Editorials | Opinions 
Write to Congress: The People Need Impeachment!
Ramsey Clark
 March 17, 2007 has come and gone. Despite two days of cold torrential rain followed by snow and cutting arctic winds, tens of thousands of people passionately committed to right the grievous wrongs of the Bush Administration, marched on the Pentagon to demand the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the impeachment of President Bush.
Time for Answers
The New York Time
 The news that Monica Goodling, counsel to the attorney general and liaison to the White House, is invoking her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination takes the United States attorney scandal to a new level.
Amnistia por Ilegal Emigrantes - Que, No?
R. E. Smith Jr.
 Recently I walked through a Lowe’s building supply store and observed new signs at the aisles and sections in bold English - subordinated with Spanish. That’s it, I thought, we have now become a bilingual society; unofficial, but actual.
America's "Berlin Wall"?
Paul Kengor
 I tend to avoid the immigration debate, which, for various reasons that agitate some of my conservative friends, does not get me riled up. Nonetheless, in the context of this debate, the Mexican leadership continues to make an outrageous analogy, one that needs to be answered.
Dems, It's Time to Go Fox Huntin'
Paul Begala
 As a loyal Democrat and paid commentator on CNN, I am hopelessly biased - but at least I admit it. The folks at Fox News, on the other hand, are just as hopelessly biased - and they deny it.
Hatred Versus Hope
Alan Burkhart
 The fact that I often write about the dangers posed by radical Islam has over time brought me some interesting correspondence from Muslims who disagreed with my views. Some represent at least rudimentary thought, while others are barely coherent.
Why We Should Help Oaxaca
Manuela Garza
 Oaxaca is one of the states with the greatest poverty and most extreme marginalization in Mexico. The poverty in some Oaxacan communities is comparible to contexts similar to Africa and India.
Political Prisoners
Erik Rush
 If it had been Mexican Federales who’d shot an American drug smuggler in the behind then been prosecuted and imprisoned, I’m sure Amnesty International would be all over it. Well, as far as I can see, the case of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean (the two U.S. border agents jailed for wounding Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila) isn’t even on their radar.
What People Really Need
The New York Times
 In nasty and bumbling comments made at the White House yesterday, President Bush declared that "people just need to hear the truth" about the firing of eight United States attorneys. That's right. Unfortunately, the deal Mr. Bush offered Congress to make officials available for "interviews" did not come close to meeting that standard.
Mexican Law is Iron-Fisted on Immigration
Immigration Watchdog.com
 Mexico’s internal immigration policy is Mexico’s business. However, since Mexican political leaders from the ruling party and the opposition have been demanding that the US ignore, alter or abolish its own immigration laws, they have opened their own internal affairs to American scrutiny.
Presidente Bush
Joseph Farah
 Does Bush think he is president of Mexico? Is Bush the president of Mexico? Apparently he believes he is. Last week he made his case to the Mexican people for what he euphemistically calls "comprehensive immigration reform" in the U.S. He pledged to do more for the Mexican people.
Just a Mom?
Off the net
 What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out. "I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations." The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though she had not heard right.
'Migration' Law Would Hurt Mexicans in US
James P. Pinkerton
 Bush's plans for what he calls 'comprehensive immigration reform' could create a second class of citizenship for a semislave workforce - and make the U.S. more like a Third World country.
Mexico: Living with Drugs
Sergio Aguayo Quezada
 Mexicans, willingly or not, have been living with organised crime for many years. Now, for the first time in this long period, it seems possible that its advance might be contained.
This... is Justice?
Rush Limbaugh
 The vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty, and those who die serving our country in Uniform, are profound. No one really talks about it either; because you just don't criticize anything having to do with 9/11.
Bush's Plan to Undermine Cuba: A Monstrous and Wicked Worldwide Attack on the Poor
Alberto N. Jones
 Before believing my eyes, I had to read twice “US program for defecting Cuban doctors a success”, published in the Miami Herald. Anyone else around the world, except the ultra-right-wing Cuban-American community in Miami, the neo-cons in the United States that got us into the Iraq quagmire and those that are part of President George W. Bush administration, would be sickened to their stomach.
His Own Worst Enemy
Robert Scheer
 Like Nixon during Watergate, Cheney is now shrilly on the defensive. "National security made me do it!" he insists, clinging to pseudo-patriotism, that last refuge of scoundrels. But it is an argument that no longer flies with a public that has caught on to the rhythm of his screechy lies.
