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Charles Choi
 Human skulls warped into strange, alien-like shapes have been unearthed in an ancient cemetery in Mexico. The practice of deforming skulls of children was common in Central America, but these findings suggest the tradition spread farther north than previously believed.
2013 'El Famoso' Horseshoe Tournament
Jimmy Howell
 The 15th Annual - 6th Memorial 'El Famoso' Horseshoe Tourney will be held Feb. 9, 2013 at David’s Palapa in Rincón de Guayabitos. Proceeds from this event will go towards the Breast Cancer Walk and Jaltemba Bay Animal Rescue. Join us for a great time for a great cause.
Traditional Mexican Christmas Recipes
Banderas News Team
 In Mexico it is customary to have a family dinner late on Christmas Eve, or 'Noche Buena.' Here are some of the foods that are traditionally eaten at Christmastime in Mexico, either at Christmas Eve dinner or during the festivities leading up to Christmas such as 'Las Posadas.'
PV Sculpture Walks Take the Holidays Off
 The weekly Vallarta Malecón Sculpture Walks, created and conducted by Galería Pacifico owner Gary Thompson, will not be held on the upcoming holiday Tuesdays, December 25, 2012 and January 1, 2013. Walks will resume on Tuesday, January 8 and will continue through mid-April.
Pinpoint Climate Studies Flag Trouble
David Alire Garcia
 A growing body of scientific evidence ranks Mexico near the top of the list of countries most vulnerable to global warming, and advances in micro-forecasting foresee a grim future in alarming detail. The new technology provides virtually farm-specific climate change predictions.
A Taste of La Cruz Returns January 12th
Landon Hollander
 The Marina Riviera Nayarit is pleased to announce the 2nd Annual Taste of La Cruz to be held on the Malecon of the Marina Riviera Nayarit. The 2013 event will benefit The Junior Sailing Program of the La Cruz Yacht Club and PEACE's Action For Food program in La Cruz.
Mexsat System Satellite Put into Orbit
 On Wednesday, December 19, 2012, the French company Arianespace successfully fired Mexico’s Bicentenario satellite into orbit from the Kourou space center in French Guiana, the first in the Mexsat system. The images were broadcast live by the Mexican government.
Banderas Bay Parade of Homes This Weekend
Patrick Harrison
 The Parade of Homes open house series, powered by Tropicasa Realty, continues this weekend, giving everyone the opportunity to tour Puerto Vallarta and Banderas Bay area homes, villas and condos listed in all price ranges through a variety of local realtors.
Mexico Raises Minimum Wage by 3.9 Percent for 2013
Anthony Harrup
 Mexico's minimum wage commission agreed to grant a 3.9% increase in the minimum wage beginning in 2013, below the 4.2% hike granted a year before and less than the current rate of inflation, although the number of workers who actually earn the minimum wage is diminishing.
Eighth Annual PV Writers’ Conference, Feb 22-24
Bill Jory
 Long-time Puerto Vallarta resident David Lyons and author of the thriller 'Ice Fire' will be the keynote speaker at 2013's eight annual 'Puerto Vallarta Writers’ Conference' at Biblioteca Los Mangos. 'Writers Unleashed' is the theme of this season's conference.
NY Times Report Details Walmart's Bribery
 A NY Times report said that Wal-Mart de Mexico was not the reluctant victim of a corrupt culture that insisted on bribes as the cost of doing business, but that they aggressively bribed officials to get the necessary permits to open supermarkets across Mexico.
PV Mural Part of Greenpeace 'Detox' Campaign
Richard Dangler
 Last weekend a new mural was brought to life in downtown Vallarta. If you walk down Morelos street, you will find a colorful skull with Greenpeace's global 'Detox' campaign legend below it. Detox is focused on exposing links between clothing brands and toxic water pollution.
Puerto Vallarta: Beachy Chic Meets Colonial Charm
Dawna L. Robertson
 Had it not been for the torrid affair of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton during the filming of 'The Night of the Iguana,' the sleepy fishing village of Puerto Vallarta could have remained low profile – but for just a bit longer, as it merely expedited the inevitable.
Russia Replicates Mayan 'Gate To The Future'
Mark Shishlev
 An exact replica of the 'Maya Gate' at Labna on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula is being carved out of ice in Chelyabinsk, Russia, giving South Ural citizens and visitors the unique opportunity to pass into the new era through 'The Gate to the Future' on December 21, 2012.
TEPJF Buries Time Capsule on Democracy
 In an effort to give future citizens an understanding of today's democracy, Mexico's TEPJF electoral court, or Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation, has buried a time capsule containing more than 80 documents and other items that won't be opened until 2087.
Gil Gevins Book Signing Party December 20
 Gil Gevins will be signing 'Slime and Punishment' (a tale of middle-aged lust gone horribly wrong), at a book signing party at Lucy's Cucu Cabaña on Thursday, December 20th from 6 to 9 pm. Lucy's is located at 295 Basilio Badillo, on the South side of Puerto Vallarta.
Riviera Nayarit 2013 Calendar of Events
Riviera Nayarit CVB
 The intense marketing efforts by the Convention and Visitors Bureau of Riviera Nayarit were instrumental in attaining at least 35 confirmed events for 2013 including the Sayulita SUP & Longboard Classic, the Punta Mita Golf & Gourmet Classic, and the Riviera Nayarit Boogie.
Huichol Peyote-Picking Under New Threat
Duncan Tucker
 Not only is their sacred land threatened by Canadian mining corporations, but the indigenous Huichol or Wixarika of Jalisco and Nayarit’s Sierra Madre must now also contend with the Mexican government undermining their peyote-infused religious rituals.
