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Accept the Tired, Poor no Matter the Language
Andrew Greeley

The screaming mobs of immigrant-hating nativists are celebrating their victory. Using the cry of "no amnesty" as a shibboleth, they have blocked any opportunity for current immigrants to gain American citizenship. Yet that used to be their goal.

The Wall - July 4th, 2007
David Lord

My first visit to the Memorial was in recognition for the sacrifices of my fellow Marines who gave their lives fighting the Viet Nam War. I know my duty as a survivor of that war is to not let their sacrifice go untold, or worse, be forgotten.

The Man Who Owns Mexico
Andy Porras

Mexico "lindo y querido" — beautiful and beloved, as the old ballad proclaims — is also a land of depressing disparity. Dirt poor and home of the world's richest man, Carlos Slim Helu. Is there something wrong with this picture? Many Mexicans, rich or poor, think so.

Goodbye America, Hello North American Union
Alan Caruba

In a month, August 20 and 21, the leaders of the United States, Canada, and Mexico will sit down together in Montebello, Quebec to discuss making the borders between these three nations disappear.

Immigration Reform is a Pipe Dream
John Laird

Living on the southern U.S. border for more than a quarter of a century did not qualify me as an expert on immigration issues, but it did qualify me as a veteran border observer. Here are three myths about immigration that I discovered during those years.

Fib Factory Running Full Tilt
Eric Margolis

The latest whoppers from the White House’s fib factory came this week as President George W. Bush (A) claimed U.S. forces in Iraq are fighting “the same people” who staged 9/11, and, (B) withdrawing U.S. forces means “surrendering Iraq to al-Qaida.”

'Why Is It Impossible To Deport Illegal Aliens, Mr. President?'
Citizen Conservative

While our commander-in-chief is downright eager to impose American ideology on Muslims in nations thousands of miles removed from our shores, he is downright squeamish when it comes to defending America's own borders and enforcing our immigration laws.

Iñarritu: The US Is Ruled by a Fascist
Prensa Latina

Mexican filmmaker Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu said this week that the United States is being ruled by a fascist, George W. Bush, whose administration manipulates the people and the media.

Immigration Shows Mexico's Need To Change
Mike Devine

Two months ago roughly one out of 10 Mexican citizens celebrated their nation's signature Cinco de Mayo holiday while residing in the United States. On last week's Independence Day, the American people celebrated the revolution that has made our nation the envy of the world.

The Revolt on Illegal Immigration
Victor Davis Hanson

After the utter collapse in the Senate last week of a comprehensive immigration bill, Washington insiders are blaming everyone and everything. Supposedly, talk-radio hysteria killed the bill. Or was it the purported racism of yokels? Or did most of us fail to appreciate the hidden benefits of open borders so clear only to those in Washington?

A Bloody Media Mirror
Norman Solomon

Many of America's most prominent journalists want us to forget what they were saying and writing more than four years ago to boost the invasion of Iraq. Now, they tiptoe around their own roles in hyping the war and banishing dissent to the media margins.

Immigration Reform Is Needed, After Bush
Peace and Freedom Party

Stewart Alexander is asking all the candidates for president, for all political parties, to demand that Washington deal with this most serious issue after 2008 and the General Election.

Once Upon America
John Cory

The 4th of July is here with its parades and "what America means to me" essays, and picnics and fireworks, and all those pretty speeches about freedom and democracy and the true meaning of Independence Day. But it is all a facade. A lie.

You Can't Say That
Jonah Goldberg

In many countries, citizens can have a candid dialogue about preserving national identity. Try that in this country, and you’re labeled an exclusionary bigot. Exhibit A: The immigration reform debate.

Mexican Memo to Bush: "Tear Down This Wall!"
Edward M. Gomez

"Mr. Bush, tear down this wall!" That's something many Mexicans would like to hear their president, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, echoing Ronald Reagan's famous 1987 declaration to the Soviet Union's leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, state firmly and directly to the current occupant of the White House.

Getting Mexico on Track
Lawrence E. Harrison & Luis Rubio

Mexico has not been able to find its way to development because Mexicans lack confidence in themselves. How could that change?

The Amnesty Defeat and Mexican Politics
Allan Wall

Last week's defeat of the Bush-Kennedy Immigration Bill in the U.S. Senate beautifully coincides with the ongoing negotiations over Mexican fiscal reform, which is very important for the future of Mexico and its economic development.

Dick Cheney's Dangerous Influence
Eleanor Clift

Dick Cheney is like "Zelig," the Woody Allen character with the uncanny ability to turn up everywhere. We always suspected his dark influence throughout the government, and now it's been documented chapter and verse in an exhaustive series in The Washington Post.