Why Cuba is a Democracy and the US is Not
Tim Anderson
 In an age of propaganda and pseudo-democracy, the strongest opponents of imperial power are subject to the most ferocious attacks. One result of this is that many of the firmly held opinions about democracy in Cuba and in the USA bear an inverse relationship to relevant knowledge.
Impeachment Now!
Ramsey Clark
 I urge you to join the March on the Pentagon on March 17, if at all possible. It can be the turning point to impeachment. I’ve believed for forty years that the October 1967 March on the Pentagon was the turning point to the withdrawal from Vietnam.
Freedom Versus Zealotry
Alan Burkhart
 A free society cannot succeed when ideologues exert a degree of influence on government disproportionate to their numbers. Sharia law is a good example, although most Americans cannot fully understand the hardships it imposes.
Invade Mexico?
Ryan McMaken
 Those who fail to oppose immigration with sufficient vigor are spoken of as "the treason lobby" and anti-immigration advocates speak in favor of military action against Mexico if the Mexican government is improperly worshipful of American edicts.
Caring for Creation: The Greatest Moral Crisis of Our Age
J. Matthew Sleeth, MD
 As a physician, environmentalist, and evangelical Christian, I can state without reservation that global warming is real and that it disproportionately harms our one billion neighbors who live on a dollar a day or less.
When a Rose is Not a Rose...
Vaquera Guera
 I read something today that is where our "democracy" has gone in so many ways, and in fact makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck, we are so there.
Unwanted Intrigue: The 'Spy' Who Wasn't
Dana Romanoff
 I was using sandbags as my pillow as a cockroach did laps around my cot. It was mid-November and I was hidden in a tiny bedroom in the house of a woman I had just met. I needed to get out of the state of Oaxaca in Mexico.
Mexico-America: The Emigration Equation
Leon Krauze
 Just as it happens in American politics and media, there are people in Mexico who consider the history of migration between this country and its neighbor to the north as a tale just shy of "modern slavery."
Puerto Vallarta: 'It's Safe and Friendly'
Bette McClay
 We have come to realize that we didn't need to be nervous about going to Mexico. Bad things, just by the law of averages, will happen anywhere. What was really eye-opening, though, was that with the rather dubious behavior of a lot of my fellow citizens, Mexican people so carefully watched out for us.
Tornadoes, Politics and Child Safety
Alan Burkhart
 Recent tragic events in Missouri, Georgia and Alabama should send a strong message to anyone who has been paying attention to all the fuss about climate change: The time for politicizing the weather is over.
We Eat Horses, Don’t We?
Christa Weil
 Recently, an official for American Horse Defense Fund declared that “the foreign-owned slaughter industry needs to understand that Americans will never view horses as dinner.” It’s a ringing statement, but it’s not an entirely accurate one.
Next Step to Curb Illegal Migration
Christian Science Monitor
 President Bush visits Mexico next week, and just in time. Mexico plans to be tougher on illegal crossings – not into the US, but from Central America – because too many migrants are taking Mexican jobs. In contrast, Mexico last year began to give maps to its citizens showing the safest illegal routes into the US.
'The United States has No More Important Relationship'
Frida Ghitis
 Some statements go down in history with such a painful belly flop that one can never again quote them without thoroughly soaking them in the deceptively soothing balm of irony.
Not "A Good-News Story"
The Washington Post
 We are glad that the Army is finally taking the issue of outpatient care seriously enough to effectively end the career of a major general for presiding over the disgraceful condition of Building 18. But the evidence compiled so far suggests that Gen. Kiley has been more complicit in the scandalous neglect of Walter Reed's outpatient facilities for longer than Gen. Weightman has been.
It's Time To Free This 'Dog' From The Pound
Joe Murray
 One would think that the Mexican authorities would be grateful a rapist was taken off their beaches, but one would be wrong. Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman's deliverance of a convicted felon was met with a new criminal charge - against Chapman.
Bank of America Just Tip of Iceberg
Bob Unruh
 Dozens of major United States banking institutions led by Bank of America are implementing a nationwide amnesty program for millions of illegal immigrants by accepting as valid identification Mexico's matricula consular cards, which are just a "laminated piece of paper," critics of the plan have charged.
