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Hunting for Chocolate This Easter?
Patrick Harrison

What is Easter without a chocolate bunny? For a truly gourmet Easter basket, stop by Puerto Vallarta's favorite chocolate shop, Xocodiva, for delicious Easter eggs, chocolate-covered marshmallows, and dark, milk and white chocolate bunnies.

Gabriel's Birthday = Gifts for PV School

On Wednesday, March 5th, Gabriel will be 10 years old. Gabriel is the reason Banana Cantina became involved with the Alfredo V. Bonfil School back in 2006. This year, Gabriel's birthday wish is for Charity Night to raise funds for his school.

Sol Rose Presents Meatloaf and Melodies

Check out our newest video feature, Meatloaf & Melodies. Cafe Bohemio restaurant owner Sol Rose is not only one of Vallarta's zaniest characters, but also a talented chef who's more than willing to sing for his supper.

Katmandu at Cafe des Artistes
Twila Crawford

Katmandu (Don and Rhonda and group) will perform in a sitar concert on the evening of March 10th in the garden at Cafe des Artistes in downtown Puerto Vallarta. Doors open at 7:30 pm, dinner is at 8 pm, and the hour-and-a-half show starts at 9 pm.

The Next Tequila
David Kiley

Makers of cachaça, the Brazilian liquor fermented and distilled directly from freshly pressed sugar cane, are hopeful they can turn the spirit, still unknown to most non-Latin drinkers, into the next tequila.

Make a Difference in the Life of a Child
Pamela Thompson

On Wednesday, February 27th from 6-10 pm, Pamela Thompson will host a Banana Cantina Charity Night to raise funds for Biblioteca de la Higuera, Sally Coney's little children's library in El Pitillal. Come out and join in the fun!

Teatrolimón Becas Ball Ticket Winners
Mary Ellis

Four lucky people are off to the Becas Vallarta A.C. 46th anniversary Becas Ball on Thursday, March 6th, courtesy of Teatrolimón Restaurante owner, Bruce, who gave tickets away as door prizes during Valentine's Day dinner at his restaurant.

Introducing the Nayarit Breakfast Network
Kelly Trainor de O.

The U.S. Consular Agency Vallarta, in conjunction with Community Service projects in Nayarit, is sponsoring a monthly Nayarit Breakfast Network. The first meeting will be held next Friday at 9:30 am at the Vallarta Yacht Club in Nuevo Vallarta.

Women’s Heart Health Charity Night Astounding Success

There was a whole lotta loving going on at last Wednesday's Banana Cantina Charity Night. Local celebrities Len and Larry set a new record for the amount collected for charity in one evening, while raising awareness of women's heart health.

Mexico City's Fine Dining Scene
Patricia Unterman

The pace, crowds and cultural splendors of Mexico City, a world capital of 25 million people, make it feel more like Manhattan than Oaxaca, though starting the trip in the provinces allowed me to work up to the intensity, and the 7,500-foot elevation, of the capital.

In Tavel, Paying Homage to the Rosé of Kings
Ellen Kaye

Tavel, a town of 1,600 perched at the edge of the Languedoc, on the brink of Provence, is the veritable cradle of French rosé.

Vallarta Gives From, and For, the Heart
Debbi Egan

Last week's Celebrity Charity Night was a heartwarming success, and this week we'll be focusing on raising awareness of women's heart disease and heart health. So stop by Banana Cantina on February 13th for Women’s Heart Appreciation awareness night.

There's Something New Under the Sun!
Diego el Guapo y Margarita la Bonita

There's something new under the sun in Puerto Vallarta - The Beach House. Located on Vallarta's most popular beach, Playa Los Muertos, this popular new hot spot is not your same ol' beach hangout.

Breakfast Club Benefits Vallarta HIV Group
Paul Crist

Approximately 115 attendees enjoyed great food while supporting V.E.S., an important local non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the HIV epidemic in Puerto Vallarta, at the Breakfast Club meeting at Boca Bento on February 1st.

MAW Fundraiser Food Festival at Fidencios
Bob Cohen

Make-A-Wish Mexico will be holding the 8th Annual "Big Jack's Barbeque" Fundraiser Food Festival at Fidencio's Restaurant on Los Muertos Beach on February 8th. All proceeds will go directly to the terminally ill children that Make-A-Wish serves.

Dip Once or Dip Twice?
Harold McGee

Our annual national snacking binge is almost here. It would take a very large bowl indeed to hold all the guacamole mashed from the more than 100 million avocados that are consumed on Super Bowl Sunday.

This Valentine's Day Give With Your Heart
Patrick Harrison

Join Xocodiva on February 14th, the day of love and friendship, in extending a helping hand to The Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza, a shelter for neglected and abused children who live in Puerto Vallarta and around the Bay of Banderas.

Charity Wine Auction Raises $14 Million
Jessica Strange

The Naples Winter Wine Festival, held at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples Florida, raised $14 million under the auction tent for children's charities, making it once again the most successful charity wine auction in the world.

Native American Foods: A History of American Cuisine
Joseph Byrd

For nine weeks during the summer of 1962 I was in northern New Mexico, on a fellowship to the Santa Fe Opera. In Santa Fe I was introduced to a new kind of Mexican-American food; it was the first since my childhood in Southern Arizona, which had been limited to the tapatio cuisine of Sonora. I also had my first and only direct exposure to American aboriginal cooking.

