sanchez

Arturo Sarukhan, Mexico's new ambassador to the United States, is working hard to manage expectations about U.S.-Mexican relations for a very good reason: Promising too much and demanding too much has served neither country well in the last six years.

Break Poses Choice: Quality vs. Quantity
Jenny Kalaidis

After we’ve pre-fried our bodies in tanning beds, stocked up on new clothes and looked on in horror as our savings account progressively sank lower, we finally see a lovely end in sight: Spring Break ‘07. For those of us lucky enough to travel somewhere festive, the possibilities of what we could get into are endless.

Bush's Long History of Tilting Justice
Joseph D. Rich

The Scandal unfolding around the firing of eight U.S. attorneys compels the conclusion that the Bush administration has rewarded loyalty over all else. A destructive pattern of partisan political actions at the Justice Department started long before this incident, however, as those of us who worked in its civil rights division can attest.

Oaxaca and Mexico City: Chaos Reigns
Mark in Mexico

Streets blocked, schools and universities closed, public transportation services suspended and violent demonstrations in front of the National Senate, all in the name of . . . what, exactly, I'm not too sure.

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