|  |  | Vallarta Living | October 2009  
PEACE & INEA Opening Doors to the Future
Molly Fisher - peacemexico.org October 10, 2009

| INEA is a program that gives adults the opportunity to finish their education. |  | On September 28th in the plaza of Punta de Mita, family members of 25 INEA students gathered to watch their loved ones receive their elementary and secondary education certifications. Also in attendance were Jesus Manuel Gomes Alvarez, the Punta Mita town judge, Molly Fisher, director of PEACE and INEA supervisors.
 INEA is a program that gives adults the opportunity to finish their education. PEACE began collaborating with the program in April 2008 when PEACE employee, Rosa Alicia Aguilar began teaching evening adult classes.
 It was very moving to watch the students come down from the stage, staring with awe and pride at the certification in their hands. With their certification, new doors have opened for their future. Rosa Alicia spoke to her students, urging them to continue studying and to invite family and friends to join the program as well. In addition to classes, Rosa Alicia also organizes beach clean-ups, creation of community gardens and fund raising activities with her students.
 Currently there are 40 new students enrolled in the program and PEACE is planning to form another INEA group in Bucerias in order to extend this great program to other adults in the area.
A Banderas Bay non-profit organization, PEACE acts as an umbrella organization for four charitable programs, Casa Comunidad, Ayuda Los Animales (Help The Animals), a Women's Co-Op (Manos de Mujeres Unidas) and Community Pride. It is a U.S. non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, which accepts tax-deductible donations and a Mexican Civil Association that issues facturas for donations. For more information, please visit PeaceMexico.org or click HERE to read more about PEACE |

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