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Right Candidates, Wrong Question
Gloria Steinem

Even before Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton threw their exploratory committees into the ring, every reporter seemed to be asking which candidate are Americans more ready for, a white woman or a black man?

Does Mexico Really Own the US Southwest?
Allan Wall

The average American doesn’t know much about the Mexican War and thinks about it less. But here in Mexico they do think about it a lot. In Mexico, everybody knows that "the U.S. took half our national territory."

Mexifornia, Five Years Later
Victor Davis Hanson

In the Spring 2002 issue of City Journal, I wrote an essay about growing up in the central San Joaquin Valley and witnessing firsthand, especially over the last 20 years, the ill effects of illegal immigration.

Did NAFTA Lift Millions Out of Poverty or Feed the Flood of Illegals into the US?
Daryll E. Ray

Though many are optimistic about the ability of increased globalization to lift millions in less developed countries out of poverty, we wonder about the law of unintended consequences.

Hispanic Family Values?
Heather Mac Donald

Unless the life chances of children raised by single mothers suddenly improve, the explosive growth of the U.S. Hispanic population over the next couple of decades does not bode well for American social stability.

Bush Allows The Mexican Military To Smuggle Drugs Across Our Border
Dave Gibson

The corrupt Mexican military regularly invades our nation with the intent of putting more poison on our streets, apparently with the blessing of President Bush.

Mexican Tortilla Crisis
Darrell McAlexander

Corn tortilla prices in Mexico have skyrocketed over the last several months. As an Iowa farmer who grows corn for the Mexican market, I’m disappointed that the press and some academics are unfairly suggesting that the growing demand for biofuels is too blame.

Christianists on the March
Chris Hedges

Dr. James Luther Adams, my ethics professor at Harvard Divinity School, told his students that when we were his age - he was then close to 80 - we would all be fighting the "Christian fascists."

If Environmentalists Cared About Global Warming...
Dean Baker

They would all be pushing for pay as you drive auto insurance. I know that insurance isn't very cool or sexy, like some of the high-tech solutions for global warming. But pay as you drive insurance has the great advantage of being something that could in principle have a big impact beginning tomorrow.

Global Warming, Body Paint and Bicycles
Alan Burkhart

Yet another study on Global Warming, this one conducted by 600 scientists, is due to be released in early February. The new study will supposedly constitute a "smoking gun" in terms of the evidence of Man's role in the changing climate.

Mexico: Quo Vadis?
Michael Werbowski

The currency's future stability in the wake of the messy and nasty campaign and a declining dollar worldwide will challenge the American educated and trained Calderón's ability to steer the nation forward.

Fake Left, Rule Right - Mexico Under Calderon
John Ross

Here was Felipe Calderon pumping the flesh with Latin American boogeymen Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales at the January 10th inauguration of Daniel Ortega, once Washington's Public Enemy Numero Uno, as president of Nicaragua.

Richer Mexico Will Help Stop Tide Of Illegals
Investor's Business Daily

Mexico's privileged few have hurt millions of their hardworking citizens who deserve far more humane treatment - and sometimes find it only here in America.

Slingshot Police
Dennie Quill

The most jaw-dropping piece of news I read this week came via the Associated Press, which reported that police in the crime-plagued Mexican city of Tijuana had their guns confiscated and were issued with slingshots following allegations of collusion with drug gangs.

Is America Ready for a Hispanic President?
Ruben Navarrette Jr

New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson had a hint of boyish excitement in his voice, as if he had just done something grand. He had. In fact, as announcements go, they don't come any grander.

Mexican Government Corruption Fuels US Drug Problem
Jim Kouri

Mexico continues to be the source or entry point for the vast majority of the narcotics that are consumed in the US. Mexico is the leading transit country for cocaine and heroin consumed in the US. It is also the leading source country for marijuana and now methamphetamine.

Chickens, Mexico, and NAFTA
Doug Bower

Americans never understand their responsibility in the Mexican Immigration to the U.S. debacle. They will blame everyone under the sun, and then some, rather than look inward to themselves as major contributors to the problem.

