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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News 'Failsafe' Face Scanners Could Replace Passport Officers at Airports
This Is London
 Facial recognition machines are to be installed at airports to replace passport officers under border control plans announced today. The machines will scan a travellers' face to compare them with the images on their biometric passports and open an automated gate when a match is registered.
Getting Hacked at the Olympics
Lisa Hoffman & Bill Bowman
 U.S. athletes, journalists, public officials and tourists attending the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing are at risk of Chinese hackers - most likely with Chinese government approval - infiltrating their laptops, Black Berrys and other electronic devices, security experts are warning.
Internet Law - Mexican Spam Law
 Mexican law approaches the spam problem not through specific anti-spam legislation, but instead through a consumer protection law that is designed to regulate advertising and marketing on the Internet.
Cartels, Mexican Army Blamed for Interference
Diana Washington Valdez
 The Mexican army and drug cartel operatives are among the likely sources of recent interference with El Paso police communications and the Digital El Paso wireless network, city officials said.
Is Google a Media Company?
Miguel Helft
 Type “buttermilk pancakes” into Google, and among the top three or four search results you will find a link to a detailed recipe complete with a photo of a scrumptious stack from a site called Knol, which is owned by Google.
State of the Art Weather Station Installed in Vallarta
Jim Morrison
 Café Roma, located at Calle Encino #287 in downtown Puerto Vallarta, has installed a state-of-the-art weather station outside their famous restaurant, which, together with their webcam, allows part-time residents and tourists to stay informed.
Anti-War Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs
Paul Joseph Watson
 The operator of a leading alternative news and strongly anti-war website has become the target of nefarious thugs apparently in the employ of the U.S. government who have continually harassed him and ordered him to shut down his website.
‘Fakeproof’ E-Passport is Cloned in Minutes
Steve Boggan
 New microchipped passports designed to be foolproof against identity theft can be cloned and manipulated in minutes and accepted as genuine by the computer software recommended for use at international airports.
Dutch Scientists Demonstrate Their Electric Kite
The Real Network
 A traditional childhood pastime could provide a breakthrough in renewable energy, after successful experiments in flying a giant kite at one of Europe's top research centres.
Laptop Travel: How To Pick Your Perfect Laptop
Kevin Allgood
 Many people choose to travel with their laptops these days. And I’m not talking about business travelers; I’m talking about backpackers. It isn’t really surprising when you consider how many people are blogging about their travels or working or staying in touch on the road.
"Major Discovery" From MIT Primed to Unleash Solar Revolution
Anne Trafton
 In a revolutionary leap that could transform solar power from a marginal, boutique alternative into a mainstream energy source, MIT researchers have overcome a major barrier to large-scale solar power: storing energy for use when the sun doesn't shine.
Europe and Japan Join Forces to Map Out Future of Intelligent Robots
Carme Torras
 The field of robotics could be poised for a breakthrough, leading to a new generation of intelligent machines capable of taking on multiple tasks and moving out of the factory into the home and general workplace.
Seattle to Remove Automated Toilets
Stuart Isett
 After spending $5 million on its five automated public toilets, Seattle is calling it quits. In the end, the restrooms, installed in early 2004, had become so filthy, so overrun with drug abusers and prostitutes, that although use was free of charge, even some of the city’s most destitute people refused to step inside them.
This Project is Sponsored by George Orwell and His Big Brother
Ross Clark
 Anyone who has lived without a television will know how hard it is to convince TV Licensing staff that is possible to exist without constant video entertainment. It is one more freedom that is to be taken from us.
"America's Army" Video Game Violates International Law
Michael B. Reagan
 In May of 2002, the United States Army invaded E3, the annual video game convention held in Los Angeles. At the city's Convention Center, young game enthusiasts mixed with camouflaged soldiers, Humvees and a small tank parked near the entrance.
Telmex Shifts Service Focus
Mark Stevenson
 Mexico's once-monolithic phone company, Telefonos de Mexico, said on Wednesday that it is focusing on broadband, service packages and computers sales to offset declining revenues from traditional voice and dial-up calls.
Airport Scanners See Through Clothes
Ina Paiva Cordle
 Travelers, be aware: Your full-blown image - private parts and all - could soon be visible to a security officer, on-screen, at an airport near you.
Anti-Immigrant 'Bot Hears Heartbeats
David Axe
 A new $15,000 robot, built by BAE Systems, is helping the British Border Agency catch illegal immigrants. The four-wheeled "Hero" uses cameras and sensors to check out the undersides of trucks entering England through the port of Calais, according to The Telegraph.
