|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | August 2009  
Keep the Change! Tiendas OXXO Helping Vallarta Charities
Polly G. Vicars - PVNN August 17, 2009

| Mother María who tirelessly runs the whole show! | 
| The children and the OXXO Employees | 
| OXXO brought a cake large enough to feed us all | 
| Becas Vallarta, A.C. Scholarship studentsLucía Guadalupe Quintero Gutierrez, Carmen Quintero Gutierrez, María Luisa García López & Aracely Valle Pineda from Refugio Santa Esperanza | 
| "Mama" Soledad Martínez Maciel with scholarship students Carlos Alberto Hermández Gómez and María Luisa | 
| What Redondeo can do in just three months | 
| Click HERE to download a PDF file that you can print and present to your OXXO Store when you ask for the Redondo |  | A recent television commercial for a telephone service depicts a customer with a cashier telling him to keep the change as there is nothing he can do with 2 cents. The clerk tells him that he will take the 2 cents as he can call his brother in Argentina for that.
 Well, all over Puerto Vallarta similar events are taking place in the Oxxo stores. What is happening here is that Tiendas OXXO has made a commitment to local charities to ask clients to redondeo (round up, their purchases.) If their bill is $20.45 pesos, they should ask the store to redondeo and the extra 55 centavos will go to a local charity.
 Last week Becas Vallarta President Mariel de Fregoso, Irene and Carl Johnson and I attended an event at the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza, A.C. (RISE) where Mother Mary and the children received a check for $216,653.20 pesos, representing three months of rounding up in the Tiendas OXXO in the Puerto Vallarta area. WOW! That is a lot of rounding up!
 What an impressive event! The OXXO managers who raised the most money were awarded certificates of achievement and several gifts from the Refugio and from OXXO. A huge cake and soft drinks were shared with the more than 50 children receiving a home there and their guests. Songs were sung, smiles were brilliant and thanks were given.
 Five of the young people from the Refugio, Lucía, Carmen, María, Aracely and Carlos, are Becas Vallarta scholarship students. They, along with “Mama” Sol Martinez Maciel, welcomed us and made us feel very much a part of the proceedings.
 We are so proud to help these bright young people who, despite almost overwhelming odds, are a shining example to the younger children, a tribute to the refugio’s excellence and well on their way to becoming productive citizens of the community.
 At the end of the program OXXO announced that it changes charities every three months and that during August, September and October all the proceeds from the redondeo will go to our Becas Vallarta, A.C. to help provide scholarships to young Vallartenses of great ability and small economic resources.
 When you are paying for your purchases at OXXO be sure to prompt the clerk to round up and know that you are a part of a great effort to see that all bright young students in our area get the education they desire and deserve, regardless of their economic situation!
 The word is REDONDEO! Print out the flyer on this page to show to the cashier every time you shop at one of our many OXXOS and remember, just say Redondeo! Solo el Cambio! Polly G. Vicars y Analuisa Espinosa
 Un comercial en la televisión de una compañía de telefonía muestra a un cliente y un cajero, el cliente le dice que se quede con el cambio ya que no puede hacer nada con 2 centavos. El cajero le dice que él se quedará con los 2 centavos ya que eso le basta para llamar a su hermano en Argentina.
 Bueno, algo similar esta sucediendo en todas las tiendas OXXO de Puerto Vallarta. Estas tiendas hicieron un compromiso con fundaciones locales para pedir a los clientes que redondearan su cuenta. Si tu cuenta es de $20.45, ellos te preguntan si redondeas esos 55 centavos que iran a una obra decaridad.
 La semana pasada, la presidenta de Becas Vallarta, Mariel Fregoso, Irene y Carl Johnson y yo, asistimos a un evento en Refugo Infantil Santa Esperanza A.C. (RISE) en donde la Madre María y sus niños recibieron un cheque por $216,653.20 pesos, lo que representaba 3 meses de redondeo en las tiendas OXXO en el área de Puerto Vallarta. WOW! Eso es mucho redondeo.
 Que evento tan impresionante! Los gerentes de las tiendas OXXO que recaudaron más dinero recibieron certificados y varios regalos del Refugio y de OXXO. Un enorme pastel y refrescos fueron compartidos con los más de 50 niños que reciben un hogar ahí y con los invitados. Cantamos canciones, las sonrisas eran brillantes y se agradeció mucho.
 Cinco de los jóvenes del Refugio (Lucía, Carmen, María, Aracely y Carlos) son estudiantes becados por Becas Vallarta. Ellos, junto con "Mamá" Sol Martínez Maciel, nos recibieron y nos hicieron sentir parte de la donación. Estamos tan orgullosos de poder ayudar a estos jóvenes brillantes que, a pesar de todas las abrumadoras probabilidades, son un ejemplo reluciente de los jóvenes vallartenses, un tributo para la excelencia del refugio y van en el camino correcto para convertirse en ciudadanos productivos de su comunidad.
 Al final del evento, OXXO anunció que cambia de fundación benéfica cada tres meses y que durante agosto, septiembre y octubre, todas las utilidades del redondeo irán a Becas Vallarta A.C. para ayudarnos a proveer educación a estos jóvenes vallartenses que tanto lo merecen. Cuando pagues tu cuenta en OXXO asegúrate de pedirle al cajero que haga el redondeo y sientete orgulloso de ser parte de este gran esfuerzo de ver a estudiantes brillantes de nuestra área conseguir la educación que desean y merecen.
 La palabra es: REDONDEO! Imprimir el flyer que viene abajo y muéstralo al cajero cada vez que compres en OXXO y recuerda decir, Redondeo!

Polly G. Vicars and her husband of almost 60 years, Hubert (a.k.a. "Husband") retired to Puerto Vallarta in 1988 and soon became active members of several charitable organizations. Polly is the author of "Tales of Retirement in Paradise: Life in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico" [a sell-out!] and "More Tales of Retirement in Puerto Vallarta and Around the World." Proceeds from the sale of her books go to the America-Mexico Foundation, a scholarship foundation that is their passion.
 Click HERE for more articles by Polly Vicars, or click HERE to learn more about Becas Vallarta and the America-Mexico Foundation. |

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