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Recipe for Disaster
Clark Spencer

Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson ingested cocaine on the sideline of the Orange Bowl during Super Bowl XIII, inhaling the diluted product from a Vick's nasal sprayer that the flamboyant linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys had kept inside his uniform pants - but not for the high.

Casa de Milagros Opens its Doors to Recovery
Bob Cohen

The first Medical Detox and Treatment Center in the Puerto Vallarta area, Casa de Milagros, will be opening its doors on April 15, 2007 in the beautiful and tranquil Sierra Madres of San Sebastian del Oeste.

Arizona Drivers May Soon Be Able to Pay Their Way Out of DUI Jail Time
Howard Fischer

Motorists who are extremely intoxicated could soon escape doing any jail time at all - if they can afford the cost of a residential treatment program.

U.S.-Style Rehabs Take Root in China
Maureen Fan

Half an hour outside this capital city in southwest China's Yunnan province, amid 100 acres of fruit trees and vineyards, three dozen recovering drug addicts stand every morning in a loose circle, their arms around each other's shoulders.

English is Big at Naco, Sonora Rehab Center
Associated Press

"When you are on drugs, all you think about is drugs," said 39-year-old Francisco Gutierrez, a native of Puerto Vallarta, state of Jalisco. "But when you're thinking about English, you can't think about drugs."

Maine Lawmaker Wants to Regulate New Hallucinogenic Drug
Associated Press

There are several varieties of salvia, which is in the same family as sage, but only salvia divinorum is known for its hallucinogenic effects. The substance has been used for hundreds of years by Mazatec Indians during religious ceremonies in the Mexican state of Oaxaca.

Surge in Overdoses Blamed on Powerful Afghan Heroin

A steep rise in drug overdose deaths in Los Angeles is being blamed on an influx of highly potent heroin from Afghanistan. The Los Angeles Times cited figures from experts saying that heroin-related fatalities in the city and surrounding areas soared by around 75 percent in three years.

Spike in Addictions Worries Specialists
Jonathan Roeder

The steadily rising use of methamphetamines in Mexico has health and addiction specialists worried, due the drug´s cheap price and the quick pace at which addicts´ health degenerates.

US Pentagon Resists Pleas for Help in Afghan Opium Fight
Josh Meyer

The Pentagon, engaged in a difficult fight to defeat a resurgent Taliban in Afghanistan, has resisted entreaties from US anti-narcotics officials to play an aggressive role in the faltering campaign to curb the country's opium trade.

A New Strategy to Discourage Driving Drunk
Matthew L. Wald

The threat of arrest and punishment, for decades the primary tactic against drunken drivers, is no longer working in the struggle to reduce the death toll, officials say, and they are proposing turning to technology — alcohol detection devices in every vehicle — to address the problem.

Country Music's 'Sexiest' Enters Alcohol Rehab

The Grammy-winning country singer Keith Urban released a statement Friday that said he entered rehab Thursday night with his wife by his side. His publicist would not give the location of the rehab center.more »»»

Sobriety Under the Sun
Bob Cohen

From January 26th-28th, 2007, the local [English speaking] Alcoholics Anonymous Serenity Group will be hosting their 5th annual "Sobriety Under the Sun" AA convention at the Hotel NH Krystal Resort.more »»»

Mexico Now a Drug Destination
Colin McMahon

The scourge of the drug trade is hardly new to Mexico. But the country has never been hit so frequently, so gruesomely and so close to home. Amid a string of ghastly attacks by international traffickers, Mexico also is struggling to confront an alarming rise in drug use by its own people.more »»»

In Mexico, a Real Drug War
Frontera NorteSur

The news reports are graphic: "7 Bodies Found," "Attack with Grenades," "Three Kidnapped and Others Murdered," "Two De-Quartered Bodies Found." Iraq? Afghanistan? Guess again. The death toll and motives might be different, but the newspaper headlines in question actually hail from Mexican newspapers.more »»»

Texas Sees Spike in Demand for Stronger Meth from Mexico
Kylene Kiang

As the heyday of basement and backyard methamphetamine labs appears to be in decline, Texas police and narcotics officials say demand for the drug is growing stronger, in part because of greater smuggling efforts by Mexican drug traffickers.more »»»

