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Honduras, Obama’s First Coup d’Etat
Eva Golinger

The text message that beeped on my cell phone this morning read “Alert, Zelaya has been kidnapped, coup d’etat underway in Honduras, spread the word.” It’s a rude awakening for a Sunday morning.

Feds Blame US Gun Owners for Mexico's Violence
Jim Kouri

While the United States continues to allow borders to be left unprotected, the US Congress through its investigative arm - the Government Accountability Office - is blaming the violence occurring in Mexico on American gun owners.

Mexico: Midterm Election Scenarios
Alejandro Schtulmann

Less than one week away from the federal Congressional elections, Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) is poised to obtain a relative majority in the Chamber of Deputies and capture between 183-211 of the 500 seats in Congress.

Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett the Latest Celebrity Victims of Big Pharma
Natural News

That Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett both died this week is shocking news to many, but it's not nearly as surprising as the fact that they were both killed by Big Pharma's toxic drugs.

Does Gardening Make for Better Sex?
Makenna Goodman

The skeptical reader will probably go, say what? But I believe gardening is a good model to go off of - in terms of getting off.

Why Saints Sin and Sinners Get Saintly
Pat Vaughan Tremmel

An abundance of research shows that people are motivated both by the warm glow that results from good behavior and recognition of costly, long-term consequences of immoral behavior on kin and society at large.

The Natives are Getting Restless
Ann McFeatters

When former President George W. Bush figures its safe to pile on President Obama, you know the people are restless.

US-Canada Border Security and Military Integration
Dana Gabriel

There is little doubt that having secure borders should be a priority and that it is important to work together to achieve common objectives. This should not be at the expense of our sovereignty, privacy and freedom.

Immigration: It’s Time
New York Times

Inaction and the passing of time have only increased the frustration of those who have been counting on Mr. Obama to deliver something on immigration reform — a plan, a timetable, the outlines of a bill.

Obama and Anti-War Democrats
Norman Solomon

Days ago, a warning shot from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue landed with a thud on Capitol Hill near some recent arrivals in the House. The political salvo was carefully aimed and expertly fired. But in the long run, it could boomerang.

Crude Insults are Not Humor
Dan K. Thomasson

One doesn't have to be a fan of Sarah Palin and her family to be offended by David Letterman's utterly tasteless, senseless remarks about her trip to New York City. Somewhere in there may be a clue as to why NBC picked Jay Leno instead of him to replace Johnny Carson on the Tonight show all those years ago.

Drugs Won the War
Nicholas D. Kristof

This year marks the 40th anniversary of President Richard Nixon's start of the war on drugs, and it now appears that drugs have won.

The War On Drugs: A War On Personal Privacy?
A Letter to the Editor from David Christie

I'd like to see the business community, particularly in the tourism sector, organize to confront the Mexican Government and demand the end of its feckless cooperation with the United States in the ill conceived and counter-productive trampling of freedom and privacy called The War On Drugs.

Chilean UN Rep - Latin America Demands Equality
The Real News Network

Heraldo Munoz: Latin America no longer an 'unconditional friend' of US as China and India increase presence.

O'Reilly and Fox News Will Have More Right-Wing Violence to Answer For
Eric Boehlert

If Fox News is going to continue to traffic in hateful, vigilante-style rhetoric, then folks at Fox News, as well as their apologists in the GOP Noise Machine, are going to have to come up with better talking points to spin away the consequences of the right-wing madness they're so eager to incite.

Not All US Journalists are Painting a Negative View of Mexico
Molly Molloy

Regarding 'Mexico: One Journalist’s View' by Linda Ellerbee, while I certainly share the writer's view that the majority of the Mexican people one meets are warm and friendly, I do not think she knows much about the situations faced by many of those same people.

Thoroughly Modern Marx
The Real News Network

Paul Jay speaks to Leo Panitch, Professor of Political Science at York University about the relevance of Karl Marx’s theories today.

Be Neighborly, Go to Mexico
Andrés Martinez

The United States is not about to criminalize guns and legalize drugs to help out Mexico. But you can do your part to help out a good neighbor - book a trip south. Pronto.

AIDS Diarist Thembi Ngubane Dies
Joe Richman

When I first met Thembi Ngubane, she was 19. She was living in a shack and she was HIV-positive. I suppose the odds were stacked against her, but it didn't seem that way at the time.

Rising Above I.Q.
Nicholas D. Kristof

In the mosaic of America, three groups that have been unusually successful are Asian-Americans, Jews and West Indian blacks — and in that there may be some lessons for the rest of us.

Let's Stop Women's Suffering
Mary Robinson & Alicia Yamin

With the United Nations Human Rights Council's June session just around the corner, governments have a chance to prove that they value women's lives by taking concrete action on this issue.

Peace Be Upon Barack
The Real News Network

Pepe Escobar: Commentary on Obama's speech to the Muslim World.

Pertinent Historical Question: Which Country Really Rules the World?
Ivan Simic

Since the formation of the first state, people around the world were trying to understand who is the most influential and the most powerful country in the world, country that make decisions on some of the most important issues related to our lives and our future.

Cheney Continues to Write His Own Indictment

A flood of new revelations about Bush and Cheney's criminal misconduct are coming to the fore. The exposures are a direct result of the work of all the people who are demanding accountability. With your continued help, we will secure the indictment and prosecution of Bush-era officials.

Nicaragua's Revenge, Cuba, The OAS and Iraq
Sherwood Ross

It was three o'clock this morning when I was awakened from a beautiful dream by police knocking on the door of my apartment to come down to the parking garage and identify my vandalized car.

Reagan Didn't Do It
Robert Scheer

How could Paul Krugman, winner of the Nobel Prize in economics and author of generally excellent columns in The New York Times, get it so wrong?

Gov. Schwarzenegger has Failed Calif., Should Resign
Stewart A. Alexander

The California May 19 Special Election should have been a day of reckoning for California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; the people of California went to the polls rejecting the governor's tax measures to fix the budget deficit that is now projected to hit $24.3 billion.

War Is Sin
Chris Hedges

The crisis faced by combat veterans returning from war is not simply a profound struggle with trauma and alienation. It is often, for those who can slice through the suffering to self-awareness, an existential crisis.

Goodbye, GM
Michael Moore

I write this on the morning of the end of the once-mighty General Motors. By high noon, the President of the United States will have made it official: General Motors, as we know it, has been totaled.

Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome
William Rivers Pitt

They called it Bush Derangement Syndrome for eight years: the condition of being berserk with rage, hatred and fear over the acts and actions - nay, even the very existence - of George W. Bush and his administration. After last November, it became known as Obama Derangement Syndrome.

Will Obama End "War on Drugs"?
Sherwood Ross

Efforts by President Obama to put an end to the nation's failed "War on Drugs" can't come an hour too soon - if that's his intent. From his actions, it's hard to know.

Consequences of Geography and Mistaken Identity
David Karlsruher

The careless reporting of isolated problems hundreds of miles away from Puerto Vallarta threaten to make it into the city it was wrongly labeled as.

Where's the Equal Justice for Gays?
Joan Vennochi

President Obama had much to say about the glass ceiling he is smashing on behalf of Hispanics and nothing to say about the glass ceiling the California Supreme Court is reimposing on gays.

A Rainbow Flag Over Habana
Marina Sitrin

We are on a main city block early Saturday morning. People gathering are high spirited, almost giddy. As people begin to form a line I exhale deeply, imagining it is just one of many lines that are the Cuban reality. This line, however, is different.

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