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Vallarta Living 
««« Click HERE for Recent Community Services Support Local Charity: Let's Go to Tepic!
Astrid van Dam
 Superior Tours Vallarta is organizing a 2 day cultural tour of Tepic, the Capital of Nayarit, on October 18-19, 2009. You'll enjoy walking tours, shopping, a free concert and 1 night's stay in a tourist class hotel, with all benefits going to a Banderas Bay area local charity.
An Evaluation of Rural Teaching in Mexico
Lindsay Simpson
 I think its almost impossible to put into words the absolutely incredible time I had teaching in Chimo Mexico, nevertheless I will give it a try!
Get Ready to Golf for Toys for Tots
Bill Semeyn
 The Toys for Tots December fund raisers are always among the most popular events of the season. This year, the Toys for Tots Golf Scramble will be held on Saturday, December 12th at the Vista Weiskopf course. The annual Dinner dance will be held the following day at the Marriott Resort.
BINGO for Beans and Babies Nearing Goal
 September 10th's BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club drew another great crowd of 54 happy bingo-ers. Together we raised $8,590 pesos in support of Pasitos de Luz bringing our total to date to $94,590 pesos, with two more BINGOs and the closing night party to go.
Puerto Vallarta Summer Food Drive Success
Pam Thompson
 What began in the Spring as an effort to help our friends and neighbors here in Puerto Vallarta through some very, very tough economic times through the summer months, blossomed into a massive undertaking, resulting in over 17,050 kg of food delivered to those who needed it most.
Make-A-Wish Foundation and Mattel Work Together to Impact the Lives of 30,000 Children Globally
 Mattel, Inc. has created custom-designed Make-A-Wish Barbie dolls and Make-A-Wish Hot Wheels cars that will be given to wish kids around the world. The toys will be used as special gifts for children with life-threatening medical conditions as they begin their wish experience.
BINGO for Beans & Babies Week 9 Report
 Thursday, September 3 BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club drew a great crowd. Many people showed up to play BINGO in aid of Pasitos de Luz. Together we raised $7,950 pesos in support of PDL, bringing the total monies raised so far to over $87,000 pesos!
Final Vallarta Food Drive Packaging Party
 It is with a huge amount of pleasure and pride to announce that we have reached our goal of collecting enough food to support the DIF's Summer Food Distribution. The last packaging party will be held at the PVRPV office on September 4th at 6 pm, with entertainment by Los Bambinos.
BINGO for Beans & Babies at $79,000 Pesos
 The support BINGO for Beans & Babies is receiving from our local community is incredible! In only 8 weeks, we have raised over $79,000 pesos for Pasitos de Luz, a day care center for neurologically handicapped children from economically disadvantaged homes in Puerto Vallarta.
Country Artist Chris Young to Entertain at Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser
Gary Green
 Country recording artist Chris Young will lend a hand for cystic fibrosis at Hook the Cure, an IGFA-qualifying event and an official event of the Redbone Tournament Series, slated to take place in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico from November 5-8, 2009.
Help Us Make Meson San Pablo a Reality
Paco Arjona
 One of the biggest challenges for people living with HIV/AIDS in Puerto Vallarta and surrounding areas is keeping their medical appointments. For this reason El Meson de San Pablo was created to make the medical assistance they need more accessible. But we need your help!
BINGO for Beans & Babies 7 Weeks Strong
 After seven weeks, BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club is still going strong. On August 20th, 68 people showed up to play BINGO in aid of Pasitos de Luz. We raised a ton of money, $10,530 pesos, bringing the total monies raised for PDL so far to over $70,000 pesos.
A Weekend of Feeling Like a Million Dollars
Polly G. Vicars
 Bernice Starr would've been ecstatic this past Saturday and Sunday when the all-volunteer cadre of Becas Vallarta members met with the more than 300 bright young Vallartenses of great ability and small economic resources who gathered at Los Mangos to receive their semester stipends.
Keep the Change! Tiendas OXXO Helping Vallarta Charities
Polly G. Vicars
 Last week Becas Vallarta President Mariel de Fregoso and I attended an event at the Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza, where Mother Mary and the children received a check for $216,653.20 pesos, representing three months of 'rounding up' in Tiendas OXXO in the Puerto Vallarta area.
School Of Champions Needs English Teachers
Arthur Fumerton
 The School of Champions, an after school program operated by Feed the Children Vallarta, is looking for dedicated English teachers who live in the Banderas Bay area and can commit to at least six months of teaching students in grades three to six at our school.
Bingo for Beans and Babies Rocks!
 Thursday, August 13 BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club drew a great crowd. 52 people showed up to play BINGO in aid of Pasitos de Luz and the Puerto Vallarta Summer Food Drive. We raised another record amount, $12,150 pesos, in support of PDL.
Vallarta Expats Helping New Life Mexico
Sara Wise
 For the next meeting of Expats in Vallarta, which will be held at Harry's Bar on Tuesday, August 18th at 5 pm, New Life Mexico will be collecting school supplies to be distributed to local needy children as they start school again soon.
