Editorials | Opinions 
««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Made in Mexico: A New Death Penalty Debate
Andrew Cohen
 There are no doubt hundreds of men on death row in America right now who are saying to themselves: Why Medellin and not me? Why can't I get the president to intercede on my behalf?
Time to Remove Both Bush & Cheney
Doug Thompson
 We can no longer deny that unpleasant reality and we must face the sad fact that the President of the United States is an international war criminal, a despot who sanctions torture and a madman who is nothing less than a mass murderer.
Watching Vicente Fox Tangle with Bill O'Reilly was Excruciating
Ruben Navarrette
 It was excruciating to watch Vicente Fox tangle with Bill O'Reilly as part of the media tour for the former Mexican president's engaging memoir, "Revolution of Hope." The arguments of the Fox News host were as porous as the U.S.-Mexican border.
Bush Picks Battle and Nobody Picks Fruit
CSUL 49er
 Hey beach dwellers, especially you vegetarians, prepare to fork over double the premium price for that garden salad, because unless our federal government fixes the immigration problem real soon, you'll need to learn how to digest meat.
Don't Fear a Different Language
Bill Perry
 The consideration of what should be our national language is just another issue that doesn't need to be an issue if the debaters just analyze both sides of the issue. The majority will usually rule.
Why President Bush Sided With Mexican Killers
Cliff Kincaid
 The U.S. Supreme Court's hearing of the case, Medellin v. Texas, has reminded the American people of President Bush's terrible tendency to put the foreign interests of Mexico above those of the United States.
Mexico Food Crisis: Life, Death and Tortillas
Esme Choonara
 Rapid price rises in the cost of tortillas provoked angry demonstrations across Mexico earlier this year. Over 75,000 trade unionists, agricultural workers and others joined the biggest demonstration through Mexico City.
Obama's Army
Al Giordano
 He is the first Democrat who is not a front-runner who doesn't have to win one of the early states to emerge as the last candidate standing between the front-runner and the nomination. Win or lose, Barack Obama's small donors may have already brought a revolution in campaign financing.
Chertoff Border-Fence Statement is Nonsense
Andres Oppenheimer
 The people in this northern Mexico city are still shaking their heads in disbelief at Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's assertion that undocumented immigrants are "degrading" the environment on the U.S. border. Look who's talking, they say.
Does the US Really Care About Mexico and Latin America?
Patrick Corcoran
 It’s a safe bet that in four years time, as President Romney or Clinton winds down his or her first term in office, we’ll have heard around 10 million complaints lamenting the lack of attention paid to Latin America.
On Torture and American Values
The New York Times
 Once upon a time, it was the United States that urged all nations to obey the letter and the spirit of international treaties and protect human rights and liberties. American leaders denounced secret prisons where people were held without charges, tortured and killed. And the people in much of the world, if not their governments, respected the United States for its values.
The Democrats Who Enable Bush
Helen Thomas
 President Bush has no better friends than the spineless Democratic congressional leadership and the party's leading presidential candidates when it comes to his failing Iraq policy.
US Flag Rules
 True patriotism involves far more than love for flag and country. It also requires respect for the rule of law — all laws, not just those that strike an emotional chord.
It's Time to Consider Legalizing Marijuana
Robert Robb
 A recent Government Accountability Office report on drug interdiction in Mexico is so bleak you have to wonder, what's the point?
Nicaragua’s Sandinista Government Allies with Anti-Imperialist Forces
Phil Stuart Cournoyer
 New hopes for an escape from the hell of neoliberal catastrophes breezed across our country’s mountains, volcanoes, valleys, and lakes, from the large cities to the remote hinterlands and coasts.
Is Obama Really a Leader?
Ron Fournier
 Nobody can dispute that Barack Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start and, with striking prescience, predicted U.S. troops would be mired in a costly conflict that fanned "the flames of the Middle East." But nobody should accept at face value the Illinois senator's claim that he was a "courageous leader" who opposed the war at great political risk.
Let UA Identify Crossers' Remains Found in Arizona
Arizona Daily Star
 Government and law-enforcement agencies in the United States and Mexico try valiantly with limited resources to identify the remains of illegal immigrants as quickly as possible, but there is plenty of room for improvement in the process of repatriating the deceased and reuniting them with their relatives.
