Real Estate Course II in Spanish Underway
Saul Groman - AMPI Riviera Nayarita September 01, 2009

| To learn more about AMPI or about these courses, please contact Elena Andrade at (329) 298-1212, elena(at), or Vanessa Lopez at (322) 135-7421, ampivallarta(at) |  | The course module, named Bienes Raíces II, is aimed for those experienced brokers and agents that need to keep up to date with the changing laws in order to respond to the new challenges of the market. It was handled in a very intimate and friendly atmosphere at the Prudential headquarters located at the Holiday Inn.
 The course, given by Rafael Valdez, who's certified by the SEP (Secretería de Educación Pública) and IDEFT (Instituto de Formación para el Trabajo del Estado de Jalisco,) covers an ample spectrum of subjects that will refresh some important aspects of daily professional life and teach the experienced real estate professional how to be better prepared for today's current market conditions.
 The Real Estate market in Puerto Vallarta is filled with amateurs and part-time sales people that have no experience and no ethical conduct, driven by the easy and rapid reward without consideration of the buyers, the sellers, and established real estate professionals who invest in their education.
 With the continuing education program that A.M.P.I. requires, the boards of the three A.M.P.I. Chapters of the region say; "we are doing our best to differentiate ourselves from others in this business, the 'coyotes'." This only helps improve our professionalism and business ethics towards any client, seller or buyer, and also among ourselves.
 This is the second of a series of courses that will be recognized by A.M.P.I. and by the Education Ministry, all with the purpose of aspiring one day to secure a "Jalisco or Nayarit Real Estate License" for all of the real estate professionals that practice in this area.
 To learn more about AMPI or about these courses please contact Elena Andrade at (329) 298-1212, elena(at), or Vanessa Lopez at (322) 135-7421, ampivallarta(at)
About Prudential Vallarta: Whether you are looking to buy a home or condominium in the Banderas Bay area, or are simply considering a vacation rental, Prudential Vallarta is Your Source for Puerto Vallarta Real Estate. You can depend on our bilingual and bicultural sales professionals to help you through the process. If you would like to learn more about Prudential Vallarta's real estate or vacation rental properties click HERE, or visit |