Was Iraq War a 'Blunder' or Was It Treason?
Dave Lindorff

New Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), is calling President Bush's invasion of Iraq a "stark blunder" and says that his new scheme to send 21,500 more troops into the mess he created is just digging the hole deeper. I wonder though.

Mexican Injustice
Chris Selley

"I thought things like this only happened in the movies," a recent visitor to Mexico told the Toronto Star last week. "I never thought I would experience anything like this."

George Bush's Crusading Scorecard (2001-2007)
Tom Engelhardt

This crusade, this war on terrorism. It had such a ring to it; in the Arab world, of course, it was a ring many centuries old and deeply disturbing. And it came so naturally, so easily off the President's tongue.

The So-Called War on Drugs is All a Diversion
Alison Shunstrom

For most of the people they are under the impression that there is a drug war going on in Mexico and that the drug cartels are murdering and kidnapping. For a couple of years now I have known that there is much more then what is being said and what picture is being painted of Mexico and the borders to the USA.

Do Unto Others
Sam Osborne

Disagreements, mainly on how we wish to be treated and how we would treat others, reflect a difference of opinion as to the nature of man qua man. By what we do, and would have others do, we vote for what we are.

I'm the Distorter...
Ross M. Levine

I'm sitting here wondering if this is still the United States of America, since I never realized it was possible here - short of a military coup - for a President and Vice President to declare that they alone have the power to preside over a war, and that Congress and the American people should just butt out.

Is George W. Bush a Mexican Mole?
Citizen Conservative

January 17, 2007 should go down in American history, along with December 7, 1941 and September 11, 2001, as days on which the United States was brutally attacked. Although America was not physically attacked on January 17, the devastation to our republic was nearly as grave.

Posada Case: the Moment of Truth has Arrived
Cuban Foreign Ministry

The international media has reported that on January 11, 2007, the United States government, which for more than 18 months has been protecting international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, has been obliged to indict him on charges of fraud and lying when applying for U.S. citizenship.

The Danger in China’s Mexican Port Grab

Once the United States begins regularly receiving containers from the Far East by way of Mexico, America will become beholden to its southern neighbor - and China.

An Anti-Mexican Response to Smart Business Decision
The Valley Morning Star

Reasonable people can disagree on policy issues without vilifying one another. That is the basis of the civil discourse upon which a representative democracy relies. It's a clear sign that civil discourse has broken down somewhat when a business receives death threats and hate mail for making the business decision of accepting a foreign currency.

Speaking the Truth
David Lord

I add to the general dismay felt by American Citizens at the United States of America's Governmental Iraq policy. I have always wondered at the stated prize (a democratic government and free Iraqi people) from the Bush Presidential group.

A Death in Mexico
Globe and Mail

The death of 19-year-old Canadian Adam DePrisco in Acapulco last week was a tragedy, regardless of the circumstances. Just three days into a two-week vacation, the young tourist suffered fatal head injuries after a visit to a popular nightclub.

The Mentally Ill, Behind Bars
Bernard E. Harcourt

Ten days ago, the Supreme Court agreed to determine when mentally ill death row inmates should be considered so deranged that their execution would be constitutionally impermissible.

Golden State Gamble
Paul Krugman

A few days ago Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger unveiled an ambitious plan to bring universal health insurance to California. And I'm of two minds about it.

What We Need is a Troop Surge on the Homefront
James Pinkerton

So American troops are surging in Iraq and withdrawing along our own border. What's wrong with this picture? Nothing, say the journalistic and political elites. Wrong. What we really need is a surge of troops on the U.S.-Mexican border, which is a lot closer to home than Baghdad.

Insanity Surge
Cindy Sheehan

Bloody George, the lamest duck in US history, has announced to the nation that he will be sending 21,500 more troops into Iraq, which some call a "surge," some call an escalation, and I like to refer to as Operation Increasing Cannon Fodder.

Oaxaca, Mexico: Things May Heat Up Again
Mark in Mexico

A federal judge has denied an "amparo" to protect Enrique Rueda Pacheco and at least 30 other teachers union and APPO activists from arrest. The teachers union leader and the others are accused of armed robbery, principally from the invasion and sacking of the state Congress.

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