Vallarta Living | April 2008  
But What Do You Do All Day? - Charities
Polly G. Vicars - PVNN

| In 1995, Polly (seated) wrote "Tales of Retirement in Paradise," and donated all of the proceeds from the sell-out book to the America-Mexico Foundation. | | When you retire to Puerto Vallarta, all your friends come to visit. Charmed by the pure beauty of the locale, the friendliness of the locals, the warmth of the air, the music of the sea, and the majesty of the sunsets, they begin to talk of doing as we did - sell the old homestead, and retire South of the Border.
 Then that old Yankee work ethic takes over and out comes The Question, "But what do you do all day?"
 I answered that question in 1995 in my first book, "Tales of Retirement in Paradise," telling of days fishing for sailfish, marlin, tuna, dorado, studying Spanish with Maestro Melchor Cortes, partying with new friends and old, traveling around this fantastic country, volunteer teaching of English to adult Vallartenses, volunteer activities with the International Friendship Club's Cleft Palate Program and our primary passion, volunteer work with the America-Mexico Foundation (Becas Vallarta.)
 Incidentally, I donated the proceeds from both of my books to support Becas Vallarta with its mission to give an opportunity to young Vallartenses of great ability and small economic resources to get the education they desire and deserve.
 Most of that is still true today, with the addition of our new project: promoting the local musical group of four brothers and a cousin, Los Bambinos, in their quest for the big time. Becas Vallarta, remains both Husband and my primary passion, which provides the most wonderful feedback as we seldom venture out without some young woman or man coming up to us to thank us for the opportunity Becas Vallarta had given to them. What a fantastic reminder that is to see and hear from those grateful young people!
 Becas Vallarta, like Los Bambinos, is on the cusp of becoming an even greater asset to the area as we strive to increase our financial support to increase the number and size of scholarships we can give. Thus, we are always looking for more volunteers to help us with this incredible endeavor.
 Linda Wirth and I have put together a list of some things you, whether living in Vallarta part time or full time, can do during your day, if you choose. There are many opportunities - one of which might be just up your alley.
 Peruse the list below, and if you find something that you can do, give me a call at 223-1371 or email me at phvicars(at)gmail.com.
 You can help ensure the education of Vallarta's girls and boys if you can...
 • Work with Students • Drive a Car • Throw a Party • Use a Computer • Write a Check • Spread the Word • Plan Events • Sell Tickets
 Becas Vallarta A.C. is an all volunteer organization whose sole purpose is to provide and administer a scholarship program for economically limited Vallarta students from 8th grade through university. Fund-raising and publicity are your-round endeavors, so if you want to volunteer to help with this important work, send an email to becasvallarta(at)gmail.com or call members Buri Gray at 221-5285 or Polly Vicars 223-1371.
 When you contact me, you can also reserve your tickets for the May 25th Fourth Annual International Festival of Altruism sponsored by U.S. Consular Agent, Kelly Trainor and the Marriott CasaMagna.
 Twenty-four charities from the area will be showing what they do and how you can help, all the best restaurants will be dispensing food and drink and the proceeds will go to the participating charities. Advance tickets are only $300 pesos, so don't wait to buy yours at the door for $400 pesos. Call me, ya hear!
Polly G. Vicars and her husband of 55 years, Hubert (a.k.a. "Husband") retired to Puerto Vallarta in 1988 and soon became active members of several charitable organizations. Polly is the author of "Tales of Retirement in Paradise: Life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico" [a sell-out!] and "More Tales of Retirement in Puerto Vallarta and Around the World." Proceeds from the sale of her books go to the America-Mexico Foundation, a scholarship foundation that is their passion.
 Click HERE for more articles by Polly Vicars. | 
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