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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Time to Annex Mexico!
Alan Caruba
 Since we obviously cannot safeguard our border with Mexico, it seems to me the next best choice is to annex Mexico. Let’s declare Mexico a protectorate of the United States and set about governing it in a benevolent, but self-interested way. In time, we could incorporate it as several new States.
US Would Benefit From Global Thinkin
John Seager
 Hackles are raised whenever the topic of immigration comes up. There is no shortage of strongly held opinions when it comes to the bill being debated in Congress. Only one thing is certain: no one can seriously claim our policies are working.
Song of the Immigrants
Don Miller
 Every time the debate over illegal immigration comes up and people give their opinions about who should be here and who shouldn't, my wife's eyes narrow and the memories of hardscrabble two-room apartments and bus rides back to Mexico, of dust and indifferent schools, come flooding back.
Who Owns Your Life?
Alan Burkhart
 The release of Jack Kevorkian from prison made me think of the movie "Whose Life is it, Anyway?" which tells the story of a man faced with the prospect of a life of dependency, unable to pursue his dreams or live with even a shred of dignity.
Why the US Government is Hated All Over the World
Fred Reed
 Something is wrong with the United States. Things are not as they were. No country ever lives up to its own PR, but there was a time when America was widely admired. Now, almost universally, it is seen as a rogue state.
Cuba Embargo Needs To Go Up In Smoke
Cigar Aficionado
 He just couldn't stop himself. El Gob, a.k.a. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, really likes his Cuban cigars. And he likes them enough that he's willing to risk a $250,000 fine and 10-year prison term to smoke one.
Civil Liberties and War in Mexico
John Ackerman
 Like George Bush, Mexico's Felipe Calderon came into office after a bitterly contested election. And he is using the same methods to unite his people behind him.
Dr. Kevorkian’s Wrong Way
 Dr. Jack Kevorkian — a k a “Doctor Death” for helping chronically ill and terminally ill patients commit suicide — has emerged from prison as deluded and unrepentant as ever.
Giuliani: Worse Than Bush
Matt Taibbi
 He's cashing in on 9/11, working with Karl Rove's henchmen and in cahoots with a Swift Boat-style attack on Hillary. Will Rudy Giuliani be Bush III?
Mexico's President is Half Right
Phillip Smith
 If Calderon wants to see an end to the prohibition-related violence in Mexico, he would be much better off calling for the regulation and normalization of the illicit drug business than waiting for Americans to quit using drugs.
Immigrants Understand the Language of Opportunity
Victor Landa
 I was very young when I learned the power of language. I was just a boy when I learned that language could be used as an excuse for exclusion and that fear and insecurity were toxic.
My Run for the Fake Border
Joel Stein
 The senate talks; I act. While they were hammering out their compromise immigration bill, I deployed on a mission to see why Mexicans are crossing our borders. To send back money? To join our culture of optimism and progress? To see TV actors express emotions in ways other than opening their eyes as wide as they'll go?
Mexico Under Assault
 Almost unnoticed in this country, violent drug wars rivaling the brutal Colombian battles of the 1980s have returned to the Western Hemisphere. And this time they have arrived at the doorstep of the United States, in the northern border states of Mexico.
Mexico: Calderon Uses Drug Violence as Pretext for Militarizing Society
Kevin Kearney
 Much like George Bush in his fraudulent “war on terror,” Mexican President Felipe Calderon and his media supporters are deeply engaged in a fear campaign to bully Mexican public opinion into accepting a move toward authoritarian rule and increased US intervention.
Memorial Day - Did You Remember?
David Lord
 Did you remember to give a moment of silence on Memorial Day to show respect for the Veterans who have died? In this war, often their death was not an act of heroism, it was the result of simply doing their duty in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Repudiation, Not Impeachment
Scott Ritter
 In my opinion, the complete repudiation of the presidency of George W. Bush is the only recourse we have collectively as a people to not only seek redress for the wrongs committed by the Bush administration, but also to purge society of this cancer that threatens to consume and destroy us as a whole.
Booing Miss USA
Michelle Malkin
 The US government is on the verge of approving a mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens - a plan pushed aggressively by meddling Mexican officials who reap billions of dollars in remittances without having to lift a finger to clean up their own country. And the thanks we get? Internationally televised public humiliation.
The Handwriting on the Wall Is Written in Blood
Scott Galindez
 This Memorial Day, nearly 1,000 more families will be visiting the graves of American soldiers killed in Iraq than a year ago. With death tolls over 100 for the last few months, I have to ask if over 400 new lives should be sacrificed, if the handwriting is already on the wall?
Anything is Possible... Like a Hispanic President
Ralph De La Cruz
 Bill Richardson is the first viable Hispanic candidate for president. Ever. A man as comfortable speaking in Spanish as English. And yet, his background has drawn less political chatter than the ethnicity of Barack Obama.
