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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions From the Acteal Massacre to the Merida Initiative
Rafael Landerreche
 It couldn't be a better time to review some tragic lessons from the Acteal case, since an agreement with the United States government known officially as the Merida Initiative is being cooked up right now.
Obama Must Learn From Kucinich's Election Theft Impeachment
Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman
 Congressman Dennis Kucinich has introduced 35 articles of impeachment against George W. Bush. Two of the articles deal with the fact that Bush was never elected, and in fact stole the election of 2004 in Ohio. They should serve as a cautionary notice to the Obama campaign that this year's election could also be stolen.
Clever People are Atheists. Cleverer Ones Aren’t.
Christopher Howse
 A retired professor has said that a higher proportion of clever people consider themselves atheists than the national average. Professor Richard Lynn, though no doubt clever himself, is hardly uncontroversial.
Obama on the Nile
Thomas L. Friedman
 This column will probably get Barack Obama in trouble, but that’s not my problem. I cannot tell a lie: Many Egyptians and other Arab Muslims really like him and hope that he wins the presidency.
A Decisive Moment for Impeachment: Three Important Updates
 As Ramsey Clark makes clear, the impeachment of George W. Bush is the most important task of the moment for the safety and security of the people of the United States, the Middle East and throughout the world. None of us can risk being plunged further into war.
Drug War as Usual is a Script for Surrender
Alan Lupo
 As we pay attention to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is a full-scale war going on in Mexico that makes the New York gang wars of the 1800s, the Chicago gang competition of the 1920s and the Boston bloodletting of the 1960s and ‘70s resemble skeet shooting matches.
US Government Detaining, Deporting US Citizens
Tom Head
 Even if the deportation of 12 million people could be justified on the basis of paperwork violations, it's almost certain that, given the abuses inherent in the limited anti-immigration statutes we already have, a more ambitious policy would have an even more drastic, and harmful, effect on American Latinos.
Lo Que es Bueno Para el Ganso...
Josh Horwitz
 While appeasing the gun lobby might be good politics for some Members of Congress, systematically breaking down America's gun regulations could one day threaten their own well-being and create an anarchic void that not even a domestic Project Gunrunner could redress.
A Society of Adulterers?
Rita Watson
 When I wondered aloud, "Is infidelity a sin whose time has come?" my colleague retorted, "It never left!" Indeed, the string of politicians, sports figures and movie stars cheating on their wives is an endless parade of mea culpas.
To Address a Clear and Present Danger, the Merida Initiative
Arturo Sarukhan
 The Merida Initiative is not a silver bullet that will magically solve the challenges posed by organized crime as it operates on both sides of our common border. However, it most certainly offers huge benefits to both our nations.
Losing Latin America: What Will the Obama Doctrine Be Like?
Greg Grandin
 Latin America has been indispensable in the evolution of U.S. diplomacy. The region is often referred to as America's "backyard," but a better metaphor might be Washington's "strategic reserve," the place where ascendant foreign-policy coalitions regroup and redraw the outlines of U.S. power, following moments of global crisis.
V.P. Candidate Wants U.S. Ethanol Production Cut to Feed Poor
Peace and Freedom Party
 To prevent the escalation of the present world food crisis, Stewart Alexander, Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA, wants a freeze or a roll back on U.S. ethanol production to the levels prior to December 2007.
September 11: What Happened to Building 7?
Peter Barber
 What happened to building 7? To the "truthers," the third building in the World Trade Center complex to collapse on September 11 is evidence that the mainstream media is in on the plot.
A Nation of Laws... Instead of Ethics
Phil Hoskins
 Often you will hear that we are a nation of laws, spoken as a matter of pride. But the truth is we are a nation of laws as a substitute for being a nation of people who live by an ethical standard. The prevailing attitude is that it is up to law enforcement to keep us in line. And if we aren’t caught it must not be wrong.
Forcing America to Confront Race
Ann McFeatters
 Even though half of white America is at the beach trying to get a glossy brown skin tone and millions more buy fake tans, Obama's skin is the great unknown in Decision 2008.
The U.S. Embargo Against Cuba
Dr. Leatendore Percentie
 The economic embargo by the United States against Cuba has been in place now for almost 50 years. Under President John F. Kennedy, the embargo was imposed to punish Cuba for confiscating private property without compensation that "inter alia" belonged to American citizens.
