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Violence Against Women Common
Maria Elena Salinas

The drastic measure of establishing "women only" buses was taken by transportation authorities in the Mexican capital this January to ensure their safety in a male-dominated society where women's rights are scarce.

US Federal Tax Relief Vanishing at Pumps
Stewart A. Alexander

The $168 billion economic stimulus package that was recently passed by Congress and signed by President Bush is already beginning to lose its momentum as gasoline prices continues to reach record highs nationwide; and the oil companies are continuing to ratchet up gasoline prices which will give them the lion share of the stimulus package.

The US-Mexico-Canada Security and Prosperity Partnership
Carlos M. Gutierrez & Michael Chertoff

Three years ago, the United States, Mexico and Canada launched a landmark partnership to promote the security and well-being of our sovereign nations. The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) builds on our successful NAFTA partnership.

Must Mexico Be Self-Sufficient in Corn?
Allan Wall

Mexico is no longer self-sufficient in corn production, and this is seen by many as an outrage. After all, corn was domesticated here and has been cultivated for millennia, and is still a staple food of contemporary Mexican society.

For Clinton, the 'Bill' May Be Overdue
Doug Thompson

From the beginning, political pros worried that Bill Clinton would be the real problem for Hillary Clinton's quest to become America's first woman President. It wasn't just just the womanizing that bothered campaign strategists but they also expressed concerns about his enormous ego and desire to hog the spotlight.

Not This Again: How Nader's Candidacy Illuminates Our Democratic Deficit
Cynthia Boaz

Elections are the proximate requirement for democracy. Although they alone cannot sustain democracy, without them no system could ever make a reasonable claim to be democratic. Likewise, voting is the most basic, fundamental and obvious means by which citizens can participate in democracy.

Barack Obama: I Will Repair Our Relationship With Mexico
Dallas News

Starting my first year in office, I will convene annual meetings with Mr. Calderon and the prime minister of Canada. Unlike similar summits under President Bush, these will be conducted with a level of transparency that represents the close ties among our three countries.

Welcome to the North American Army
Judi McLeod

Will historians one day record that “It happened on Valentine’s Day” when chronicling the timetable of the North American Union (NAU)?

He Gave Voice to the Right
The London Times

William F. Buckley was a progenitor, and the best known proponent of modern American conservatism. He founded and edited National Review, the U.S.'s foremost conservative journal; his column, "On the Right," appeared in hundreds of newspapers; his weekly television program, Firing Line, was shown from coast to coast. Handsome and witty, he was a tireless debater and lecturer.

Mexico City's New Smoke-Free Law Sets Example for Latin America and World
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

Setting important examples for Latin America and the world, both the Mexico City legislature and the national Mexican legislature on Tuesday took significant action to reduce tobacco use and its devastating toll.

Canadian in Mexican Jail Ignored by Government
Katy Austin

Who really cares about Brenda Martin? Brenda Martin has been held without a trial in a Mexican prison for over two years for a crime she insists she did not commit.

Mexico's Coziness with Cuba Strikes Wrong Note
Andres Oppenheimer

What irony! While left-of-center governments in Spain, Chile, Peru and other countries used the opportunity of Fidel Castro's formal resignation as Cuba's president to politely suggest that it may be time to allow a political opening on the island, the center-right government of Mexico seemed to go out of its way to please Cuba's military dictatorship.

US, Mexico Have Duty to Stem Drug Flow
Austin American-Statesman

To put a dent in the Mexican drug trade, the federal governments on both sides of the Rio Grande will need to cooperate more than they have in the past and commit money to the effort.

Calling All Anti-Authoritarians: Join the Solidarity Without Borders Campaign!
Infoshop News

We are writing to introduce the Solidarity Without Borders Campaign, a coordinated, sustained, three-pronged campaign in solidarity with immigrant and indigenous struggles across North and Latin America.

Need Abortion, Will Travel
Marcy Bloom

Recent coverage of the abortion providers' strike in Spain and the attacks on women's clinics there made use of the term "abortion tourism." LifeSiteNews, an anti-choice web site, refers to Barcelona, Spain as "Europe's abortion mecca, where people from all over the continent can travel to evade restrictions on late-term abortions."

Canada's Anti-Terrorism Oriented Bill C-3 - ‘Virgin on the Ridiculous’
Hall Sisson

On another one of the many days of infamy in the world’s history, Feb 6th, 2008, by a vote of 191 - 54, the minority Canadian Parliament thoughtlessly passed legislation that smelled like a kangaroo in a Star Chamber - Bill C-3. The stench rivalled that of the U.S. Patriot Acts it emulated.

