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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions The Drug War Just Across the Border Clarence Page
As if our military didn't have its hands full in Iraq and Afghanistan, the head of the Minuteman Project border security group seems to think Minutemen might make good narcotics cops.
Will Calderon and La Maestra Reform Mexican Education? Allan Wall
I personally work in education in Mexico, where I have taught for 15 years. It’s a noble profession. But, I have to admit, it’s also a profession which is particularly prone to quackery, charlatanism, and crackpot utopian fads that just make things worse for students while enriching those who promote them.
Real Independence Means Secure Borders Alan Caruba
As we celebrate our nation’s independence, it is worth keeping in mind that real independence depends on having secure borders. A nation that cannot or will not protect itself from a massive and intentional invasion for the purpose of changing its population and politics is a nation that will not exist very long.
Supreme Court: No Inalienable Right To Bear Arms Lee Rogers
This week the U.S. Supreme Court released their ruling on the District of Columbia gun ban case. The court ruled that the Second Amendment did guarantee an individual’s right to bear arms, but also went on to say that the government still has the right to control and regulate firearms.
The Blessings of Global Warming Beth Goodtree
Global warming is a natural phenomenon. It occurs periodically, to readjust sunlight and rain; to bring warmth and growth to lands having lain fallow, while giving those lands which were fertile and over-productive a chance to rest and recuperate.
Global Gag Rule Must Not Be Domesticated Women's eNews
If Democrats take back the White House, a US restriction on overseas family planning aid should be lifted. Meantime, Carol Roye says, watch out for a domestic version of the "global gag rule" in the Bush administration's final days.
Fearless or Feckless? Mexican Security Forces Tad Trueblood
Mexico’s highly bureaucratic and secretive government has created a messy alphabet soup of police units and “special” military forces that defies quick explanation.
Is Obama Turning Out To Be Just Another Politician? Margaret Talev
From the beginning, Barack Obama's special appeal was his vow to remain an idealistic outsider, courageous and optimistic, and never to shift his positions for political expediency, or become captive of the Inside-the-Beltway intelligentsia, or kiss up to special interests and big money donors. In recent weeks, though, Obama has done all those things.
US Congress Still Corrupt and Useless Marc Ash
For those who thought Tom Delay's departure would really change anything in Congress, this past week was a strong cup of coffee. On Capitol Hill, politics and greed still trump the good of the nation, still trump the Constitution, still trump all.
Impeachment Movement Demands Accountability ImpeachBush.org
When Bush's former press secretary Scott McClellan released his book a few weeks ago that strongly criticized the White House, he may have just been jumping off a sinking ship. But his words opened up a Pandora's box, and now all the evils of the Bush administration are escaping into the public - and people are demanding action.
The War Next Door: Realigning Forces For More Than One Fight Michael Tanji
Fighting “over there” so we don’t have to “fight them at home” was aimed at the Islamist threat, but a real-live shooting war is no further away than our southern border.
Mexico May Be Heading Toward a Populist Future Georgie Anne Geyer
The Iraq story makes the papers about once a day, although ever more unenthusiastically for the American reader. Afghanistan edges into newsprint occasionally. But our own hemisphere? Or our important, long-suffering neighbor, Mexico? There the coverage is even worse.
Uneasy Neighbors Must Solve Problems Together Ruben Navarrette Jr.
Mexico and the United States have a twisted relationship. Each country likes to blame the other for its problems, and neither is eager to accept responsibility. Making matters worse, history comes with hard feelings.
On the Border: Divided Powers? Las Vegas Review-Journal
More than decade ago, Congress authorized completion of a physical fence along heavily trafficked portions of the southwest border. True to form, environmental groups have tried to delay or stop the project at every turn.
Is Mexico's Drug War a Civil War? Allan Wall
The ongoing struggle between the Mexican government and the drug cartels is a war. It's not a conventional war in the classic imagination, of two armies facing each other on a large plain. But then, most wars today aren't like that anyway.
VP Candidate: U.S. Congress Receives Failing Grade on Flood Disasters Peace and Freedom Party
Stewart A. Alexander, Vice Presidential Candidate with Socialist Party USA, says, “The lingering disaster of Katrina, and the floods that are now occurring in the Midwest, is showing the nation that the Democrats, Republicans and their candidates, Barack Obama and John McCain, have lost their priorities and are failing to represent the people that elected them into office.”