This Is Your Brain on Cell Phones
Kiera Butler
 The World Health Organization's website says "no study [on cell phone radiation] has shown adverse health effects at exposure levels below international guideline limits." But doctors and scientists are starting to scrutinize how invisible electromagnetic fields affect human health, especially when it comes to cell phones.
Mexican Sports Car Debuts
 There's quite a history of cars being built in Mexico by major manufacturers, but the introduction of the Mastretta MXT comes as something of a shock. That's because it's the first car to have been both designed and produced in Mexico.
First Firefighting Vehicle with 100% Mexican Technology Presented
Presidencia de la República
 With the support of the Secretariat of Communications and Transport, Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA), and the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT), they became pioneers in the design and manufacture of the first Rescue and Fire Extinguishing Vehicle as well as the first Airbus using 100% Mexican technology.
Mexico Experiences Phone Number Portability Startup Glitches
Ken Parks
 The implementation of number portability in Mexico got off to a bumpy start, with reports of call failures after phone companies migrated their networks to the new system over the weekend.
'Sesame' Upgrading Its Address on the Web
Elizabeth Jensen
 Nearly 40 years ago “Sesame Street” forged a new path in educational television for preschoolers. But in recent years, as even very young children have migrated online, the show’s Web efforts have lagged far behind those of commercial competitors like the Walt Disney Company and Viacom’s Nickelodeon.
Mexico Police Probing "Hitmen" Website Adverts
Mica Rosenberg
 Mexico City police are investigating classified advertisements posted on the Internet by people offering their services as hired killers for as little as $6,000, police said on Friday.
'Dancing,' a Near-Perfect Piece of Internet Art
Charles McGrath
 There are no weekend box office charts for online videos. But if there were, near or at the very top of the list right now might well be a four-and-a-half-minute "travel" video called "Dancing," which more than four million people have viewed on YouTube, and perhaps another million on other sites, in the just over two weeks since it appeared.
iPhone Hits Mexico At Half-Price
E. Eduardo Castillo
 Apple Inc.’s next generation iPhone lands this week in Mexico as part of its global debut, selling in Latin America’s second-largest market for less than half its planned U.S. price.
Judge Orders Google to Turn Over YouTube Records
Miguel Helft
 A federal judge in New York has ordered Google to turn over to Viacom a database linking users of YouTube, the Web's largest video site by far, with every clip they have watched there.
Laptops Lost Like Hot Cakes At U.S. Airports
Agam Shah
 Keep laptops close at airports, because they have a startling tendency to disappear in the blink of an eye, according to a new survey. Some of the largest and medium-sized U.S. airports report close to 637,000 laptops lost each year, according to the Ponemon Institute survey.
Electricity Taken to Mazahua Communities in Mexico State
Presidencia de la República
 President Felipe Calderpon visited the community of Santa Rosa de Lima, Barrio de la Loma, to deliver electrification works to the Mazahua indigenous communities in Mexico State.
The World in 2025, According to the National Intelligence Council
Daniel Taylor
 Life extension technology, artificial intelligence, and an expansive "internet of things" are just a few of the topics that the latest report from the National Intelligence Council, "Disruptive Civil Technologies - Six Technologies with Potential Impacts on US Interests out to 2025".
Windows Could Use a Rush of Fresh Air
Randall Stross
 Beginning as a thin veneer for older software code, it has become an obese monolith built on an ancient frame. Adding features, plugging security holes, fixing bugs, fixing the fixes that never worked properly, all while maintaining compatibility with older software and hardware - is there anything Windows doesn't try to do?
Bill Gates Bids a Teary Farewell to Microsoft
Daisuke Wakabayashi
 Bill Gates said a teary goodbye on Friday to Microsoft Corp, the software maker he built into the world's most valuable technology company based on the ambitious goal of placing a computer on every desk and in every home.
Tongue-in-Cheek Clothing Sold Virtually and in Real World
 Makena Technologies, creator of the popular social virtual world There.com, today announced a partnership with NaCo USA, the authentic Latino clothing brand that targets consumers through funny and irreverent bilingual slogans and culturally relevant designs
Technological Enslavement Is All Around Us
Lee Rogers
 The technological enslavement grid is getting increasingly more insane and most people don’t even care. Apparently most people and Americans especially like being slaves just as long as they are told that they are free.

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