Cuernavaca, Mexico - The Association of Mexican Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) has a new President. Ing Guillermo Salgoda, who was elected at AMPI's 41st Annual Conference, recently took the oath of office at a ceremony in Hotel La Mananitas, Cuernavaca, Morelos.
Also taking office was AMPI's first female Vice President, Martha Ramirez, and ten new members of AMPI's National Advisory Board. Linda Neil, a member of the Board, has been named Director of AMPI's International Commission.
More than 1,000 attended the event, including officials from three levels of Government, and visitors from outside of Mexico. The world President of the International Real Estate Federation came from Brazil to participate in the event. (Several other officials came from Brazil.)
At the ceremony, working agreements were signed between AMPI and The National Association of Realtors and between AMPI and the Mexican College of Notaries. AMPI has 15 Regions in Mexico and 75 Sections across the country. NAR has more than 1 million members.
During the week, representatives of NAR and AMPI huddled to discuss the new NAR country program, which this year spotlights Mexico. The meeting was to plan a series of events and bulletins that will be sent out to NAR's affiliates in 60 countries.
A leadership forum was also conducted with speakers from Mexico and Texas (TAR). AMPI and TAR have a working agreement which includes sharing education. Alston Boyd from Austin presented a "Marketing Your Property" class. Boyd is NAR's Liaison to Central America and Past Chair of TAR's International Section.
He is a Certified International Property Specialist and a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. John recently received the National Association of Realtors new award, International Member of the Year. For further information, contact John at John.Glaab(at)