News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Ahmadinejad Asks U.N. to Investigate 9/11
Robert Mackey
 Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who said last month that the terrorist attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, were “a big fabrication,” wrote to the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, on Tuesday to ask him to open an investigation into the events of that day.
Debating California Marijuana Legalization
 Dr. Jennifer Ashton addresses California's proposed Marijuana legalization with experts from both sides of the contentious issue.
Mexicans Top Canadian Asylum List
The News
 In 2009, more than 9,000 Mexicans sought asylum in Canada, making it the country with the most requests, according to the Regional Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
US Slaps Bolivia and Ecuador
Brenda Norrell
 As Bolivia prepares for the World Peoples' Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, the US has pulled out its daggers, slicing millions of dollars in climate change funds to Bolivia and Ecuador, a slap in the face to countries who do not support the dismal Copenhagen accord.
Cardinal Tarcisio Says Pedophilia Linked to Homosexuality
Brad Haynes
 The Vatican's second-highest authority says the sex scandals haunting the Roman Catholic Church are linked to homosexuality and not celibacy among priests.
Mexico at Washington Nuclear Summit
María del Carmen Martínez
 Mexico will join other countries in promoting efforts to limit nuclear proliferation and prevent nuclear terrorism, officials said Monday.
Q+A: First Lady Michelle Obama to Visit Mexico
Deborah Charles
 Michelle Obama travels to Mexico from April 13-15 on her first solo international trip as first lady. Here are some questions and answers about the first lady and what she has been doing at the White House.
Chavez Fuels the South Bronx
Lainie Cassel
 In 2005, during a visit to the South Bronx in New York City, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made a lofty promise to help active community members cope with local issues. A half-decade and a few million dollars later, Chavez’s promise has become a reality and residents from the community are reaping the benefits.
MEX Lawmakers Promote Political Rights for Mexicans in US
The News
 National Action Party (PAN) and Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) lawmakers say they will submit bills to Congress that will guarantee the political participation of Mexicans living in the United States.
Michelle Obama Makes First Solo International Trip to Mexico
 Almost 50 years ago, a first lady seized Mexico City's heart: the beautiful, chic, multilingual Jackie Kennedy, to whom Michelle Obama draws comparisons.
Cuba Concert to Counter Critics Draws Sparse Crowd
Will Weissert
 A surprisingly small crowd sweated and sang along to performances by Cuban rock, folk and salsa stars Saturday, at what the communist government billed as a politically important "concert for the homeland."
The US Cover-Ups That Exploded
Alexander Cockburn
 The Pentagon is reeling after two lethal episodes uncovered by diligent journalism show trigger-happy U.S. Army helicopter pilots and U.S. Special Forces slaughtering civilians, then seeking to cover up their crimes.
Hollywood Documentary Calls for Zero Nuclear Weapons
Pratap Chatterjee
 Hollywood and Silicon Valley leaders have teamed up with Middle Eastern royalty and high-level U.S. diplomats to send a message to heads of state who are gathering here in Washington next week: the world needs to reduce its nuclear arsenal to zero as soon as possible.
Obama's Weekly Address: Relief for the Middle Class at Tax Time
The White House Blog
 As April 15th approaches, the President discusses several of the tax breaks for middle class families he has signed into law.
Please Don't Kill Me, I Am Only a Tourist!
John Knox
 The attached photos were recently taken by myself at the O.R. Tambo Airport in Johannesburg, S.A. of a group of tourists sporting shirts that identify them as such.
Kansas Alleges Drug Ring Tied to Mexico
Tim Potter
 A federal grand jury has returned a 107-count indictment against 18 men accused of being part of a Wichita drug-trafficking ring linked to Mexico, U.S. Attorney Lanny Welch said today.
Rio Flood Death Toll Hits 183, Expected to Rise
Associated Press
 Officials say the death toll from floods and slides in Rio has hit 183 and is expected to rise as searchers continue looking for bodies.
Mexicans Facing Reduced U.S. Visa Limits
David Hendricks
 For Mexicans seeking refuge in the United States from crime-related violence in their own country and for many Mexicans already here, there's a new hurdle.