Christmas Dinner - Puerto Vallarta Style
Banderas News Team
 If you're looking for a place to enjoy Christmas dinner - Vallarta Style! - a number of Banderas Bay area restaurants are offering holiday menus on Christmas Eve and Christams Day that include everything from traditional yuletide fare to more enticing and innovative dishes.
Mexicans Brighten Season for US Retailers
Angela Kocherga
 Shoppers from Mexico are making the season bright for US retailers this year. By law, employers in Mexico must give year end bonus or 'aguinaldo' which families usually spend on Christmas presents. The mall crowds are growing on the border as the number of shopping days dwindles.
Ron Morgan's New Bucerias Real Estate Office
 Many people dream about living on the beach in a tourist town, but when you are born in that tourist town you may want to leave and explore the world. This is the story of Hugo Rivas, who decided to return to Bucerias and open a Ron Morgan Properties real estate office.
Photography, Flowers and Photoshop at VBG
 Mike Laking will be presenting the free 'Photography, Flowers and Photoshop' workshop on how to create beautiful art from your photographs at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens. One lucky person will have a photograph of their choice turned into a work of art by Mr. Laking.
Mexico's Coca-Cola Femsa's Major Acquisition
Banderas News Team
 Mexico's Coca-Cola Femsa, the largest franchise bottler of Coke products in the world, agreed to buy a 51 percent stake in Coca-Cola Bottlers Philippines Inc. for $689 million. It will be their first acquisition outside of Latin America and is expected to close in early 2013.
Maya 'End of World' is a Mistranslation
Dan Vergano
 Don't sell your house, quit your job, or say something nasty to someone you think you will never see again; the long-awaited, much-hyped, and entirely farcical Maya apocalypse is just that - and scientists can't wait until it passes so they don't have to explain anymore.
Daiquiri Dick's Pet Picnic a Howling Success
Laura Gelezunas
 About 30 dogs and more than twice as many humans attended Daiquiri Dick's 'Pet Picnic' on their beach-side patio last Saturday. A howling good time was had by all who attended the event which included demonstrations, competitions, a raffle, and lunch - all for a worthy cause!
Long Time Resident Dr. Leslie Korn Publishes 2nd Book
Marlene Bremner
 Long time resident Leslie Korn has published her 2nd book, 'Rhythms of Recovery: Trauma, Nature and the Body.' Influenced by her 25 years of work in the Banderas Bay region, the book provides a comprehensive approach to the treatment of traumatic stress using natural medicine.
DA Presents 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' at PCC
David Kamp and Judy Snow
 As part of their Every Tuesday Movie Night film series, the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad will present 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel' on Dec. 18th, at 7 pm at the Paradise Community Center in Puerto Vallarta. Come early and enjoy the food vendors at the Center!
One-Stop Shopping for All Your Marketing Needs
 Food defines Puerto Vallarta. With well over 500 restaurants in our city, we enjoy a culinary paradise that keeps foodies in ecstasy. This atmosphere prompted one local company to start specializing in food photography. That company is Video Diva Productions.
5.8 Million Flock to Guadalupe Basilica in D.F.
 Around 5.8 million Christian faithful on Wednesday visited the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico City with the aim of celebrating the 481st anniversary of the Virgin Mary’s last appearance before Indian peasant Juan Diego, who was canonized in 2002.
Local Artisan Christmas Market at La Luna
Mariam Flores
 Inspired by a Christmas market she visited in Munich, Germany, Chef Mariam Flores is hosting a local Artisan Christmas Market at La Luna Restaurant. The market will feature items that are hand-made and locally produced; things you can't find at big retail stores.
US/Mexico Unite in Operation Holiday Hoax
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
 The US National Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center and the Government of Mexico are participating in 'Operation Holiday Hoax' - an effort to track down those involved in the importation, distribution, and selling of counterfeit products this holiday season.
'Always in Season' at Boutique Theatre
Linda Hobden
 Where can you get an eclectic mix of Crosby, Stills, Nash; Nora Jones; pop, folk, and original tunes with a touch of your favorite seasonal carols? At the ONLY spot where all of the best local and internationally renowned artists perform in Puerto Vallarta - the Boutique Theatre!
NAR Annual Conference Had 'Global' Focus
John K. Glaab
 'Global' was the buzzword at this year's National Association of Realtors Annual Conference & Expo in Orlando, Florida. In addition to information sessions, those that worked hard to keep our international real estate world turning in 2012 were recognized in an awards ceremony.
Xihuacan, Mexico: The Tourists Are Coming
Bob Schulman
 A short drive from western Mexico's mega-resort at Ixtapa, there's a tiny village that is soon going to be seeing a lot of tourists. It's called Xihuacan and the big attraction there is an immense, 3,000 year old archeological site being excavated just outside the village.
Vallarta Toys for Tots Program to Spread 7000 Smiles
Jerry Lafferty
 Last weekend, the Puerto Vallarta Navy League Council's Toys for Tots program generated enough money to purchase at least 7,000 toys for the under-privileged kids in the Banderas Bay area - children who might otherwise not receive any gifts during the Christmas season.
Veracruz Sponsors NBA D-League's Texas Legends
Darren Rovell
 The NBA D-League announced on Tuesday a non-traditional sponsorship between the state of Veracruz in Mexico and the Texas Legends. The partnership will make Veracruz the first state in Mexico to have its name on the jerseys of a team that doesn't play there.
No Way José!'s 'Start of a New Era' Party
Patrick Harrison
 Join the gang at No Way José! on Thursday, December 20, 2012 for their 'Start of a New Era' celebration. They will be converting their downstairs salon into the 'New Era Lounge!' where there will be palm and Tarot readers, Rakhi alignments, and other new age services!

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