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A Dad’s Point-of-View
...a profile of syndicated columnist Bruce Sallan

| To contact Bruce and to enjoy the various features his new website offers, including a unique Ask Bruce For Advice section, links to his published work, photo galleries, and reader comments, plus much more, please visit BruceSallan.com. | 
| For over 25 years, Bruce Sallan served as an independent television producer and (before he was 30) an ABC Television executive. Bruce produced over 30 television movies, pilots and series, winning several industry and community awards, and was a regular contributor to high-profile entertainment industry journals such as Daily Variety.
 Just after his 40th birthday, Bruce became a first-time Dad upon the arrival of a son, followed by a second son three years later. Soon afterward, Bruce chose to become a full-time Dad, plus care for his ailing parents. In his late forties, Bruce’s marriage ended, and his wife left the state, abandoning their children - and Bruce, now a single full-time Dad, began a new challenge: cyber dating.
 He also published material in a variety of periodicals presenting his views on parenting, family life and cyber romance. Bruce’s column, "A Dad’s Point-of-View," primarily focuses on the Dad’s frequently overlooked perspective on parenting.
 "A Dad’s Point-of-View" also addresses general issues in parenting, concerns men share, and the differences between the genders. Bruce lives in Agoura, California with his second (and last) wife and two boys, ages 15 and 12. He may be contacted at: bruce(at)brucesallan.com or via his website, BruceSallan.com. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, email us at Profiles@BanderasNews.com

