News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Venezuelan Opposition Dreams of US Invasion
 The Venezuelan opposition uses violence because it dreams about the “US marines come to solve their problem”, affirmed the Venezuelan ambassador to Mexico, Roy Chaderton.
Bush Insults Vets on Veterans Day
Capitol Hill Blue
 President George W. Bush snubbed America's 20 million veterans Sunday, hiding out at his Texas ranch on yet another vacation while sending Vice President Dick Cheney, a draft-dodger during the Vietnam War, to Arlington National Cometary for Veterans Day ceremonies.
Funds Set Up to Assist Tabasco Flood Victims
Anna Cearley
 Mexican authorities and U.S. relief organizations are collecting donations for victims of massive flooding in Mexico's eastern state of Tabasco.
Who Owns the Poles?
 A battle is looming over conflicting claims for the resources of the Arctic and Antarctic. While Russia recently sought to stamp its authority on the North Pole by planting a flag on the seabed beneath it - angering Canada and the U.S. - a host of nations are claiming or preparing to claim rights to the land and sea resources around the South Pole.
Chertoff Pledges to Fight Lawsuits Targeting Border Security
Suzanne Gamboa
 Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff pledged to fight all lawsuits against his efforts to secure the border, ranging from building fences to requiring new driver's licenses.
Students Protests Continue in Venezuela
 Students in Venezuela continue to protest against the Chavez government a day after violence mars demonstrations.
US: Drug Flow Into Country Slows
Carol Cratty
 The United States, Colombia and Mexico are slowing the flow of cocaine and methamphetamine into the U.S., according to new figures from the Drug Enforcement Administration.
GOP Push for Money for US-Mexico Fence
Andrew Taylor
 Republicans cried foul Wednesday after Democrats cut money for a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border from a defense spending bill.
Cheney Impeachment Resolution Sent to House Committee
Johanna Neuman
 House Democrats on Tuesday beat back a Republican attempt to force them to vote on a divisive resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney for "fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction" to justify the war in Iraq.
Chertoff: Gains at Border Are 'Significant First Step'
Mike Madden
 Arrests of illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexican border dropped by 20 percent in the past year, Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff announced Tuesday, attributing the change to increased efforts to enforce immigration and border-security laws.
Boy: Friendship With Teacher Led to Sex
Elliot Spagat
 The 13-year-old who fled from Nebraska with a middle school teacher told The Associated Press their friendship led to sex and a rambling journey to nowhere that now has them both facing fates they never wanted.
Toll From Calif. Wildfires Rises to 8
Associated Press
 A woman who was badly burned in a fire near the U.S.-Mexico border has died from her injuries, making her the eighth person to be killed directly by the wildfires that ravaged Southern California.
Fear for Welfare of Animals in Mexican Floods
Kent News
 Concerns have been raised about animals caught up in Mexico’s flood disaster. Roger Gale, MP for North Thanet – and president of the Conservative Animal Welfare group - is calling for immediate action to be taken.
U.N. Spurns Cuba Embargo for 17th Year
Haider Rizvi
 The United Nations General Assembly last week snubbed the United States for its hostility towards Cuba, amid fresh calls for an end to the 45-year economic and financial embargo imposed on the socialist island.
Cartel Kingpin Gets Life Sentence
Onell R. Soto
 Wearing an orange jumpsuit and with his ankles chained together, one of the world's most feared drug kingpins was led off to prison yesterday after a judge sentenced him to life for his role in the global drug trade.
Americans Want Change in Direction
Agence France-Presse
 Sixty percent of all Americans strongly want the country to change direction after nearly seven years of President George W. Bush's rule, according to a new opinion poll released late Sunday.
Military Past Now Rare For US Candidates
Joelle Farrell
 Since the elimination of the draft in 1973, the number of U.S. citizens serving in the military has dwindled to about 1 percent of the total population. Fewer veterans hold high political office, meaning few politicians who authorize and manage wars have a personal connection to the troops they send into combat.
Catholic Relief Services Commits $1.5 Million to Mexico and Caribbean Flood Response
Hispanic PRWire
 Catholic Relief Services (CRS) today announced an initial commitment of $1.5 million toward emergency relief and recovery assistance for thousands of people affected by a series of storms that caused the worst flooding in Mexico’s history and tore through the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Cuba.
Teacher Arrested in Mexico, Boy Released
Oskar Garcia
 A female schoolteacher was arrested in Mexico and the 13-year-old boy she allegedly ran away with was turned over to his relatives, a prosecutor said Saturday.
