News Around the Republic of Mexico 
Hurricane Lorenzo Kills 5 in Mexico
Miguel Angel Hernandez
 Hurricane Lorenzo's pounding rains caused mudslides and floods that killed at least five people, slashed roads and drove tens of thousands from their homes in eastern Mexico.
Vicente Fox: Fences on Border Won't Work
Eduardo Stanley
 The United States would be better off contributing to the development of Mexico's economy than building a fence between the two countries, former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Friday.
Mexico Captures "Pacific Queen" Drug Smuggler
 Mexican police have captured Sandra Avila, known as the "Queen of the Pacific," one of Mexico's highest profile woman drug smugglers, the government said on Friday.
Mexico, US Govs Ask for Border Help
Mark Stevenson
 Mexican and U.S. governors called for help from Washington Friday in alleviating massive traffic jams at the U.S.-Mexico border, saying the U.S. security concerns shouldn't mean long bottlenecks.
Mexico Slams US Immigration Policy
 At a meeting of US and Mexican governors, Mexican President Felipe Calderon censured US policy on illegal immigrants, calling immigration inevitable and urging reforms in the policy.
Plane Crash in Mexico Investigated
Jay Root & Kevin G. Hall
 U.S. authorities are assisting the Mexican government in investigating an American business jet that crashed in Cancun this week with four tons of cocaine on board, officials said Thursday.
Calderon Backs Immigrants
Howard Fischer
 The president of Mexico vigorously defended the right of his countrymen to migrate to the United States and to be treated with dignity, no matter whether they arrive legally or not.
Mexico's Military Expands Women's Roles
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Mexico's military, struggling to attract new recruits, is expanding opportunities for a population it has all but overlooked for decades: women.
US, Mexican States Seek Common Border Solutions
Chris Hawley & Sergio Solache
 In the wake of yet another failed attempt at U.S. immigration reform, governors from along the border meet this week as pressure builds for states to take the lead on immigration and security issues.
Mexico Official Cites Intel Failures
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Mexico's top security official said that the country's intelligence agency has been hurt by budget cuts and staff reductions in recent years, weakening the government's ability to prevent attacks such as two recent pipeline bombings.
Mexico's Fox Denies Illegal Enrichment
Associated Press
 Former Mexican President Vicente Fox has denied allegations that he illegally enriched himself during his presidency, calling them part of a smear campaign against him.
Marxist Guerrilla Group Shows Signs of Resurgence in Mexico
James C. McKinley Jr. & Antonio Betancourt
 The shadowy Marxist rebel group that has rattled Mexico three times in recent months by bombing natural gas pipelines has a long history of financing its operations with the kidnappings of businessmen, prosecutors say.
Tunnel Found Under Mexico Border Crossing Gate
 The United States has found a half-built smuggling tunnel running under a border crossing checkpoint between Mexico and Arizona, the second discovery of a tunnel in less than a week, U.S. border officials said on Tuesday.
Ambassador Garza honors 175 years of Cooperation in Matamoros, Tamaulipas
 In celebration of the 175th anniversary of the U.S. Consulate in Matamoros, a milestone of U.S. diplomatic history, US Ambassador Antonio O. Garza made the following statement.
Cocaine-Laden Plane Crashes in Mexico Jungle
 An airliner stuffed with dozens of sacks of Colombian cocaine crashed in the jungle of southern Mexico on Monday, police said.
Former Mexican President's Wealth Probed
 Mexico's lower house of Congress said on Monday it would open a probe into the finances of former president Vicente Fox after a magazine spread on his swanky country home sparked questions about his new wealth.
US, Mexico Near Deal on Anti-Drug Aid Package
Alfredo Corchado & Laurence Iliff
 U.S. and Mexican negotiators have agreed on key areas of an estimated $1 billion counternarcotics aid package and are immersed in the delicate stage of negotiating how joint law enforcement operations and intelligence sharing will be carried out, senior officials told The Dallas Morning News.
Mexico Arrests 49 Undocumented Guatemalans
 Mexican federal agents have arrested 49 undocumented Guatemalans in Tlaquepaque, part of Guadalajara, the capital city of western Mexico state of Jalisco, the state attorney's office (PGR) said in a Sunday statement.
Mexico Releases Thousands Of Turtles
 More than 60,000 turtles were released as part of a program to preserve endangered species in Ixtapilla, Mexico on Saturday, under the watchful eye of dozens of children and adults.
