Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Ha! I’ll bet all y’all thought we were finished. Well, not by a long shot. Welcome to The Pajama Game for Pasitos de Luz, the favorite project of Bingo lovers in Puerto Vallarta. My companion and I were greeted at the entrance to Nacho Daddy on Tuesday, April 26th by the lovely Lina and the handsome (Guapo) Oscar.
The admission price of only $50 pesos per person entitled each of us to a drink ticket (good for one margarita or one draft beer compliments of Nacho Daddy), a gift bag chock full of goodies and stuff and a keen, green wrist ribbon artfully tied by our gracious host and hostess.
While awaiting the expected crowd of pajama wearing Pasitos de Luz fans to arrive, we early birds were treated to the at first sultry, jazz-type musical renditions provided by Shawn and The Embassy Band.
Carole, of Xocodiva, was on hand selling 50/50 raffle tickets. We learned that we can always “depend” on Carole, who entertained us with her diaper. I had no idea that Depends came in such large sizes. She could have pulled a freakin’ rabbit out of her pants. I’m not kidding! But, she didn’t. A much more genteel and reserved Charlotte, also of Xocodiva, was selling the final Big Raffle tickets. Maybe genteel and reserved but also a very persuasive salesperson. I bought three.
Looking around the room, I observed many imaginative bedtime outfits. No birthday suits though. Dennis told me that his dry cleaner couldn’t get the wrinkles out of his birthday suit. Then, I was exposed to an interesting and creative use of sanitary napkins—bedroom slippers! I’m serious. One can always count on the boys to come up with something different. Decorated with flowers, one could hardly tell what they were actually made of.
Renowned photographer, Josef Kandoll was in the house. Always a pleasure to see Josef - and his pictures!
As the evening progressed, more and more fashionably late folks wandered into Nacho Daddy to join in the festivities. Some in PJ’s, some not. Tim, our favorite guy, was wearing a tee-shirt that asked something about a fruit basket. Not sure what; I wasn’t wearing my glasses.
Shawn and the band performed another set, a bit rowdier this time, as we anxiously waited for the PJ judging to begin. Because Carole was able to sell an additional $500 pesos worth of 50/50 tickets, she performed her personal rendition of “Cotton Fields.” Now that was worth the price of admission. She dedicated it to our dear Grant. Thank you, Carol and our best to Grant. Then, on with the show!
Just before the judging began, Tim announced that the party had raised an additional $18,000 + for a total of $224,853 pesos for Pasitos de Luz! Tammy won the 50/50 raffle and donated half of her winnings to the day care center. Congratulations, Tammy, and many thanks for your generosity.
The judging was further delayed by the obligatory group photo of all the entrants. What a splendid assemblage indeed. Thank you for all who participated, even a little.
The judges for the evening were (drum roll, please) Debbie, Ad and Leslie. The three finalists were announced and the crowd voted by applause. Robert, with his hair in a lovely pink turban towel took first place, Cheryl, in an elegant peignoir of black over a stunning white satin gown, took second (I should mention that she wore a tiara and brought her bedding, too), and Brian, delightfully clad in a short bed-jacket took third.
The Big Raffle, a fabulously delicious assortment of products from Xocodiva, was won by Eliseo Villaseńor. Congratulations, Eliseo. Enjoy!
After a third set of music played by the band, Yolanda was invited to draw 25 tickets from all of the Big Raffles held throughout the season. Prizes of all shapes and sizes were won by a variety of fans, whether present or not. Those not present, were notified the next day of their winnings. Congratulations to all!
The finale had Tim presenting Yolanda with a giant check representing the proceeds from a season of Bingo. She was so very pleased. What a wonderful cause and everyone who participated should be very proud to have been a part of this seasonal event. Thank you and congratulations to all!