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««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions 2008: Latin America's Hope and Challenge
Laura Carlsen
 It's becoming a platitude to refer to Latin America as the region of hope, and from here in Mexico the perception is tempered by a reality that looks more ominous than hopeful.
The Mainstream Media is no Longer a Relevant Source of Information
Dave Gibson
 At one time, the American press was well-respected throughout the world. They earned that respect with hard work, honesty, and by reporting on important stories. Unfortunately, the MSM has abandoned all of those principles which has rendered them completely irrelevant.
The High Price of Low-Cost Immigrant Labour
Lloyd Brown-John
 Border towns have always been hosts to transients. People who drift in and drift out - crossing borders legally and illegally. Cities such as Windsor, for example, have served as staging areas for immigrants seeking entry - by whatever means - to the U.S.
The War Next Door
Austin Bay
 Is a "drug war" a genuine war? A dictionary debate may be in order, but police and special operations soldiers know "gang warfare" often straddles the line between crime and "insurgent warfare."
He Shoulda Been a Contender
Jose de la Isla
 Here's a movie treatment worth pitching Hollywood. There's this guy running for president. He was born in the US to a mixed-ethnic couple and received his early schooling outside the country. Then he was admitted to a US prep school and attended one of our best universities. He found himself in a political world and soon distinguished himself within his party and legislatively before running for president. No, it's not Barack Obama, it's New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson.
Affluenza: When It's Time to Stop Wanting It All
Randy Salzman
 From the world's viewpoint, Americans already have everything. In the Christian world, we're the rich man whose chances of entering heaven are less than that poor hopeless camel approaching the needle's eye. To Buddhists, we're the founders of the concept "greed is good." In the Moslem world, we're "the great Satan."
Journey into the Heart of an Insurgency
Rebecca Solnit
 We live in revolutionary times, but the revolution we are living through is a slow turning around from one set of beliefs and practices toward another, a turn so slow that most people fail to observe our society revolving - or rebelling. The true revolutionary needs to be as patient as a snail.
The Comeback Continent
Paul Krugman
 Today I'd like to talk about a much-derided contender making a surprising comeback, a comeback that calls into question much of the conventional wisdom of American politics. No, I'm not talking about a politician. I'm talking about an economy - specifically, the European economy.
Is Religion a Threat to Democracy? Faith Talk on the Campaign Trail
Ira Chernus
 It's a presidential campaign like no other. The candidates have been falling all over each other in their rush to declare the depth and sincerity of their religious faith. The pundits have been just as eager to raise questions that seem obvious and important: Should we let religious beliefs influence the making of law and public policy?
Digital Immigration Card Shows Mexico's Progressive Views on Immigration
Louis E. V. Nevaer
 This March, Mexico will start to use digitally embedded immigration cards to track migrant workers. This is just another step in Mexico's long track record of progressive views on immigration - one that America could learn from.
Sen. McCain and Illegal Immigration
Washington Times
 The Arizona Republican now says that, in the wake of last summer's defeat of "comprehensive immigration reform," he has "gotten the message" that the border must be secured before the status of illegals already in the United States can be dealt with.
NAFTA Needs to be Revised and Improved to Fix Illegal Immigration
Joe A. Reyna
 The assumption under NAFTA is that the price Mexican families will pay for these products will be cheaper. However, it will be cheaper at the expense of Mexican farmers who will close their farms leaving thousands unemployed.
US Drugging Troops to Numb Them to Horrors of War
Penny Coleman
 The DoD is flirting with the idea of medicating soldiers to desensitize them to combat trauma - will an army of unfeeling monsters result?
Too Many Innocents Abroad
Robert L. Strauss
 The Peace Corps recently began a laudable initiative to increase the number of volunteers who are 50 and older. As the Peace Corps country director in Cameroon from 2002 until last February, I observed how many older volunteers brought something to their service that most young volunteers could not: extensive professional and life experience and the ability to mentor younger volunteers.
Out of Control
The Monitor
 If the drug-war violence that erupted this week across the border in Rio Bravo and in Reynosa leaves you apprehensive, your head is probably in the right place.
The Politics of Immigration
Victor Davis Hanson
 With the war in Iraq politically on the back burner, illegal immigration is heating up as a campaign issue. The public wants action, and the candidates are scrambling to react.
