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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Iraq War Funding - Bush Pressuring Democrats
Stewart A. Alexander
 President Bush is attempting to pressure Democrats in Washington to give him $196 billion to continue the Iraq War. To enforce his position, the president is threatening mass layoffs of civilian employees at the Defense Department if Congress delays his war funding.
Democrats Make a Bad Trade
Steve Chapman
 Democrats yearn for the bounteous days of Bill Clinton's presidency - the economy was flourishing, there were good jobs at good wages and poverty was on the wane. So it's a puzzle that on one of his signature achievements - the North American Free Trade Agreement - the party's presidential candidates are sprinting away from his record as fast as they can.
Mike Huckabee: The New Bill Clinton?
Ron Fournier
 A long-serving, smooth-talking Arkansas governor with a checkered record and no foreign policy experience defies expectations to climb into the top tier of a presidential race. Haven't we seen this movie before?
What are the Prospects for a New Mexican Revolution?
John Ross
 Mexico's political metabolism incubates insurrection every 100 years. Revolutions tend to rise in the tenth year of the century - 1810 (the war of liberation from Spain) and 1910 (the Mexican Revolution) - a calendar that excites speculation about what might be on this nation's plate for 2010.
The Crackdown's Ripples: Fewer Crossings Show Border Control is Improving
The Dallas Morning News
 The smallest policy change can create a ripple in immigration patterns. For example, when the message goes out that illegal crossings from Mexico are relatively easy, that flow swells. When border enforcement tightens, the flow shrinks.
Gangsters Without Borders
ISA Consulting
 The deportation of illegal immigrants involved in criminal gangs, such as the pervasive Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) street gang, is not working, and despite the efforts of nationwide sting operations in the US, most of these criminals find their way back across the border with relative ease, having earned themselves a free visit home to take care of unfinished business.
Mortgage Crisis Jeopardizing Working Class Families
Stewart A. Alexander
 If the two corporate parties, the Democrats and Republicans, take a wait-and-see attitude while the mortgage lenders and multi-billionaires take the hard-earned family resources of millions of Americans, the results will be catastrophic for working class families, and ultimately for our entire economy.
America's Worst Congressman
Paul F. Campos
 America's worst congressman, Tom Tancredo, caused quite a stir recently when he aired a television ad for his presidential campaign. The ad features a man in a hooded sweatshirt detonating a backpack bomb in a shopping mall, then cuts to scenes of carnage from terrorist attacks in Europe.
Winter of Our Discontent
Paul Krugman
 "Americans' Economic Pessimism Reaches Record High." That's the headline on a recent Gallup report, which shows a nation deeply unhappy with the state of the economy.
Immigration Foe's Fave Food? Mexican!
Joel Stein
 I never thought GOP presidential candidate Tom Tancredo would eat Mexican food with me. The Colorado congressman has proposed anti-immigration legislation so draconian that he's been banned from the White House and called a "nut" by Jeb Bush.
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Vote Here
Doug Thompson
 Americans will most likely elect another flawed leader who is not up to the job of leading this country out of the morass left by previous administrations and a government ruled by scandal, hidden agendas and votes for sale to the highest bidder.
Conspiracy Deniers Delight In Their Attempt to Debunk the Obvious
John F. McManus
 Evidence that the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. are working to merge the three countries into a North American Union has alerted and alarmed many. It has also stimulated some conspiracy deniers.
The Immigration Con Artists
David Sirota
 In a political system that makes it difficult to tell the difference between a lobbyist and a lawmaker, both parties employ the art of distraction to perpetuate the crises that enrich their campaign contributors.
Solving Illegal Immigration for Dummies
Rev. Robert Vinciguerra
 The President, both houses of Congress, the candidates, and the American people have been debating for quite some time on how to handle the immigration issue. And by “immigration issue,” what is meant is the growing problem that America faces with illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border with Mexico.
Border Work Accelerates as Legal Queries, Critics Mount
Tucson Citizen
 After years of delay, border fences now are being thrown up at a rapid clip - far too quickly to protect wildlife, waterways and fragile lands. Something must be done to slow the dizzying pace of fence-building in fragile and federally protected lands - a pace set by Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.
Was Ross Perot Right?
David Sirota
 “Ross Perot was fiercely against NAFTA. Knowing what we know now, was Ross Perot right?” That’s what CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Hillary Clinton at last week’s Democratic presidential debate.