Democrats Retreat before Bush
Stewart A. Alexander
 America and the troops were hoping that Democrats would fulfill the commitment they made to voters in 2006 to end the Iraq War; however on Thursday the Democrats in Congress helped the Bush Administration get a blank check to pursue this criminal war.
Invest in Mexico, Give Migrants Choice
Leon Krauze
 Migrants don’t migrate for the fun of it. There is no pleasure in migration. Migrants - or at least Mexican migrants - leave their countries of origin because they have no real choice. Naturally, this is primarily that country’s fault.
Bush Can Hope to be Like Polk
Joseph Wheelan
 President George W. Bush, hoping posterity will be kinder to him than the present day, sometimes points to Harry Truman as a man who was unappreciated until years after his presidency. But has he considered James K. Polk, the 11th president?
A Wake Up Call for Vallarta
David Lord
 Developers are not gentle by nature, they are people making money where they can, but future consequences to the ecology and economics of Puerto Vallarta are tremendous. Who will protect these precious spaces filled with birds and iguana?
A Mexican Citizen May Be America’s Next President
Mark Lowry
 America has become a world government that really doesn't need its elected officials to be citizens of America. America is just an idea now, and it doesn’t belong to any single group. It belongs to the world now. That is what your President thinks.
Free to Be Al Gore
E. J. Dionne Jr.
 Gore, to his credit, won't talk about Florida, but I will. Whatever flaws he has, Gore suffered through an extreme injustice with great dignity. His revenge is to have been right about a lot of things: right about the power of the Internet, right about global warming and right about Iraq.
Mexico: It's Not Iraq, It's the Border
Leon Krauze
 Although it’s difficult to get ahold of official figures, anti-Americanism in Mexico is probably on the rise. Nevertheless, Mexico’s brand of anti-Americanism is much less virulent - and, of course, dangerous - than the one Amar Bakshi will surely encounter in other parts of the world.
Helping Mexico's Economic Growth Should be US Priority
Karl Reiner
 A review of World Bank data shows that for most of the past 25 years, Mexico's economic growth has fallen short of the vital 7 percent mark. One of the predictable results has been the steady increase in the movement of workers to the United States, the place where jobs are available.
Help Save Mexico's Offshore Fisheries
Sport Fishing Magazine
 For Mexico's future, it is imperative that you work actively to oppose the Shark Norma 029 and prevent it from continuing as law. Otherwise, there can be very little doubt that your waters will soon become a desert for most large fish.
Why This Scandal Matters
The New York Times
 As Monica Goodling, a key player in the United States attorney scandal, prepares to testify before Congress on Wednesday, the administration's strategy is clear. It has offered up implausible excuses, hidden the most damaging evidence and feigned memory lapses, while hoping that the public's attention moves on.
The Law of the Land
Alan Burkhart
 What part of "illegal" do some Americans (and Mexicans) not understand? During recent federal raids in Ohio, hundreds of illegal immigrants sought asylum in St Mary's Catholic Church in Painesville. And the church was all too happy to let them in.
What Does A Girl Have To Do To Get Excommunicated?
Frances Kissling
 Catholic officials keep threatening to excommunicate pro-choice politicians and activists like me. I think they're bluffing, and canon law is on my side.
Presidential Candidate: Immigrants Beaten Coast to Coast
Peace and Freedom Party
 President hopeful Stewart A. Alexander is rejecting all elements of the Bush immigration package. Alexander says, “This immigration plan, as presented, will be a major set-back for immigrants and working class people and will divide families.”
Fighting Drugs? Give Calderon an 'A' for Effort
Midland Reporter-Telegram
 Many of us wondered how serious Mexico President Felipe Calderon was about keeping a campaign promise to go after the drug cartels that are spreading terror across the Mexican countryside. Well, the early results are in and you have to give Calderon at least an "A" for effort.
Hang In There, America: Competent Leadership Is Just 600-Plus Days Away
Joseph L. Galloway
 As of May 19th, there were 611 days left until Jan. 20, 2009, and the end of our long national nightmare as President George W. Bush and his Rasputin, Vice President Dick Cheney, shuffle off to their necessarily well-guarded retirement homes and onto the ash heap of history.
Don't Blame Bush
Paul Krugman
 I've been looking at the race for the Republican presidential nomination, and I've come to a disturbing conclusion: maybe we've all been too hard on President Bush. No, I haven't lost my mind.
Mexico's Gun Laws are as Draconian as they are Ineffective
Bart Skelton
 Gun ownership in Mexico is an exclusive club. You must be either wealthy or a criminal, or both. Permits for firearms can be obtained, however, after much bureaucratic nonsense that can only be avoided by those with connections or a monetary favor, a.k.a., mordida.
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