Editorials | Opinions
««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Governor Candidate Alexander: Proposed L.A. Marijuana Band Too Restrictive Peace and Freedom Party 2010
Last Wednesday, the Los Angeles City Council postponed voting on an ordinance that would limit the number of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city and would impose stiffer regulations. Stewart Alexander, a Candidate for California Governor says the proposed ordinance is far too restrictive and would be a quasi ban on medical marijuana dispensaries.
Strategies in the U.S.-Mexico War Against Terrorization Jerry Brewer
While drug seizures remain an essential component of interdiction, the major successful thrust is to root out the leadership of a network of distribution. After all, the problem is people.
Collapse Roger Ebert
If this man is correct, then you may be reading the most important story in today's paper. I have no way of assuring you that the bleak version of the future outlined by Michael Ruppert in Chris Smith's "Collapse" is accurate. I can only tell you I have a pretty good built-in B.S. detector, and its needle never bounced off zero while I watched this film.
Is There a "Best" Educational System for Primary, Secondary and Pre University? Guillermo Ramon Adames Suari
I worked in the Office of Statistics of UNESCO for some 20 yrs altogether. So I had in front of me, yearly, educational data for some 150 countries for over a period of 40 yrs.
The America Where They Do Prosecute Torture Sam Ferguson
Last week, 15 men entered a courthouse facing, amongst other crimes, 181 counts of torture. But the courtroom is not in the United States, and the defendants are not members of the Bush administration. The defendants - retired officials from Argentina's last dictatorship - are on trial in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Obama's Afghanistan Woes Recall LBJ's in Viet Nam Sherwood Ross
President Obama faces some of the same issues today over how to proceed in Afghanistan that President Johnson faced in 1965 when he escalated the war in Viet Nam.
Honk If You Did Tiger Woods Doug Thompson
From the amount of attention paid by the mainstream media to golfer Tiger Woods's fondness to blond bimbos, you'd think his screwing around is the top news story of the year O.J. Simpson didn't get this much attention when he carved up his wife and a poor restaurant employee in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Give Stoopid a Chance Alan Burkhart
My famously volcanic temper is nearing eruption because of the idiots both in Washington and in the media, from the left and the right, who tell me exactly what they want me to hear so I'll shut up and behave.
Transgender/Transsexual People Alex Gomez
It must have been about ten years ago that Paco Paco was the 'in' gay bar in Puerto Vallarta. It had a gorgeous bouncer, who was apparently in love with one of the transvestite performers there, Marilyn. I hit on him more than once, but he always insisted that he was straight, not gay...
Mexican Polls and U.S. Immigration Policy Implications Allan Wall
Americans tend to have a romantic view of immigration based upon the Ellis Island days of a century past. Mexicans however, view emigration to the United States very differently. They don’t generally consider that they are ceasing to be Mexicans when they become American citizens.
Rename America as "The United States Of Goldman, Sachs" Sherwood Ross
In view of Goldman, Sachs' pervasive influence over Washington and the bailout that benefitted it so extensively, America's name should be changed to the "United States of Goldman, Sachs," a law school dean said.
Why is the USA in Afghanistan? The Real News Network
Engdahl: Key objective is a permanent military presence in Asia.
Education Decline and the Economy: The Future of the Car Industry Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
The educational policy in the US and Western Europe is on decline. Example: The US is facing a huge shortage of medical doctors and nurses, yet the government does not invest enough in high tech. In 20 yrs, US technology will be surpassed if nothing is done now. Right now.
Revitalizing the Antiwar Movement Camillo "Mac" Bica
With Nobel laureate Barack Obama's announced escalation of the occupation of Afghanistan, even those who believed his rhetoric of hope and change, who supported and voted for him in the last election, have realized at last that his administration represents neither, that the honeymoon is over and patience is no longer a virtue.
Mexico's PRD Downsizing The News
A powwow is underway. The top brass of the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) gathered this past weekend to discuss the restructuring of the political party in what was denominated as the "New founding of the PRD Congress."
Addicted to Nonsense Chris Hedges
What really matters in our lives - the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the steady deterioration of the dollar, the mounting foreclosures, the climbing unemployment, the melting of the polar ice caps and the awful reality that once the billions in stimulus money run out next year we will be bereft and broke - doesn't fit into the cheerful happy talk that we mainline into our brains.