Rivals Attack Hillary Clinton 
 Hillary Clinton learned this week that being the frontrunner is akin to having a bullseye on your back.
Democrats Stand Back as War Funding Continues
Maya Schenwar
 In the next few days, a Congressional conference committee will likely pass the largest defense spending bill in the history of the United States. Despite Democratic lawmakers' promises to stop issuing blank checks for war, the bill does not call for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq or Afghanistan, nor does it prevent military action against Iran.
US Supreme Court Calls a Halt to Executions
Suzanne Goldenberg
 America's execution chambers fell idle yesterday after the supreme court made it clear it will allow no more prisoners to be put to death until it reviews the legality of lethal injection.
US Accused of Torture
Ian Munro
 The United States's willingness to resort to harsh interrogation techniques in its so-called war on terror undermined human rights and the international ban on torture, a United Nations spokesman says.
Cuban Victory at UN Largely Covered by World Media
 Media outlets throughout the world echoed the overwhelming UN vote in favor of the Cuban resolution against the U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade of the island.
DC's Drag Queens Cheer Halloween 
 Halloween becomes "Hallo Queen" in Washington, DC as drag queens in costume sprint to the finish line in a flamboyant high heel race.
NASA Plans to Reveal Air Safety Study After All
Mike Nizza
 Will the contents of NASA’s controversial study of civil aviation safety prompt more public fears than the cover-up did? The answer is apparently in the offing. The chief of the aeronautics agency, Michael D. Griffin, has decided to end its insistence on keeping the study secret.
Ancient Observances From Around the World Have Evolved into Halloween
Beth Pratt
 Churches have taken to subverting the secular emphasis on things that go bump in the night and trick-or-treat in scary costume into a softer version of the Halloween festivals. Better to throw a good party than forbid a bad party, they reason.
Blackwater Mercenaries Get Immunity
Capitol Hill Blue
 A controversial immunity deal for Blackwater mercenaries involved in the murder of Iraqi civilians threatens a criminal investigation into the killings and has further angered the Iraqi government.
Argentine First Lady Now President-Elect
Bill Cormier
 Cristina Fernandez rode into the presidency on her husband's reputation but now must learn to stand on her own: Argentina's economy is overheating, voters are angry about inflation and crime, and unpopular hikes in utility rates are inevitable.
Arizona Sheriff's Border Unit Makes Presence Felt
Carli Brosseau
 Mixed in with the border crossers are smugglers, both Mexican and American, who bring people and drugs north. Preying on all of them are heavily armed gangs that drive south from Tucson and Phoenix to ambush these caravans. Standing in the way is a complex web of law enforcement, whose officers, agents and deputies number in the thousands.
Thousands March Against the War Across the US
Jim Doyle & Susan Sward
 On cue from a bullhorn's blast, thousands of protesters fell to the pavement on Market Street in a symbolic "die- in" Saturday as part of a coordinated protest staged in cities across the country against the war in Iraq.
Dick and 'Cousin' Barack
Ann Sanner
 Vice President Dick Cheney said Friday he hasn't reached out to "Cousin Barack" Obama since reports that the two share a distant relatives.
Cuba Announces Big Turnout, Says Few Blank Ballots Were Cast in Municipal Elections
Associated Press
 Fewer than 4 percent of voters cast blank ballots in last weekend's municipal elections, Cuban election officials said Friday, suggesting that a form of protest promoted by U.S. exile groups gained little traction on the island.
Police Eye Connections in Manhattan Consulate Explosions
Tom Hays
 If the two small explosives tossed over a fence at the Mexican consulate were meant to deliver a message, it was a cryptic one. No threats had been made against the consulate, and no one took responsibility for the explosion, police said.
Democrats Begin Review of Mexico Aid Plan
Suzanne Gamboa
 A Democratic lawmaker said late this week that Congress will "comb over every detail" of an administration request for $1.4 billion in crime fighting aid for Mexico because the plan for spending the money was developed without legislators' input.
Online Tools For US Voters Abroad
 The Pew Charitable Trusts and Overseas Vote Foundation (OVF) announced new web-based voter services to help the more than six million Americans living overseas take the steps necessary to vote in upcoming elections.
Fire Burns Illegal Border Crossing
Elliot Spagat
 Border Patrol agents scoured fire-ravaged ravines and canyons Friday for dead bodies after discovering the charred remains of four people in a remote but heavily trafficked crossing corridor for illegal immigrants from Mexico.
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