| B E L O W T H E F O L D

A Dad's Point-of-View: No Holiday Blues For This Blended Family
Bruce Sallan
 Well, it's another holiday season, and another Christmas and Hanukah for this blended family of religions and ethnicities, step-mom and boys, Felix and Oscar, and so many other differences it makes this dad's mind boggle.
A Dad’s Point-of-View: The State of Gender Affairs
Bruce Sallan
 There’s no question that technology changes faster than most of us yuppies and boomers can handle. Things may not move quite this fast with our gender 'state of affairs' but I assert that we are now experiencing changes in our gender roles much faster than at any other time in human history.
A Dad's Point-of-View: You Always Get More When You Give - A Story of Giving
Bruce Sallan
 I've learned repeatedly in my life that whenever I give to the world, whether by direct action or donations, I get back so much more than the effort or money involved. This is a life lesson that our kids should learn as so many of them, here in America, are living the 'easy life.'
A Dad's Point-of-View: Father's Day, 2010
Bruce Sallan
 Father's Day for me is now a melancholy experience. While I certainly appreciate all the attention that I get from my two boys and my wife, I also get melancholy over the memory of my late father, a wonderful man whom I always want to keep in my mind and the minds of my boys.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Your Kids Need You, Even When You're On Vacation
Bruce Sallan
 I learned something very simple, very basic, and very important about parenting while on vacation, overseas, these past three weeks. I was being selfish. I have two teenagers who needed their dad, and this three-week trip resulted in my not being there for my older son when he needed me.
A Dad's Point-of-View: What A Wonderful World - Really
Bruce Sallan
 The more I travel, and the more exotic the places, the more I realize how similar we all are. And the kids strikingly make that point as their faces so often reflect the joys of life - in spite of whatever hardships their countries may be suffering. To me, that is the hope for the future.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Taking Risks: When, How, and If
Bruce Sallan
 Lots of sports have risks attached to them. When, as a parent, should we limit our kid's activities and when should we show restraint? I enjoy pushing my limits on skis, as I do tricks in the terrain park on the half-pipe, jumps, boxes, as well as hard mogul and steep runs. Am I being irresponsible?
A Dad's Point-of-View: The Best Thing About Getting Older Is...
Bruce Sallan
 The subjects of a recent conversation with a good friend really made an impact on me. Among the topics were the new technologies that are now a big part of our culture, the medical maladies that come with aging and how the future will affect our children as both technology and medicine evolve.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Stick With Your Rules, Even When It's Hard
Bruce Sallan
 Nobody promised that being a parent would be easy nor were we assured that we'd get kids that were easy to handle. If you're like most of us, you face regular challenges to your authority, your rules, and the way you expect your kids to behave.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Marriage - It's Complicated
Bruce Sallan
 My wife took me to see Nancy Meyers' new movie, It's Complicated, with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and Steve Martin. I didn't expect what followed. Throughout the movie, my wife was jabbing me in the ribs whenever she wanted me to notice a point being made that she felt related to me or us.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Making the Correct Decision
Bruce Sallan
 One of the many things that we try to teach our children is how to make a good decision. Sometimes the problem can be that we may not always make good decisions ourselves or we may allow emotions to influence our choices. I found this to be true in a recent argument I had with my older son...
A Dad's Point-of-View: We're Giving Our Kids a Worse and Harder World
Bruce Sallan
 The parents of every generation hope that their children can and will do better than they did. Ours may be the first generation, in a very long while, where it is both unlikely and unrealistic to have this expectation. The world's just gotten much more complicated, much harder, and more competitive.
A Dad's Point-of-View: What I Learned This Past Holiday Season
Bruce Sallan
 Every holiday season brings both wonderful times and challenging family situations. This past season included my in-laws' first visit to our home and the first time my family and I would be apart. Can I say I learned more about our relationships? You bet. Was it easy and fun? You be the judge.
A Dad's Point-of-View: A Different Set of New Year's Resolutions
Bruce Sallan
 I hate New Year's Resolutions. I swore I'd never write one. I misspoke. So, this is going to be a New Year's Resolutions column, with a twist: it will include both resolutions and wishes. I am going to mix my own personal resolutions and wishes with those I project for others, and the world.
A Dad's Point-of-View: What Does the First Year of Marriage Portend?
Bruce Sallan
 Dennis Prager, one of the most influential men in my life, spoke on his talk show recently about the impact of a first year on marriage. He asked if an easy, successful first year or a difficult, hard first year were indicative of the long-term success of the marriage?
A Dad's Point-of-View: Christmas Trees, Menorahs, and Being Apart (on Christmas)
Bruce Sallan
 This holiday season my wife and I will celebrate our first year of marriage on separate continents. As we are different races and religions, there are usually challenges we encounter at this time of year, so maybe being 7,000 miles apart will make it easier...
A Dad's Point-of-View: A Man and His Dogs
Bruce Sallan
 When I was a child, my mother brought home a little dog that was so small that she carried it in her purse. Fully grown, she weighed maybe 7 pounds. However, I always wanted a bigger dog. Like Lassie or Rin Tin Tin. Little dogs belong to girls or Paris Hilton, not to men...
A Dad's Point-of-View: A Dad, His Son, and Poor Grades
Bruce Sallan
 What parent hasn't dreaded report card time, especially when a child is underperforming? How do two kids, born of the same genetic material, turn out so differently when it comes to school performance and their work ethic?
A Dad's Point-of-View: Random Musings
Bruce Sallan
 Sometimes there are many ideas fighting for attention in my mind, covering all the subjects I tend to write a column about, but each isn't worthy of its own full-length coverage. Consequently, I collect them. So, in no particular order, here are my current random musings.
A Dad's Point-of-View: My Son Has the Swine Flu - A Daily Journal
Bruce Sallan
 We just went through the swine flu with our older son, Will. We didn't panic or allow the hysteria of the msm (mainstream media) to scare us. I kept a daily journal of our experience, which follows. I hope it's helpful to all parents and people in giving a more realistic view of this strain of flu.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Stuck Between My Wife and the Kids
Bruce Sallan
 In every marriage, spouses face an inevitable choice between their children and their spouse. It's especially true in second marriages, like mine. I have to admit, it's an ongoing issue and one I'm trying to figure out with the right amount of love and respect shown towards everyone.
A Dad’s Point-of-View: Words That Hurt, Words That Heal
Bruce Sallan
 Most of us gossip without giving it any thought whatsoever. But, in our everyday lives, gossip is destructive. You may think it’s fun to browse the tabloids at your local newsstand or while in line at the market, but private gossip among family and friends can be devastating.
A Dad's Point-of-View: In Sickness and in Health
Bruce Sallan
 My wife recently had a medical emergency. The care she received was exceptional. I have a hard time believing this would've happened as quickly and attentively if we end up with national health-care, managed by the government. To be fair, let's consider opposing viewpoints.
A Dad's Point of View: Internet Dating 101 and How I Met My Wife
Bruce Sallan
 When I got separated and then divorced six years ago, the world of dating had gone through a change. Internet dating was well underway and the quaint idea of friends introducing you to other friends seemed to have gone the way of the horse and buggy.
A Dad's Point-of-View: African Reflections, Part Two: The Cat and the Hat
Bruce Sallan
 Now, I suppose you're going to say this is a reach, as I work to tie in stories from my wonderful African adventure with parenting, but we witnessed a playful game of tug-of-war among lion cubs that reminded me of the quintessential struggle between siblings of all species.
A Dad's Point-of-View: African Reflections, Part One: The Lion Mates Tonight
Bruce Sallan
 When my wife and I went to Africa on our honeymoon, we encountered several different species in the throes of mating. Seeing these mating animals had the unexpected effect of reminding me that I had a job to do, at home, in having part two of the sex-talk with my teen...
A Dad’s Point-of-View: Do Men Have Strong Emotional Support in Their Lives?
Bruce Sallan
 Do men really have good support for emotional issues, on a regular basis? When a man reaches a certain age and he’s depressed, he’s struggling with his place in the world, he’s going through family problems or a divorce, or financial and job worries, etc., where can he turn?
A Dad's Point of View: Can a Relationship Survive This Much Stress?
Bruce Sallan
 How much stress can a new relationship survive? I am fond of quoting the cliché that most of us would rather keep our own problems vs. trade with someone else. Yet, lately, I wonder. Okay, I’ll keep our troubles, but it does raise the notion of enough is enough.
A Dad’s Point-of-View: Tattoos, Rap and Saggy Pants
Bruce Sallan
 The journey from child, to teen, to young adult to parent seems to have similar stops along the way for most everyone. When I was in college, I was thoroughly convinced that I would be a different parent to any children I might have than my parents were to me...
A Dad’s Point-of-View: There's No Such Thing as Quality Time
Bruce Sallan
 I keep learning this great lesson. It’s something I know, but seem to have to experience repeatedly for it to sink into my stubborn head. With kids, there’s no such thing as quality time, only quantity time.
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