Mexican Opposition Leader Calls for a Firmer Stand
Prensa Latina
 Mexican opposition leader Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador reiterated his call to the Frente Amplio Progresista (FAP in Spanish) to harden its stand, as he believes it is still posible to stop the expected hike in gasolina prices.
Calderón Speaks at Migration Exhibition
Presidency of the Republic
 Opening speech by Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico, in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, September 21, 2007
Los Cabos Boom Helps Mexicans Stay in Mexico
Alfredo Corchado
 Construction in Baja is booming. U.S. tourists and residents arrive in droves - buying million-dollar homes or paying hundreds for luxurious overnight hotels. The economy is growing at an average rate of 15 percent, compared with 3 percent for the rest of the country. The result: fierce competition for Mexican workers by both U.S. and Mexican employers in Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo.
Judge Halts Construction of Mexico's La Parota Dam
Environment News Service
 Lawyers for opponents of Mexico's proposed La Parota Dam filed a $10,000 judicial bond this week, ensuring that all construction on the massive dam stops at once.
Mexican Official Wants Army Out of Drug War
Dudley Althaus & Dane Schiller
 Dealing a blow to President Felipe Calderon's campaign against organized crime, the country's top human rights official called Friday for pulling the Mexican army out of the drug war.
Bootmaker to Bush and Fox Jailed in US
Lisa J. Adams
 A bootmaker to world leaders, including President Bush and Vicente Fox, is in a Colorado jail, charged with money laundering and conspiring to illegally smuggle the skins of protected animals into the United States to provide exotic footwear for high-end clients.
Opposition Wants Inquiry into Source of Fox Remodel Funds
Bloomberg News
 Mexican opposition lawmakers are seeking an investigation into the source of funds that former President Vicente Fox used to remodel his ranch.
Statement by US Ambassador Antonio Garza
 On September 19th, 2007 Ambassador Garza welcomed Attorneys General from six Western US states and Mexican state and federal officials to the National Conference of Western Attorneys General in Mexico City.
Fox: Bush is "Cockiest Guy I Ever Met"
 George W. Bush "is the cockiest guy I have ever met," former Mexican President Vicente Fox says in an autobiography that pokes fun at the U.S. president's bad Spanish and false cowboy bravado.
Church Lashes Out at Sex Abuse Victim
Diego Cevallos
 Catholic Church leaders in Mexico accused a victim of sexual abuse, who brought charges in a U.S. court against Mexican Cardinal Norberto Rivera for protecting an alleged pedophile priest, of seeking economic gain.
Gunmen Kill Another Mexican State Police Chief
 Gunmen killed the police chief of the central Mexican state of Hidalgo on Wednesday, the state attorney general's office said, the second high-profile police murder by drug hitmen in less than a week.
Mexican Billionaire Opens Health Center
 Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim - by some estimates the world's richest man - opened a $500 million health institute Tuesday aimed at helping Latin America's poor.
Chaderton says Venezuela Acknowledges Calderón as Mexican President
Diario El Universal
 Venezuelan Ambassador to Mexico Roy Chaderton Tuesday said President Hugo Chávez regards Felipe Calderón as "the President of Mexico," adding that recent impasses have been overcome, Efe reported.
Calderon Praises Record Breaking Channel Swimmers
 Mexico's president Felipe Calderon on Tuesday formally congratulated a women's swimming team from that country for breaking English Channel swimming record by eight minutes on Aug. 11.
Mexico Says Pipeline Bombs Helped Drug Gangs
Catherine Bremer
 A left-wing guerrilla group that bombed fuel pipelines last week has indirectly helped Mexico's drug cartels by diverting police and army resources away from combating trafficking, the attorney general said on Monday.
Mexican Youngsters Wrestle with Fame
Deborah Bonello
 Deep in the belly of Arena Mexico, the enormous venue known as the "cathedral of lucha libre" in central Mexico City, there is heavy pounding as bodies slam against the canvas-covered floor of a wrestling ring. But the noise is being made by teenagers and young men, not the theatrical wrestlers famous for their ostentatious masks and flamboyant moves.
Political Rivalries Flare in Mexico
Olga R. Rodriguez
 Bitter political rivalries flared at independence celebrations in Mexico City's central plaza for a second year in a row, as the nation continues to struggle with last year's hotly contested presidential election.
Bus Crash Kills 17 in Western Mexico
Olga R. Rodriguez
 A bus carrying tourists including passengers of a flight from Phoenix crashed in western Mexico on Saturday, killing at least 17 people, authorities said.
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