Chicago, Illinois - Linda Jones Neil, ABR, TRC, PIC, CIPS, has been authorized by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) to teach Certified International Property Specialist classes in Mexico.
The National Association of Realtors has undertaken an initiative to promote the Certified international Property Specialist (CIPS) designation outside of the United States. To this end, a group of distinguished Realtors from several countries met in Chicago at the REALTOR building for a week of classes.
Their instructor was the very dynamic David Lauster. In addition to delivering CIPS classes, David is Chief for Property Acquisition at the U.S. Department of State. Muli-lingual, he is responsible for the sale, purchase or leasing of land and commercial space for new embassies, and consulates in more than 100 countries. David is a member of the RE/MAX Hall of Fame.
Linda Neil, founder of The Settlement Company and a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos, was one of the students. She has now been certified to teach CIPS classes. In addition to her CIPS Designation, Linda's other academic achievements include, in Mexico a Post Graduate Degree in Mexican real estate law from UNAM, Mexico's national university and she has also earned Certified Real Estate Professional designation through AMPI Mexico City. From NAR she has her ABR (Accredited Buyer's Representative) and TRC (Trans National Certification.)
Representing NAR's leadership at the five days of class were Ron Phipps, Immediate Past President and Steve Brown, First Vice President. Janet Branton, Senior Vice President, Global Business Alliances also participated in the Institute.
Industry leaders included, Ricardo Cardenas, Regional Vice President for Latin America and the Caribbean for RE/MAX and Chris Kervandijian Vice President of Century 21 and two Executives from the Asian Real Estate Association of America. Among the countries represented were Brazil, Romania, Germany, Spain, the U.S. and of course Mexico. One participant said, "We had brilliant minds representing 12 countries - what a week!"
Referring to Linda Neil, Carol Kairs, Managing Director, Global Business Education at NAR said, "We are pleased to have an instructor from Mexico on our CIPS Faculty."