Richardson Details National Guard Deployment to US-Mexico Border
Matt Robinson
 Gov. Bill Richardson released details Wednesday of his ordered National Guard deployment to the international border with Mexico, following a tour from eastern Arizona, where a prominent rancher was killed late-March.
New Mudslide Hits Slum as Rio Toll Rises to 147
Bradley Brooks
 Beleaguered rescue workers struggled early Thursday to find survivors after another mudslide surged into a rain-sodden hillside shantytown, engulfing at least 40 homes in a huge cascade of mud.
Chile's Struggling Fishermen Offer Tsunami Tours
Associated Press
 Weeks after a tsunami destroyed their livelihoods, some of Chile's struggling independent fishermen are offering boat tours of the devastation.
U.S. Forecaster Sees Increased 2010 Hurricane Threat
Tom Brown
 The 2010 Atlantic hurricane season will produce an above-average eight hurricanes, four of them major, posing a heightened threat to the U.S. coastline, the Colorado State University hurricane forecasting team predicted Wednesday.
U.S. Military Works with Mexico's
Jim Michaels
 The U.S. military is strengthening its ties with Mexico's armed forces and using its experience in fighting insurgencies in Afghanistan and Iraq to assist in Mexico's war on increasingly violent drug cartels.
Obama Administration Authorizes CIA to Kill US Citizen
Jason Leopold
 The White House has taken the unprecedented step of authorizing the CIA to kill a US citizen suspected of having ties to a Nigerian man who attempted to blow up a Detroit-bound jetliner last Christmas.
Rain Resumes in Rio and Officials Fear More Deaths
Bradley Brooks
 Rains began pelting Rio again early Wednesday, hours after the heaviest deluge on record sent killer mudslides cascading down hillsides and turned streets into raging torrents in Brazil's second-biggest city.
US National Debt Seen Heading for Crisis Level
Carolyn Lochhead
 Health care may have been the last big bang of the Obama presidency. With ferocious speed, the financial crisis, recession and efforts to combat the recession have swung the U.S. debt from worrisome to ruinous, promising to handcuff the administration.
U.S. Socialist Maggie Phair Endorses Stewart Alexander for California Governor
Peace and Freedom Party 2010
 Last week, U.S. socialist Maggie Phair announced her support and endorsement for Stewart Alexander as the next Governor of California. Maggie Phair has been a political advisor for Stewart Alexander since his run as a candidate for California lieutenant governor in 2006.
Urbanization and Health in Spotlight on World Health Day
Shobha Shukla
 World Health Day is celebrated on 7th April to mark the founding of World Health Organization. Each year, the WHO selects a key global health issue and organizes international, regional and local events on the Day and throughout the year to highlight the selected area.
Mexican Drug Cartel Honcho Gets 40 Years in Prison
Channel 8 San Diego
 He used to be a big boss in the Arellano Felix drug cartel. Now Jesus "Chuy" Labra Aviles is going to spend 40 years in US Prison.
In California, Louder Calls to Prepare for Quakes
Jesse McKinley
 As residents on both sides of the Mexican border cleaned up after Sunday’s earthquake, the authorities warned that many Californians remained unprepared for a serious quake, and emergency officials said that budget cuts have strained their ability to handle a disaster.
US Agent Orange Presumptive List Updated
David Lord
 As I reported in last week's article, the VA will finally be adding Parkinson's, Ischemic Heart Disease, and B-cell Leukemia to the compensated diseases list. This week, I review all that a Veteran needs to know to file for compensation having been exposed to Agent Orange.
US Acts to Combat Arms Trafficking in Western Hemisphere
US Department of State
 As narco-trafficking and associated crime and violence continue to rise throughout the region, the United States has implemented programs to strengthen partnerships with the states of the Western Hemisphere to combat illicit trafficking in arms.
Aftershocks Rattle Mexico-California Region Hit by Quake
Jennifer Steinhauer
 Three strong aftershocks with magnitudes of about 5.0 jolted Baja California, Mexico, early Monday morning, according to the United States Geological Survey, but there were no reports of additional damage.
Democratic Forces Will Face Tough Time in Egypt's Election
Sherwood Ross
 Although Egypt’s heir apparent Gamal Mubarak says next year’s election “is going to be free and fair,” his father Hosni’s regime has tightened the election laws to block other contenders to his presidency, an American magazine says.
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