Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Have a ball shopping at Banderas Bay Trading Company on the south side of Puerto Vallarta.
"Eclectic is how I describe our store," says owner Peter Bowman. "It's a funky combination of new and old, new being things that I have designed, mostly made of metal, and the old being a combination of rustic antiques and religious art."
He goes on to say, "One of the reasons I like my job is having the opportunity to work with just a group of fantastic people whether they be suppliers or clients, it's always exciting. I thoroughly enjoy when a new customer comes in and thoroughly loves the combinations that we do, mixing old and new."
Every year, Peter and his wife, Tari, scour the markets in Michoacán and return to Puerto Vallarta with all kinds of great items. "It's totally personal, we choose what we like, and sometimes we choose what other people might like," says Tari Bowman. "We think that what we find as different, unusual, entertaining is something that our customers like as well."
The Bowmans opened the doors of Banderas Bay Trading Company in 2000.
"We started our stores in Mexico because we had leftovers from other projects we were doing," says Peter. "We kept buying more things that we wanted to use in the houses than we actually had space for so, low and behold, we opened a little store in our office. Then a few years later we decided we would get a little more involved because we had this store room full of stuff, so we opened another store."
The owners of Banderas Bay Trading Company are already thinking about their next big shopping trip to one of the artisan fairs in Michoacán this October. But first they need to make room for the inventory, so they are offering discounts between 10 and 20 percent throughout the store in Old Town Puerto Vallarta. Click HERE to learn more.
Roosters and pigs and donkeys, oh my. Find it all at Banderas Bay Trading Company.