|  |  | Puerto Vallarta Real Estate | October 2009  
PV Realtors Complete Real Estate II Course
Marilyn Newman - PVNN October 06, 2009

| Prudential Real Estate Agents Edward Rogalski and Marilyn Newman recently sat for the A.M.P.I. approved Real Estate II course English exam. |  | I and several other area real estate agents recently sat for the exam of the A.M.P.I. approved Real Estate II course in English, given by Lic. Rafael Valdez, a certified instructor recognized by SEP (Secreteria de Educación Pública) and IDEFT (Instituto de Formación para el Trabajo del Estado de Jalisco).
 The course covered a range of topics to re-enforce daily professional life and to instruct the experienced real estate professional in certain aspects of real estate law and documentation.
 There were not nearly enough agents taking the course though. It might seem like we are beating a dead horse by perpetually bringing up the benefits of continuing education for all area real estate agents and brokers, but I hold that the horse isn't dead, he just needs a good beating.
 For those agents who have not taken advantage of the courses being offered, there will be another opportunity to become the professional, well educated and informed agent we all hope to be. A new course is being considered for early October and others will be formed based on requests.
 For more information on course schedules and topics please contact Lic. Rafael Valdez by email: raval(at)rex-mexico.com; or cellular: (322) 294-1679. To learn more about A.M.P.I. please contact Elena Andrade at El Grupo Bienes Raíces, (329) 298-1212, or Vanessa Lopez with AMPI Vallarta, Cel: 322-135-7421, ampivallarta(at)gmail.com.
 Marilyn Newman is a sales associate with Prudential California Realty-Vallarta Division. She can be contacted at the Prudential office located at the Holiday Inn, or email: marilyn.newman(at)prurealtypv.com.
About Prudential Vallarta: Whether you are looking to buy a home or condominium in the Banderas Bay area, or are simply considering a vacation rental, Prudential Vallarta is Your Source for Puerto Vallarta Real Estate. You can depend on our bilingual and bicultural sales professionals to help you through the process. If you would like to learn more about Prudential Vallarta's real estate or vacation rental properties click HERE, or visit PruRealtyPV.com. |

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