Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Becas Vallarta has a motto: "Changing Lives Through Education." And Becas Vallarta sponsors over 350 students each year in Middle School, High School and University. Many of our former Becados have gone on to become Doctors, Lawyers and Engineers, among other careers.
Many of the students that Becas Vallarta supports are from single family homes, where the parent cannot provide more than daily necessities, much less the uniforms and school supplies needed to attend school.
Becas Vallarta, A.C. is a nonprofit, tax deductible Mexican Foundation, charged with fund raising and administering the scholarships program for students in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico. The America-Mexico Foundation, Inc., founded in 1961, is a non-profit USA tax deductible foundation (under section 501 (C) (3) of the IRS code) that donates all funds raised to finance those scholarships.
We look forward to another successful season of raising funds for our Becados. We hope you will join us at one or all of our Becas Breakfasts this season.
The first one will be held on Wednesday, November 18th at the beautiful oceanfront bistro, Vitea. The ticket price is $200.00 pesos. Besides a delicious breakfast, there are scores of raffle prizes and surprise gift bags for purchase.
For further information you can contact Suzanne Erikson at (322) 221-5599, Terry Prill at 221- 5465, or Mariel or Carlos Fregosa at 221-0789.

To learn more about Becas Vallarta, click HERE or visit BecasVallarta.com. If you would like to volunteer or make a tax deductible donation, please call Suzanne Erikson at (322) 221-5599, Mariel or Carlos Fregosa at 221-0789, or send an email to becasvallarta(at)gmail.com.