Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - December 12, 2012 or 12-12-12, is significant for a number of reasons. It will be the last date of its kind, when all three numerals in a date are the same. The next time this will happen is on January, 1, 2101, 88 years from now.
According to popular belief, 12-12-12 is a lucky date that will bring good fortune. Many engaged couples plan to hold their weddings on December 12, 2012, while some expectant parents hope to deliver their baby on that date.
However, for most people 12-12-12 will be a day like any other, unless you are attending the new office inauguration for Ron Morgan Properties in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. This space at 509 Olas Altas is in the heart of the Romantic Zone.
Please join the real estate specialists starting at 12:12 pm until 6 pm for wine and light snacks. This is a great way to meet the team, check out some of their new listings and receive a chance to win some unique prizes.
"It seemed like a great day to have a celebration," says Ron Morgan, owner and broker, "The new location is conveniently located and I always like a good party and I hope for a great turnout."
Some say the Ancient Mayan calendar speaks of 12-12-12 as the end of times as we know it, and the beginning of evolution's new cycle for planet earth, humanity and the cosmos. Ron certainly hopes it's not the end of the world.
The number 12 is unique, interesting, very useful and is recognized by mathematicians, scientists, meta-physicists, and society since the beginning of recorded human history.
The purpose of the zodiac is the synchronization and mapping of space and time. This is accomplished by dividing the ecliptic into 12 zones called signs. The zodiac is an actual tool used by astronomers and don't forget to check out Ron Morgan Properties' monthly horoscope right HERE on BanderasNews.com. It's a guide to the stars - Vallarta style.

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