Afghan Opium Cultivation Hits a Record
Fisnik Abrashi

Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has hit record levels up by more than 40 percent from 2005 despite hundreds of millions in counternarcotics money, Western officials told The Associated Press.more »»»

Robin Williams Takes Up Drinking After 20 Years, then Goes Into Rehab
Andrew Gumbel

The irrepressible comic actor Robin Williams has gone into rehab for alcohol abuse, his publicist confirmed. The 56- year-old actor fell off the wagon during a typically busy year in which he has already released two films, with three more scheduled for release before Christmas.more »»»

Doctors Test Anti-Smoking Vaccine
Marilynn Marchione

Doctors are testing a radical new way to help smokers quit: a shot that "immunizes" them against the nicotine rush that fuels their addiction. If it works - and this has not yet been proved - the vaccine could become part of a new generation of smoking cessation treatments.more »»»

Meth Still No. 1 Drug Problem, Study Finds
Sam Hananel

Meth abuse continues to fuel an increase in crimes like robbery and assault, straining the workload of local police forces despite a drop in the number of meth lab seizures, according to a survey Tuesday.more »»»

For Smokers, a Shot at Quitting
Regina Nuzzo

A new kind of quit-smoking tool - a nicotine vaccine, called NicVAX - is far from proven technology. But it has shown promise in early trials even in smokers who had no plans to quit.more »»»

Treatment for Heroin Addicts Now a Lethal Pain Medication?
Fiore Mastroianni

A prescription drug used to treat heroin addicts has become an increasingly popular and effective pain medication. But there's a problem. Methadone, well-known to heroin addicts, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, as a pain medication.more »»»

Women Smokers Prone to Lung Cancer, but Fewer Die

In agreement with several recent reports, a new study indicates that women who smoke are more likely to develop lung cancer than their male counterparts, yet they are also more likely to survive the malignancy. The findings appear in this week's Journal of the American Medical Association.more »»»

An Anti-Addiction Pill?
Benoit Denizet-Lewis

Last month, the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was host to a conference about addiction for a small, invitation-only crowd. It was an unusual gathering. Addiction conferences are usually sober affairs, but M.I.T. offered a lavish cocktail reception (with an open bar, no less).more »»»

Study Finds No Cancer-Marijuana Connection
Marc Kaufman

The largest study of its kind has unexpectedly concluded that smoking marijuana, even regularly and heavily, does not lead to lung cancer. The new findings "were against our expectations," said Donald Tashkin of the University of California at Los Angeles, a pulmonologist who has studied marijuana for 30 years.more »»»

Studying the 'Sweet Tooth'
Joy Victory

Is junk food addictive? That's not a simple question to answer, because addictions are highly variable. For example, when it comes to the king of addictions - nicotine - some people get hooked, while others can have a few cigarettes and never want more.more »»»

US, Mexico Join to Battle Meth Gangs
El Universal

The United States and Mexico have begun working together to battle the methamphetamine problem as production of the cheap and highly addictive drug has moved south of the border, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales announced this week.more »»»

Native Americans Left Out of Anti-Meth Bill
Michael Coleman

A new federal grant program to fight methamphetamine abuse inadvertently excluded Native American communities from the list of eligible applicants. Sen. Jeff Bingaman is working to fix the mistake.more »»»

Texas Halts Arrests of Drunks in Bars

A controversial Texas program to send undercover agents into bars to arrest drunks has been halted after a firestorm of protest from the public.more »»»

Alarm Over Rise in Venezuelan Drug Traffic
Andy Webb-Vidal

Venezuela is becoming the leading transit country through which the bulk of the world’s cocaine is smuggled to the US and Europe, according to foreign law enforcement officers.more »»»

Navajos Battle a Modern-Day Enemy: Meth
Associated Press

A year after the nation's largest Indian reservation launched an attack on meth - raising penalties, increasing training for police and developing an interagency task force - the illegal and highly addictive drug is still very much a scourge of the Navajo Nation.more »»»

AA - NA - ALANON & CODA Meetings in PV

AA Daily 9am & 6:30pm
Sundays 11am
Women Only - Mondays & Thursdays 10:30am

NA Daily 5pm

CODA Tuesday 6:30pm

ALANON Mondays & Fridays 6:30pm

Insurgentes 181
Room 206 - above the Cine Bahia Theater

For info or help call Craig 209-0746, Marge 222-3036, Faith 223-2852, Bob 222-5389

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