Mexican Immigration Will Solve Itself
Robert M. Dunn, Jr.

As the debate over illegal immigration from Mexico rages in Washington and across the country, and as the administration’s reform bill hangs by a thread, few Americans are aware that this problem is on track to decline, and will eventually become a vague memory.

Flying Cigars
Alan Burkhart

"The Evening Standard" recently reported that a mile-wide, cigar-shaped UFO was spotted over the English Channel. I'll let the other guys write about nukes, terrorists and murderers. I'm not passing up the chance to expound upon one of my favorite subjects.

Bill Richardson Must Show Voters He's as Capable as He is Personable
Heath Haussamen

In his quest for the presidency, Gov. Bill Richardson recently managed to climb above the margin of error in at least one national poll — to 5 percent. He's at 10 percent in Iowa and New Hampshire. So why has Richardson gained significant ground in the last few weeks? He's likable.

How Dick Cheney Broke My Mind
William Rivers Pitt

I was absolutely savaged by an unexpected emotional detonation on Thursday. The news story that started it all was just another report on Dick being Dick, doing his Dick thing the way Dick always does. You've probably heard the news story by now, and maybe you reacted to it like I did.

A Vice President Without Borders, Bordering on Lunacy
Maureen Dowd

It's hard to imagine how Dick Cheney could get more dastardly, unless J. K. Rowling has him knock off Harry Potter next month Harry's cloak of invisibility would be no match for Vice's culture of invisibility.

Blackwater Mercenaries on the USA-Mexico Border
Nancy Conroy

In San Diego County, California, a firestorm has erupted over plans to build a Blackwater mercenary training camp in the hills behind Potrero, a remote area east of the city. Americans should consider the possible international dimensions, and responsible Mexican citizens should evaluate the potential impact of this camp on their own country.

Bush's Mafia Whacks the Republic
Robert Parry

In years to come, historians may look back on U.S. press coverage of George W. Bush's presidency and wonder why there was not a single front-page story announcing one of the most monumental events of mankind's modern era - the death of the American Republic and the elimination of the "unalienable rights" pledged to "posterity" by the Founders.

Finding a Nexus for Mexico's Future, US Immigration Policy
Mark Alvarez

Last fall, Mexican President Felipe Calderon initiated "Mexico 2030" to build a long-term vision for the country. Calderon called on academics, policymakers and the Mexican people to share their vision for a better Mexico. The conversation focused on a question: "What is the Mexico we wish to see in 2030?"

George Bush and the First Person Possessive
Michael Winship

You'd think that with such a shambles in his wake and his popularity at an all-time low, George Bush would at least partially have relinquished his pride of ownership. Not so.

Mexico's Part in the Immigration Puzzle
Katherine Corcoran

On the Mexican side, it's easier to bad-mouth the United States while biding time on the internal reforms needed to create work in a country that, by conservative estimates, is short 300,000 jobs a year. Pobre Mexico!

What They Don't Ask and Don't Tell About Illegal Immigration
Grant Perry

Senate debate on the revived immigration bill could start as early as next week. It's clear that negotiations on the bill are moving one way only: toward tougher measures to keep out the Mexicans.

Immigration Bill's Ugly Side
The New Republic

We support the immigration bill now before Congress because, as we have previously argued, this compromise is the best that liberals are likely to get. But our endorsement comes with a caveat, for while the bill exemplifies some of the best instincts in American democracy, it also indulges one of the worst.

Falling for Richardson
Vicky Shorr

I had come to hear him on the issues, but this was a bipartisan crowd, and his focus was on the pressing need for us to come together, to find common ground so we can make some progress.

The Case Against Agent Orange and All Mutagenic Weapons
Willem Malten

We must stand against "Mutagenic Weapons," just as we stand against "torture." If we don't, we will condemn ourselves to lives of mourning, helpless and unable to prevent genetically degenerate hordes being born to future generations.

Alexander Applauds Michael Moore’s Movie “Sicko”
Peace and Freedom Party

The major problem with Michael Moore’s new movie "Sicko" is that the movie is right on; the movie takes aim at America’s healthcare system and how profit and cost has taken priority over patient care.

What a Beauty Pageant Can and Can't Tell Us About Our Neighbors
Mary Sanchez

So Miss U.S.A. fell on her booty in Mexico City. Rachel Smith's feet flew out from under her and down she went, a heap of beautiful plopped to the stage floor in a sparkly evening gown. The fall was an unfortunate mishap during the Miss Universe competition. It was not, however, a watershed moment in U.S./Mexico relations.

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