Sharing the Civil Rights Movement
Sharon Woodson-Bryant
 It is amazing what effect thousands of black people all demanding justice can have. Now, it looks as if Washington is finally paying attention to what is happening in Jena, La.
Bill Richardson. Raw.
Robert A. Hahn
 It's official. Robert Novak has just described New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson as "a Mexican-American who could pin down the Latino vote." I had no idea that it was even possible to pin down the Latino vote.
Independent Voters Rejecting Democrats and Republicans
Stewart A. Alexander
 As the opposition to the Iraq War continues to mount across America and around the world, many independent voters are now rejecting the candidates of the two corporate parties, the Democrats and Republicans, and are considering third party candidates.
A Glimpse of the Big Picture...
Bob Buckel
 Are Americans self-centered and arrogant? Do we think the world revolves around us? Do we expect everyone to get along with us – speak our language, buy our stuff, watch our movies, laugh at our jokes – whether we even try to get along with them or not?
Are Those Hillary's Fingerprints on Jena?
Jack Cashill
 By their sheer shock value, some news stories force their way into the public imagination. The Aug. 4 shooting and slashing of four college-bound black teens in Newark was one such story.
Che Guevara: An Ever-Lasting Symbol
Georgina Hernandez
 At forty years of his killing in battle occurred in Bolivia on the fatal October 8, 1967, his executioners and foes learned his death did not at all lay a veil of oblivion over his legacy.
Trickle-Down Theory Not So Seamless
Savannah Wiseman
 The policies of the Mexican government have permitted a small number of Mexicans to accumulate extreme wealth. And the wealthy, in turn, were granted enormous power by the government.
Why Mexican Schools Should Matter To Us
William McKenzie
 If Mexico is going to grow or attract good-paying jobs, it needs a workforce that can staff those jobs. If not, the jobs will go to China, India or other developing nations, where leaders have put a premium on education.
When Arrogance Rules, Reason Loses
John M. Crisp
 Why can't we get out of Iraq? I was considering this question as I drove home a few evenings ago, when I stopped at a light behind a big SUV, with a couple of bumper stickers on the back. One read "Bush/Cheney '04." The other one read: "The next time you feel perfect, try walking on water."
People Shouldn't be Main Export
Bloomberg News
 An hour's drive south of Mexico City, Cuernavaca doesn't seem the best place to glean insights about Asia's outlook. Yet the city of more than 1 million people is ground zero in Mexico's attempt to do what a number of Asian nations also should: Keep more of its workers at home. Asia's future prosperity may depend on doing just that.
Mitt Romney's Mexican Connection
 In an April visit to Phoenix, Romney demonstrated that he is inept on the actualities of the Mexican invasion, a logistics numskull, and clearly waters at the same amnesty trough as Bush, McCain, Kennedy, Kyl, Graham, and fellow GOP candidate Sam Brownback.
SPP: The Globalization of North America Continues
Richard D. Vogel
 The straw dog that the ultracons are beating to death in print and on the Internet is the chimerical North American Union, purported to be a supranational state that intends to override the sovereignty of the United States and subject all the citizens of the empire to the interests of Canada and/or Mexico.
Democracy is Fleeting in America; The Iraq War and Liberty Quarry
Stewart A. Alexander
 This is the reality of what is happening in America today; the two corporate parties, the Democrats and Republicans are excluding Americans out of the democratic process on important decisions that will affect our lives, in our communities, the nation and the world.
After 10 Years of Anticipation, Mexican Trucks Arrive on American Highways
Ray Perryman
 It's not like it sneaked up on us. For more than a decade, we knew it was coming. Now that it's here (maybe), it's the subject of talk practically everywhere. Pundits, politicians and prognosticators are all in on the act, and their opinions represent a deep divide.
Like Other Immigrants Before Them
Ruben Navarrette Jr.
 Some readers scold me for being too hard on Mexican immigrants. For the record, I think immigrants from Mexico - or any country - should come legally, assimilate thoroughly, participate fully, live responsibly and contribute mightily to our economy and our society.
Cheap Advice on Real Estate
Dean Baker
 The recent downturn in the housing market has left me inundated with emails from people I know and people I don't know asking for advice about buying or selling a home. I don't want to get into the investment counseling business, but in an effort to discourage questions about your personal finances, I can quickly share what I know.
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