Comprehensive Immigration Legislation Means Amnesty
Barbara Anderson
 When legislators talk about comprehensive legislation in regards to illegal immigration, they are talking about giving amnesty to the estimated twelve to thirty-five millions of people who have broken our laws, the first one being that of entering the country without our permission.
The United States Cannot Launch a Military Offensive Against Iran Today
Le Figaro
 Renaud Girard argues that the US "cannot" launch a military offensive against Iran today, but it might be a mistake to assume the current administration - given its track record - to be incapable of suicidal folly.
The Plot Against Mexican Maíz: Big Biotech Takes Advantage of Corn Crisis to Force Farmers to Buy GM Seeds
John Ross
 The diableros from Lagunilla market who were clustered around La Lupita’s Ricos Tacos in the rough-and-tumble barrio of Tepito were not smiling. “Yesterday these cost me six pesos. Today, it’s eight. Tomorrow, who knows, ten?” complained Rodrigo Aldama, pointing at the three greasy tacos on his paper plate. “Vitamin T is rich man’s food now,” he adds.
“Racist” Apocalypto Opens In Latin America
Allan Wall
 “Apocalypto” is, above all, an action movie. Although historical fiction in an exotic locale, it still follows the basic canons of an action movie, and the jungle chase scene is a cinematic tour de force.
Guanajuato, Mexico, Marriage, and Freedom of Speech
Doug Bower
 Experiencing culture shock is very much like getting married. You spend the first year or so in rapturous enjoyment of one another. One day, you wake up and wonder “What have I done?” Moving to a new culture, as I discovered when moving to Mexico to live, is very much the same.
The Weapon of Mass Change
William Fisher
 Today, those who get paid to deliver their opinions and convictions in newspapers, on television, in the White House, and on the floor of Congress are more undeniably, more absolutely, more positively certain their point of view is not only the right one, but the only one.
President's Day 2007: Where Has the Integrity Gone?
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III
 As we approached President's Day, I was compelled to compare our current president's character to the presidents we celebrate and honor on February 19, 2007. President's Day is a celebration of the birth, accomplishments, and sacrifices of presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Making Martial Law Easier
 A disturbing recent phenomenon in Washington is that laws that strike to the heart of American democracy have been passed in the dead of night. So it was with a provision that makes it easier for a president to override local control of law enforcement and declare martial law.
Another Looking-Glass War
Sam Osborne
 For those that would rather revise than learn from history, it is apparently never too early to set about its rewriting. The revised version of the Iraqi quagmire shifts responsibility away from Bush and his Republican enablers and onto those that understand the folly of it all. How so?
Watada Follows Military Rules on Dissent
Colonel (Retired) Ann Wright
 Courage is not only shown on the battlefield by military personnel. It takes guts and courage for a soldier to refuse to deploy to Iraq with one's unit because he believes the war is illegal. Very few in our country resign from their careers, much less risk imprisonment, on a point of principle and conscience.
Texas Prisons in Mexico? No Güey!
Hector Chavez
 What could be more fun than building another Texas prison? Building one in Mexico. The very hypothetical prisons would be intended for Mexican nationals doing time for nonviolent crimes.
Mexican Govt Deepens Latin America Split at Davos
Laura Carlsen
 Mexican president Felipe Calderón strode off to the World Economic Forum with a bold agenda. This isn't the first time that a Mexican president has rankled the sensibilities of fellow hemispheric leaders while traveling abroad.
Mr. Cheney, Tear Down This Wall
Nicholas D. Kristof
 Mr. Cheney, now that the Scooter Libby trial is raising doubts about your own integrity, you owe the nation an explanation. Here are a few questions to help frame your explanation of your activities.
The 21st Century Sucks
William Rivers Pitt
 It took an astonishingly stupid bomb scare in my town last week to really make me feel old for the first time. The reports started coming in around noon - "suspicious items" that had "wires" and "electronics," which were found strapped to critical infrastructure all over the city, according to the news media - and for a few hours, I entertained the possibility that my darkest fears were becoming a reality.
Mexican Mayhem?
Sheila Copps
 Aside from its marvellous people (a United Nations survey found them to be the happiest on Earth), the country is replete with fascinating history, beautiful geography and incomparable beaches. So what gives with the Canadian media?
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