More Success for Café Roma: Local Ex-Pats Take Their Unstoppable Fundraising Machine on the Road
Arthur Fumerton
 On July 20th 2009, over 100 people drank, ate and were merry at the Madison Pub, Toronto in aid of Feed the Children Vallarta. The total raised by the event came to an impressive $10,000 USD; enough for a good September start for the School of Champions program here in Vallarta.
Been to BINGO for Beans and Babies Yet?
 If you haven't been to Bite me! Beach Club on a Thursday night for BINGO for Beans and Babies, you're missing out on a lot of fun! Last week drew a record crowd of 59 people who had a great time while raising $10,100 pesos for Pasitos de Luz and supporting the Vallarta Food Drive.
Vallarta Food Drive: Mission Accomplished
Pamela Thompson
 It is with a huge amount of pleasure and pride to announce that we now have sufficient funds to cover the DIF's Summer Food Distribution through September, as was the original goal when we started the Puerto Vallarta Community Food Drive back in May. But there is still work to do...
Bingo for Beans and Babies Going Strong
 BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite me! Beach Club continued last week with over 50 players participating. Chef Seth Cloutman was the guest caller, who together with all of the BINGO players collected $8,830 pesos for Pasitos de Luz, and many donations for the area food drive.
Help Feed & Educate a Child for $1 a Day
Arthur Fumerton
 In order to continue educating and feeding the 300 students in their after school program, Feed the Children Vallarta and the School of Champions need 300 donors to commit to a contribution of $1 per day for the entire school year.
PEACE Summer Camp Opens in Nayarit
Harold Sokolove
 PEACE Mexico opened its first annual summer camp for middle and high school students last week. The camp is being held in Punta de Mita, Sayulita and La Cruz and focuses on teaching youth about entrepreneurship. Students also enjoy a variety of activities, including English and art classes.
BINGO for Beans and Babies on the Beach
 With Debbi Egan of Banana Cantina acting as guest caller and nearly 60 revelers enjoying rousing games of BINGO, $9275 pesos were raised for Pasitos de Luz and more donations were received for the Puerto Vallarta Summer Food Drive at last Thursday's BINGO for Beans and Babies at Bite Me!
Steadfast Crew Volunteers in Vallarta
 The U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast returned last week following a 67-day counter-narcotics patrol in the Eastern Pacific Ocean. While on a midpatrol break, 10 members of the Steadfast crew readily volunteered to participate in a community relations project in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
Vallarta Food Drive - It Takes a Village
Pamela Thompson
 This week brought another 525 little smiles as food packages were distributed to the children in DIF's Child Protective Services Programs. As we reach the half-way point of the Vallarta Summer Food Drive, we need a couple more big 'pushes' to keep distributing through the end of September.
BINGO for Beans and Babies is a Blast!
 Bingo for Beans and Babies got off to a rousing start on Thursday, July 9th at Bite Me! Beach Club. A crowd of nearly 58 revelers enjoyed Kim Kuzma's half-time show, $9175 pesos were raised for Pasitos de Luz, food drive donations were collected, and a good time was had by all.
Difficult Times... Time to Help
Rita Millan
 A Sports Auction to raise funds for Casa Infantil Mojoneras, a safe haven that provides approximately 150 underprivileged Puerto Vallarta children with basic social skills, warm food, education and a sense of belonging, at the Outback Steakhouse on Tuesday July 14 at 8 pm.
How Can You Help When Times are Tough?
Nicole Martin
 Times are very tough in our town. Some can turn a blind eye, some cannot. Now is the time for everyone to do any/every thing you can do. We can all make a difference. Think about it. While you could probably afford to buy groceries this week, a lot of Puerto Vallarta families couldn’t...
Rivera Cuale Environmental Awareness Day
Leanne Smith
 Saturday, June 27th marked a special day at Rivera Cuale, the award-winning condominium development on the banks of the Cuale River in El Caloso. Children from the community were invited to participate in a day of environmentally educational activities and fun.
G3Mex Joins Puerto Vallarta Food Drive
Pamela Thompson
 G3Mex Real Estate Company has joined Pamela Thompson and PVRPV in their efforts to help locals meet the basic needs of their families by collecting food to be distributed via DIF's various programs through the Puerto Vallarta and Banderas Bay Area Food Drive.
COMREL with El Tiburon Blanco
Bill Semeyn
 A recent visit to Puerto Vallarta by the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast provided a wonderful opportunity for the mariners to spruce up Asociación Femenil Vallartense (AFV). Among other things, AFV provides training for abused women and girls. It was a wonderful experience for all.
PV Food Drive Continues Through September
Pamela Thompson
 The thin, but smiling, children who lined up at yesterday's Food Drive distribution to the DIF-Child Protective Services program reminded me that times are beyond tough for many families in Puerto Vallarta. Join us in our commitment to keep this project going strong through September.
Vallarta Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Denise Velez
 The first Route 200 Bar & Grill 'Noches de Vecinos' was held last Wednesday, June 17th, and it was a tremendous success! People arrived early to enjoy great food, the coldest beer in town and live music by Saraxuana that started at 9:45 pm, while waiting for the raffle to begin at midnight.
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