Waging War on the VA
David Lord
 I, like many other Veterans and Citizens of the United States, watched a program on CNN last Sunday evening and was stunned by Marine Sgt. Ty Ziegel, a 25 year old severely burned and disfigured by a suicide bomber.
Democrats Find Their Voice
The New York Times
 It has been two long months since Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, cowed Congressional Democrats into silence, championing President Bush's misguided course on the war. We're pleased to see that the effects of his briefing are finally wearing off.
Viewpoint: A New Type of Hunting Season
The Daily Texan
 In its one-month trial run last year, Texasborderwatch.com was a huge hit. During the month it was tested, the site garnered more than 25 million hits and received 13,000 emails. Also during that period, at least 10 illegal immigrants were valiantly stopped from crossing the border by vigilant emailers sending in tips.
How Americans Dishonor Our Soldiers
Joyanna Adams
 You'd never know we were at war if President Bush didn't come out every once in a while and remind us. Funny how the times changes. During the Vietnam War, every night during dinnertime, the war was flashed on TV, which made it very real.
Richardson Appeals for Civil Debate on Immigration
Ruben Navarrette Jr.
 What can I say? Bill Richardson rocks. While John Edwards and Barack Obama were taking shots at Hillary Clinton during the recent CNN Democratic debate in Las Vegas, the New Mexico governor was focusing on his own candidacy and delivering one of the best performances of the night.
Remember the War on Drugs?
 It is good to see Mexico and the United States working together to battle the drug cartels that deliver hundreds of tons of illegal drugs to American consumers every year, killing more than 2,000 Mexicans annually along the way.
How Hard is Mexico Fighting Drugs?
Tim Padgett
 Despite their reputation for incompetence, corruption and abuse, Mexico's police and military are pretty good anti-drug cops. That is, when they want to be.
Police, Tasers and Foreign Travellers: A Deadly Mixture
Michael Werbowski
 On 14 October 2007 at Vancouver International Airport, a 40-year-old Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski died after he was tasered by the RCMP. The now infamous fatal stun gun “incident” at the airport terminal has it seems changed the “rules of engagement” in the post 9/11 world in which police forces have been given, all but a carte blanche to use “non lethal” force on unarmed individuals.
You, Too, Can Author a Conservative Column
Tim Krueger
 Writing a conservative column is an art, and like any art, it takes talent. Despite what you may assume, however, the ability to write a conservative column is not a genetic trait that one simply does or doesn’t possess; you too can learn to write a conservative column. In fact, consider it your civic duty.
Reasoned Approach to Solve Border Woes
 Arizona’s and the country’s frustrating debate over illegal immigration goes on with a stubborn block of Arizonans and others around the country ignoring the key role illegals have historically played in our economy, particularly our construction and service industries.
Veterans Need Food and Shelter
Stewart A. Alexander
 At the 99 Freeway and Fresno Street off ramp, stood a veteran collecting donations from drivers waiting for the traffic light, holding a small sign that read, “Veteran needs food and shelter, please help.” In his face one could see the scars of war and the scars from living on the streets.
Weakening Dollar Reflects USA's Fading World Status
DeWayne Wickham
 While American presidential candidates debate immigration policies that seem largely focused on keeping illegal Mexican immigrants from coming into this country to work low-paying jobs for U.S. dollars, Canadians launch shopping forays into this country with their nation's stronger currency.
A Diplomat, A Diplomat, My Kingdom For A Diplomat
Ivan Simic
 In the contemporary world, the word diplomacy has assumed a broad dimension or wider use other than the classical usage. In fact, modern day diplomacy has become all-involving that we can talk about it in terms of entertainment, parade, show of power, imposition of will/hegemonic play, among others.
Support House Resolution 333 for Impeachment!
 We are asking everyone to take a moment to send a letter to their congressional representative to co-sponsor House Resolution 333 for the impeachment of Dick Cheney. Make sure your representative at least call for an open House debate on impeachment.
The Only Surprise About Chapman’s Rant Was Black Folks’ Reaction to It
Gregory Kane
 Chapman is better known as “Dog the Bounty Hunter.” Last week one of Chapman’s children, Tucker Chapman, sold out his dad by selling a father-son taped telephone conversation to “The National Enquirer.” The subject of this particular family discussion was Tucker Chapman’s black girlfriend. Clearly, the Dog is no fan of interracial love affairs.
Honoring Latino Veterans
Patty Cruz Lopez
 Veterans of the armed forces, who are alive today, prove that war is an experience that reaches far beyond the land on which it is fought. That in order to avoid the same tragedies from occurring again it is an experience that must be shared.
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