An Open Letter to President Obama from Michael Moore Common Dreams
With our economic collapse still in full swing and our precious young men and women being sacrificed on the altar of arrogance and greed, the breakdown of this great civilization we call America will head, full throttle, into oblivion if you become the "war president."
US has No Business in the Middle of Afghan Civil War The Real News Network
Phyllis Bennis: Obama said that there was no military solution, but that's all he's really offering.
How Tiger Can Fix His Image Matt King
With every day that Tiger stays away from the very public eye he’s blaming his problems on, things seem to get worse for him. He hasn’t committed an actual crime, but he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion where we the people are the judge, jury and executioners.
Calif. Governor Candidate Alexander Proposing Free Online University Degrees Peace and Freedom Party 2010
If there were any questions about there being a crisis in education, all questions were put to rest when the University of California Board of Regents made the decision two weeks ago to increase college tuitions by 32 percent.
Canada's Nazi Border Guards Brenda Norrell
When Canada's Nazi border guards detained Amy Goodman, they hoped to silence any critical comments she would make about the 2010 Olympics It backfired.
Arizona Undermines Gay Families Deb Price
Imagine having family health care one day and having it yanked away the next. Your job hasn't changed. And other public employees in your state - the ones working beside you at a university library or in a highway patrol car - continue to get insurance coverage for their loved ones. Sound unfair? You betcha.
America's Best Kept Secret is the SOA Adam Lopez
When did Chelsea Clinton’s marriage plans or Tiger Woods’ health issues become important headline stories? These issues don’t affect us, but they continue to steal air time from important issues, such as the countless murders or violations of human rights linked to SOA graduates.
Sounding Off: Restaurant Gripes Ed Schwartz
By way of introducing the topic, I am an ardent restaurant lover. Some of the best times in my life have been dining out in dining places all over the world — about 5000 dinners and counting. Diners, waiters and restaurant owners, please take note of my top ten gripes about restaurants...
Obama's "Empire" The Real News Network
Paul Jay speaks to Reese Erlich following Obama's announcement about dispatching 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan.
Tiger Woods & Keeping Score In Life Andrew Moore
What the hell is going on with Tiger Woods? Recently, the world’s most famous golfer has been getting the TMZ treatment due to a bizarre chain of events that has yet to be sorted out.
The Angst of a Liberal William Rivers Pitt
An old friend of mine, a long-time Democrat and fully credentialed political wizard, wrote me the other day and asked a question I have been asking myself for several months now: what do you really think of Barack Obama? To be fully honest, I don't really know how I feel, which is weird, considering that I might be the only one in America without a fully coherent opinion on the man.
Scientists and Religion David Masci
Today, a century and a half after Charles Darwin published "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," the overwhelming majority of scientists in the United States accept Darwinian evolution as the basis for understanding how life on Earth developed. But although evolutionary theory is often portrayed as antithetical to religion, it has not destroyed the religious faith of the scientific community.
Education Decline Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
As a professor at various Universities, I cannot fail to notice how overall student's performance declines over time. I have taught statistics in various universities. In chronological order, Mexico, the US, Belgium, France, Cambodia and at a World Bank Project to teach Chinese graduate students.
Obama Never Considered Diplomacy in Afghanistan Sherwood Ross
After initially injecting 21,000 troops into Afghanistan allegedly to stave off imminent defeat, President Obama Tuesday will tell war-weary Americans why he seeks 35,000 more. If he gets them, the U.S. force there will exceed 100,000.
Flying Blind Winslow Myers
Predator drones kill al-Qaeda leaders without risk to American soldiers; dangerous plotters of terror are efficiently annihilated; and those not yet killed are kept off-balance, in a constant state of fear. What's not to like? For starters, the moral indecency of it.
Mexico’s Fiscal Woes Robert Cyran & Martin Hutchinson
Fitch’s downgrade this week of Mexico’s credit rating by a notch, to BBB, was a warning. Mexico has too many problems to keep going the way it has.
The Season of Our Discontent: Poverty and Hunger in America Mark Winne
I always view November as the darkest month. It’s not just that the days are shorter and the nights are longer, but it’s the time of year when the nation’s stark contrast between abundance and scarcity becomes most apparent.
Thanksgiving 2009 Sandra Price
This is a day given over to thanking God for our bounty. I would like it as a day to hope (I can’t pray) for our troops to come home before Christmas. I hope for rational government to guarantee to all of us that we will never again use our troops to fight an enemy for oil, or God.
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