US Veterans and Citizens Facing an Economic Storm
David Lord
 Something is wrong in both the heart and the health of America. The War that we cannot afford makes paying for the basic necessities: heat, food and clothing near impossible, putting our personnel debts beyond payment and making slaves of middle class Americans.
Neo Warfare
Ivan Simic
 There has not yet been a single year without war in the history of mankind; and it seems mankind has yet to learn bitter lessons from centuries of fighting and conflicts; wars have never brought anything good to nations and countries.
The False Promise of Change
Dan K. Thomasson
 With all this talk about change from the presidential aspirants, one should remember that in politics, as in few other endeavors, the more things change the more they stay the same.
Socialists Blast Corporate Media on Presidential Debates
Stewart A. Alexander
 In recent days, ABC in a debate of the candidates excluded Dennis Kucinich from participating in the national television debate of the Democrats, while including Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul.
George McGovern's Case for Impeachment of Bush and Cheney
Hal Brown
 George McGovern, sharp as a tack at age 85, isn't naive and he knows the chances of an impeachment of Bush and Cheney are slim to none. But he makes a damn good case.
North American Union a Bad Idea
Al Hegland
 I am writing to alert people of a grave danger facing our national sovereignty and our ability to continue our lives as free Americans. It comes from our own government, both elected and appointed officials, and those behind the scenes who control them.
Automatic Minimum-Wage Increases Put Farmers in a Squeeze
Wallowa County Chieftain
 With the new year comes higher costs to farmers, ranchers and agribusinesses in the West. One of those higher costs that they continue to monitor is the growing minimum wage, since higher wages in the West can leave them at a disadvantage with other states and especially other countries.
Let It Start Now
The New York Times
 Keeping the 2008 Presidential race alive so significant numbers of Americans in more populated states can participate would begin to make up for the ludicrous spectacle of the past year, which enriched the television networks and the political consultants far more than it enriched the political dialogue.
Done Their Utmost Best
Hon. Helena Guergis, P.C., M.P.
 I wish to respond to recent and repeated concerns and reports expressed by citizens within your area of readership pertaining to the Consular Case of Ms. Brenda Martin.
2007 - Wildest Ride Ever for Hispanics
Alex Meneses Miyashita
 Never in history have Hispanics been the focus or fulcrum of so many major stories as in 2007. Headline glare ranged from immigration turmoil to the dreary departure of Alberto Gonzales, the nation's first Hispanic attorney general.
Mexico Is Not a Threat to U.S.
Marcela Sanchez
 As established 15 years ago by NAFTA negotiators, this New Year's Day was the deadline to eliminate the final export-import barriers between the two nations - specifically those that protected the most contentious products such as corn and sugar.
What About Experience?
Scott Galindez
 Taking nothing away from the three frontrunners on the Democratic side, I find it odd the three most experienced candidates have not gained any traction in the polls.
Wall of Shame
Jose de la Isla
 The town of Granjeno is near the construction for the new Anzaldua border-crossing bridge to Reynosa, Mexico, scheduled to open in 2009. Also planned is The Wall, the barrier that has been sold to the nation as how "securing our borders" will take place.
UN vs. NGOs: One Against Many
Ivan Simic
 Nowadays, Governments are increasingly counting on NGOs more than on the UN. If this trend continues, NGOs will eventually replace the UN on the international stage, and, maybe, come to power in some countries.
Socialists Emerging as Democrats, Republicans Lose Voter Confidence
Stewart A. Alexander
 Millions of Independent voters are now looking at third parties and third party candidates in the hopes of gaining representation in Congress and the White House; these voters are searching for leaders that will represent the will of American voters nationally and internationally.
Who Is the Best Dem Candidate on the Issues?
Michael Moore
 A new year has begun. And before we've had a chance to break our New Year's resolutions, we find ourselves with a little more than 24 hours before the good people of Iowa tell us whom they would like to replace the man who now occupies three countries and a white house.
Russian-Iranian Rapprochement a Necessary Evil?
Michael Werbowski
 Russian-Iranian bilateral ties are strengthening. Russia is feeling the heat from NATO powers, which insist on installing missiles in Poland and an air defense radar system in central Europe. No matter what falsehoods and blather you hear from officialdom in Brussels, this renders Russia a potential target for a first strike.
Crime or Culture?
Peter Bella
 TEXAN OF THE YEAR GOES TO THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT He is at the heart of a great culture war in Texas and the nation, credited with bringing us prosperity and blamed for abusing our resources. How should we deal with this stranger among us?
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