A President for Working Families: Barack Obama
James Hoffa

The last time voters had a chance to send the country in a new direction it didn't work out so well. With the economy in shambles, a continuing jobs exodus and a president who remains shamelessly ignorant to the woes of working families, George Bush led us down the wrong fork in the path. The 2008 presidential election is our opportunity to choose a new direction, a new path.

Revisiting the Illegal Immigrant Debate
Michael Rule

I was really hopeful for awhile that Bush's administration would be able to push their plan for dealing with this whole illegal immigrant issue through Congress. To be truthful, his plan was one of the few things ol' George and I have agreed on in the last 7 years. It wasn't perfect, but it was a plan. Silly me.

McCain Madness
Pastor Chuck Baldwin

Republicans have come to accept Big Government, runaway federal spending, the Welfare State, the Warfare State, the Nanny State, empire-building, gargantuan trade and budget deficits, warrantless eavesdropping, the loss of 4th Amendment rights, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Mexico Housing Vs. Income
Carlos Renteria

While it is true that buying your own home in Mexico is now easier and cheaper than buying property in the US, there is a down side. Homes and the cost of living are now more expensive for the Mexicans who still live and work in Mexico.

Presidential Election Getting Interesting
David Lord

Although the Republican front runner John McCain is an honorable Veteran with courage during service as a P.O.W., that in itself is not enough to stem the election fervor and the probability of the Democrats taking the Presidency.

Democrats Troll for the Dual Citizen Vote — in Mexico
Allan Wall

American citizenship is a desirable commodity in Mexican society. It’s not that all these would-be “Americans” are yearning to transform themselves or their children from being Mexicans. No, they want the benefits of American citizenship, as an ace in the hole for the future.

Latinos Have Some Influential Chips They Can Play
Mary Sanchez

So what exactly does Bill Clinton sound like as he begs for a little extra guacamole and salsa? New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson certainly knows. On Super Bowl Sunday, the greatest matchup might not have been the football, as Richardson hosted Clinton to watch the game.

Impeachment Call Spreads to Local and State Legislatures

"Bush and Cheney: arrested for gross violations of international and U.S. law!" A new proposal in the township of Brattleboro, Vermont - authorizing local law enforcement to arrest Bush and Cheney - would make this headline a reality, should either of them step inside the town's jurisdiction.

Raúl Castro’s Challenges
Dalia Acosta

Lacking the charisma of his brother but possessing a personality that is perhaps easier for the average Cuban to identify with, Raúl Castro, slated to replace Fidel as Cuba’s new president, will have to push through major economic and political transformations if he hopes to guarantee the survival of the country’s socialist system.

Linking Inflation and Immigration
Bonnie Erbe

The two "i" words are back in the news, one more prominently than the other. The more prominent is "inflation." The less prominent at the moment is "immigration" (of the illegal variety). The two issues are more closely tied than one would think.

Life After Castro
Ben Boychuk & Joel Mathis

Cuban President Fidel Castro has resigned. His departure from power ends a half-century of one-man rule and defiance of U.S. policies aimed at hastening his exit. But should Castro's resignation prompt a change in U.S-Cuban relations?

Elite Funding Both Sides Of Immigration Issue
Ethan Allen

In yet another move by the global elite in hedge funding to insure victory no matter who wins, the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Macarthur Foundation, as well as others, have been providing funding to the National Council of La Raza.

Puertotitlàn de Las A(n)tenas

R.C. Walker, a resident of Puerto Vallarta for over 30 years and a member of Grupo Ecológico de Puerto Vallarta A.C., a local conservation society, shares his views on the "progress" (over-construction) that has been taking place in our fair city.

Obnoxious Americans
Jen Vogelsong

Have you ever been traveling in another country and found yourself ashamed to be American because of the behavior of some fellow countryman (or woman)? I have.

Paul Krugman
Poverty Is Poison

"Poverty in early childhood poisons the brain." That was the opening of an article in Saturday's Financial Times, summarizing research presented last week at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Mexico's Economy is a Factor in Immigration
Reno Gazette-Journal

Mexican President Felipe Calderon unquestionably was right when he recently told a joint session of the California Legislature that the economies of the United States and Mexico are interdependent.

Ideology Makes for Bad Policy
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III

Ideology is a closely held belief system that guides an individual, social movement or institution. When the abstractions of ideology are combined with practical and realistic applications, very positive things can happen.

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