Remembering Our Father
Kerry Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy II, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend
 Forty years ago, as he was celebrating his victory in California's Democratic presidential primary, Senator Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. To mark the occasion, the New York Times invited his children to share their memories of him.
America's Democratic Collapse
 Chris Hedges gave this keynote address on Wednesday, May 28, in Furman University's Younts Conference Center. The address was part of protests by faculty and students over the South Carolina college's decision to invite George W. Bush to give the May 31 commencement address.
Mexico Needs Reforms
James Roberts & Israel Ortega
 Felipe Calderón, who began his six-year term as President of Mexico in December 2006, has made significant progress in the fight against narcotrafficking, but Mexicans are still waiting to see whether his government will successfully challenge the private- and public-sector monopolies and duopolies that dominate huge portions of Mexico's economy.
Cluster Bombs: Hell From Above
Pepe Escobar
 Cluster bombs are literally hell from above. Anyone who has seen the effects of cluster carpet bombing on innocent civilians - in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, and in the 60s and 70s in Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam - cannot help but be horrified.
The Merida Initiative
Antonio O. Garza, Jr.
 Dear Friends and Colleagues: I would like to take a few moments to share with you my thoughts on the status of the Merida Initiative.
Mexican Drug Cartels to US Citizens: Keep Buying So We Can Keep on Fighting
Patrick Osio
 The US and Mexico are making it tougher for criminals to produce and ship illicit drugs. But the dollar street sales remains high as drugs have won a place in the subculture particularly with young adults in the US, Mexico and far too many other countries.
GOP Immigrant-Bashing is Hurting Their Party, Democrats to Reap the Benefits
 This renewed xenophobia towards Mexicans will bode very badly for the GOP come the general election as Hispanics are the fastest growing minority and an influential voting demographic.
Carry Forward Felicia's Causes
The Capital Times
 The circumstances of her death in Mexico were as tragic as they were shocking. But it is the life of Madison activist Felicia Melton-Smyth that we remember, warmly and with a genuine sense of loss.
What Should Be a Definition for a Millionaire?
Ivan Simic
 Millionaires, millionaires, day after day we watch and read about millionaires; actor millionaires, singer millionaires, heiress millionaires and others. Every day number of millionaires in the world is rising with incredible speed. But, are they all really millionaires?
When Did the US "Lose" Latin America?
Real News Network
 Forrest Hylton, the the author of Evil Hour in Colombia, says the US is promoting secessionist movements to break up countries it cannot control, in this interview with Pepe Escobar.
Socialist Party VP Nominee Calls McCain “Reckless” on Iran
Stewart A. Alexander
 Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party both demand an immediate end to the Iraq War and both socialist parties are opposed to the escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran.
US Troops Used To Cover Up Mexico Funding!
The Conservative Voice
 If any American needs proof the US Senate and House are no longer representing American citizens, they need look no further than the Iraq War Funding Bill. Our heroic American troops are being used as a cover for the re-distribution of US tax $$s heading to regions South of the border.
Why I Have 'Nothing Bad to Say About Mexico'
Allan Prout
 Last winter, I was interviewed by a journalist from Guadalajara. He asked me if I had ever been a victim of a crime. Not in Mexico, but several times in Regina, Saskatoon and Yorkton.
Nothing Good to Say About Mexico
Paul Goettler
 The number of people who have run into problems, and others that have been arrested, etc., in Mexico in recent months is appalling.
Plan Colombia Heads for Mexico
Stephen Lendman
 The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) - a.k.a. the North American Union - was planned behind closed doors by mainly US corporate giants to create an unregulated continent allowing for maximum profits. Plan Mexico is the next step to implement the SPP scheme.
In Mexico, Body Count Continues to Mount
Allan Wall
 On May 23rd, 2008, Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora announced that, in calendar year 2008 thus far, killings linked to organized crime and drug trafficking have increased 47% over those in 2007.
"Corn Ethanol is a Scam" and 11 Other Quotes About Ethanol
Gediminas J.
 New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said that ethanol production, as supported by a new U.S. energy law, will result in higher food prices and starvation.
Corn-Ethanol Not the 'Answer' to Energy Needs
Kenneth E. Feltman
 The corn-ethanol lobby is well organized, aggressive and nasty. Ethanol production takes farmland out of food production, uses huge amounts of increasingly scarce water, and leaves poor people in countries such as Mexico hungry because their cost of food increases beyond their means.
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