Warnings Don't Deter Lovers of Sushi
James Barron

Sara Barokas, a substitute teacher, noticed the yellow-and-red signs above the sushi case at the Gourmet Garage market on Broadway: "Protect yourself and your family!!! Mercury in sushi." She bought 12 pieces of tuna sushi anyway.

Helping Kids at Alfredo V. Bonfil School
Debbi Egan

Wednesday, January 23rd's Banana Cantina Charity Night was hosted by Papa Dolores/Keiran, who, along with our guests, and of course Mama, who called the raffle, raised $5623 pesos for the Alfredo V. Bonfil School in Puerto Vallarta.

February Breakfast Club at Boca Bento
Pamela Thompson

Grab a friend and head over to Boca Bento on Friday, February 1st at 10 am for a special Valentine-themed Breakfast Club. Come out and help us support Vallarta Enfrente SIDA, enjoy a fabulous buffet, and shop for fun Valentine's Day gifts.

Meet Menudo, a Beef Tripe-Fueled Cure for Post-Holiday 'Cruda'
Erasmo Guerra

Has the holiday sparkle gone dead in your eyes? Do you feel as flat as all the empty gift boxes in the recycling bin? There’s hope. Menudo — not the boy band, but the spicy Mexican soup made with beef tripe in a tomato broth, a traditional cure for hangovers — should melt away your miseries.

Solving a Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside a Cookie
Jennifer 8. Lee

Some 3 billion fortune cookies are made each year, almost all in the United States. But the crisp cookies wrapped around enigmatic sayings have spread around the world. They are served in Chinese restaurants in Britain, Mexico, Italy, France and elsewhere. But there is one place where fortune cookies are conspicuously absent: China.

Cook It: Grilled Chicken Enchiladas
Associated Press

If you spent the holiday season indulging, you're probably ready for lighter fare now. But it's hard to warm up to a light salad on a cold winter day. This hearty dish comes from Devin Alexander, who has made a career of taking artery-clogging, pound-packing recipes and turning them into yummy diet food.

How to Fill Your Spirit and Your Stomach and Make the World a Better Place
Polly G. Vicars

There are "how to" books on everything from "How to Lose 10 pounds in 10 days" to "How to Become an Overnight Millionaire" and probably most don't really work. But I guarantee this "How to" and it will be 'Oh So Easy!'

The Clock is Ticking on R.I.S.E. for Hope Fund Raiser

February 9th is just around the corner, so mark your calendar NOW for the Sixth Annual R.I.S.E. for Hope Fund Raiser, a spectacular evening of food and fun to benefit the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza Children's Shelter in Puerto Vallarta.

Stop by Picnic for Some Good Eats
Gary R. Beck

The Chile's legacy lives on at Picnic. BanderasNews food writer and restaurant reviewer, Gary R. Beck, pays a visit to this casual restaurant on the south side of Puerto Vallarta serving Hank and Conrad's tried and true menu of good eats.

Kosmas Opening at Coco Tropical a "Hit"
Bob Cohen

Last Saturday night felt like a high school reunion as a crowd of 80-90 people, many of whom had known each other for years, came for dinner, drinks and entertainment by Kosmas at Coco Tropical Restaurant and Beach Club.

Forget Climate Outside by Serving Warm, Resort-Style Dishes Inside
Joyce Walter

Various resorts throughout Mexico have already, or will soon, welcome many local residents to the warmer climate for a break from northern winters. However, not everyone is able to participate in getaway winter holidays and so must be content with creating some of that atmosphere at home while it snows and blows outside.

A 2008 Beer Lover's Survival Guide to Our Planet
Michael Werbowski

If you seek a refuge from the daily madness which surrounds us, allow me to share some of my favorite watering holes; places where life slows down to a more livable pace and where being civil and sociable and at times downright silly are in style.

Kosmas Opens at Coco Tropical Restaurant and Beach Club
Bob Cohen

Kosmas Mamadopoulos, who has played to full houses regularly at Le Gourmet Restaurant for the last five years, will be bringing the crowds in this winter season at Coco Tropical Restaurant and Beach Club on Los Muertos Beach.

Over $2500 Pesos Donated to R.I.S.E. through Xocodiva's Holiday Fundraiser
Patrick Harrison

On Christmas Eve, the winner of Xocodiva's Christams contest, Charlotte Berman, along with Xocodiva owner, Charlotte Semple, visited R.I.S.E. during the shelter's Christmas party to deliver the edible Christmas tree and much-needed donations.

Dining Trends for 2008: Advances Bring World to Our Taste Buds
Marlene Parrish

Plenty has changed in the food world in the past 25 years. nce-unfamiliar foreign foods have gone mainstream. Travel has broadened our culinary horizons, whether from our own explorations, the trips of friends or vicariously via the travel channels.

The Tacoma-Cuautla Connection
Rob Carson

Thanks to a voracious appetite in Washington State for tacos, enchiladas and burritos, several Cuautla, Mexico residents who sneaked into the United States in the 1970s with no money and no English now are driving Jaguars and flying private planes.

The Best of Vallarta Just Got Better!
Read real travelers' comments about the best in fine dining in Puerto Vallarta.
Banana Cantina
Barcelona Tapas
Boca Bento
Cafe de Olla
Cafe des Artistes
Citrus Ocean
Coco Tropical
Da Antonio
Daiquiri Dick's
de Santos
El Arrayán
El Dorado
El Palomar
Hard Rock Café
Kaiser Maximilian
Kit Kat
La Palapa
La Petite
Las Palomas
Le Bistro
Le Kliff
PLUSH Catering
Rincon Buenos Aires
River Cafe
The Deli
Vista Grill

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