Health & Beauty | June 2008  
Challenge to Empower Yourself

 |  | Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through my conscious thoughts. - Anthony Robbins |  |  | | I'm writing this on the plane coming back from a Shamans Event in Mexico City.
 It's been an amazing few days filled with fascinating people and thought provoking experiences. It's an exciting thing to meet shames from so many different cultures, and beyond beautiful to realise that even though we come from opposite sides of the world and have different methods, we are all of the same heart and mind when it comes to healing our world.
 One interviewer asked me what it's like to be a 'woman of power.'
 I think every person is a person of power, but not everyone realizes or uses that power, or even understands that real power is never over anyone or anything.
 My power comes from being clear that my thoughts and words and actions determine what happens in my life. I can't always control what happens to me, but I can always choose how I am going to feel about what happens, and it is this choice that matters, because it is this choice that determines what happens next.
 The thoughts I choose around a thing dictate my relationship to it, and steer the course of my life. Now THAT, in my book, is power.
 If there is a situation in your life you don't like, perhaps someone said something that hurt you, how you choose to feel about that situation creates what you will experience in relation to it:
 Victim – How could they do that to me? Villain – I'm gonna get them back! Interest – What is happening in their life that caused them to be able to do that? Reflective - What is this triggering in my life that is coming up to be cleared? Spiritual – What is the most loving response I can offer?
 There are many roles, and your choice could alter the course of your life. When you are clear on your choice of life path it is much easier to set your focus and permit only those thoughts words and actions that will keep you on course.
 Easier said than done, but ALWAYS worth the effort it takes to stay in conscious response when its more comfortable to slide into automatic reaction. True power takes more effort, that's why not everyone wields it, but everyone has access to it.
 It's why I travel the world teaching fast, easy, fun ways to be more powerful in every part of life. When people get a taste of how it feels to be in greater control of their lives, they are more willing to make the effort because they have experienced the benefits it brings.
 Be sure to visit my 'emPOWERment Tools' section, right here on BanderasNews. It's got a bunch of video clips that demonstrate easy ways to live a more powerful life in two minutes or less.
 Your challenge: Pick one, play with it for a week, see what happens.
 If you need help with living the life of your dreams you can contact me at 044-322-129-1128 or joy(at)experiencejoy.com. I specialize in life transformation, and guarantee immediate positive results with all of my work. See ExperienceJoy.com for details.
 Click HERE for more Challenge Corner
JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
 Click HERE for more articles by JOY! | 
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