A Victory for Women New York Times
Three women from Guinea won a court victory in Manhattan this month in their struggle to win asylum as victims of the barbaric form of persecution known as female genital cutting. In doing so, they have shined a light on the urgent need for consistent humane policies that treat women’s rights as fundamental human rights.
Democrats Legalize Bush's Crimes Robert Parry
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi claims that a key positive feature of the new wiretap "compromise" is that the bill reaffirms that the President must follow the law, even though the same bill virtually assures that no one will be held accountable for George W. Bush's violation of the earlier spying law.
Fidel Castro: Truth and Diatribes Prensa Latina
Cuban Revolution leader Fidel Castro stated that if he writes, it is because he continues to struggle in the name of the convictions he has defended all of his life.
Olbermann: McCain Should Know Better MSNBC
In a Special Comment, Keith Olbermann takes a look at the context of John McCain’s “not too important” comment regarding the urgency of bringing American troops home from the Iraq war.
US Government "Strike Teams" Invade Homes, Harass Flood Victims Paul Joseph Watson
In flood-ravaged Cedar Rapids Iowa, cops break down doors, threaten residents who question them as part of martial law conditioning, authorities prevent people from re-entering their homes.
The Real Truth Behind the 9/11 Attacks Paul Campos
Every month I get a few e-mails from people who want to reveal to me the real truth about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The truth, according to my correspondents, always involves some incredibly elaborate conspiracy theory in which the U.S. government staged the attacks to justify the so-called war on terror and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Obama and Progressives The Real Network
Thom Hartmann talks about AIPAC, Obama, American foreign policy, progressives, and the grass-roots democratic movement.
Gays Marry: World Doesn't End! Reg Henry
The news that the California Supreme Court had ruled in favor of gay marriage came on my 32nd wedding anniversary last month. As over-excitable conservatives rushed through the streets shouting, "The gays are coming! The gays are coming!" I kept calm.
From NAFTA to the SPP Katherine Sciacchitano
Here comes the Security and Prosperity Partnership, but — what security? whose prosperity? Which is closer to your vision of North America?
Working People Relying on Stimulus Checks, Coins and Lotto Stewart A. Alexander
As the United States approaches the final six months of the Bush administration, there will not be any creative programs that will reverse the economic set backs of the past seven and a half years.
Will President Bush Convert to Catholicism? Scott P. Richert
On Friday, June 13, 2008, as George W. Bush met with Pope Benedict XVI, the London Telegraph reported rumors that the President is considering conversion to Catholicism.
Mexico: Will Gas Subsidies End? Latin America Energy Advisor
Mexico's costly subsidy for gasoline is becoming even more expensive for the government as global oil prices soar, putting pressure on public finances. What will Mexican President Felipe Calderon do? Five experts share their insight.
Anti-Ulises: A Day In the Life of a Simmering City Ramor Ryan
Midnight in Oaxaca, and walking around the historic center, it's almost as if nothing had ever happened here. The bourgeoisie sit around under the colonial arches in the long stretch of French-style outdoor cafes lining the central plaza.
The Fall of Conservatism George Packer
The era of American politics that has been dying before our eyes was born in 1966. That January, a twenty-seven-year-old editorial writer for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat named Patrick Buchanan went to work for Richard Nixon, who was just beginning the most improbable political comeback in American history.
Mexico Pays Dear in Drug War Paul Tash
On the day I arrived here, as part of a group seeking greater protection for journalists and punishment for their killers, an editor in the provinces found a message outside his newspaper. "You are next," said the note. It was attached to a severed human head.
UPDATE: Hold On! Ron Paul Did NOT Quit the GOP Presidential Race Andrew Malcolm
Though Ron Paul stopped short of telling supporters in Texas Thursday night that he was quitting, his campaign website posted a statement overnight that he is indeed packing it in. "It is time now to take the energy this campaign has awakened and channel it into long-term efforts to take back our country," Paul said.
Keith Olbermann Blasts John McCain In Special Comment Huffington Post
Thursday night's "Countdown" brought, as promised, a Special Comment from Keith Olbermann on John McCain's comments that it doesn't matter when we bring the troops home from Iraq on the "Today" show.
Yesterday's Vote and Today's Steps Forward ImpeachBush.org
Today's update on the status of impeachment in Congress also includes a new resource for impeachment activists to use around the country.
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