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Journalism has Become a Deadly Pursuit in Mexico
Dave Gibson

According to Mexico´s National Human Rights Commission, since 2000, 45 journalists have been murdered in Mexico. Of course, just as have some 5,600 other Mexicans have been killed in 2008 alone, these reporters have fallen victim to that country´s drug cartels.

Press Groups Condemn Attack on Mexican TV Studio
Associated Press

Press freedom groups are condemning an attack on a Mexican television station in the northern city of Monterrey.

Freedom of the Press as a Foreign Concept
James Rainey

When disaster strikes or a source calls back on deadline, the nights can be long. Newspaper layoffs and hard economic times can cast a pall over just about everything we do.

Announcing the P.U.-litzer Prizes for 2008
Jeff Cohen & Norman Solomon

Now in their 17th year, the P.U.-litzer Prizes recognize some of the nation's stinkiest media performances. As the judges for these annual awards, we do our best to identify the most deserving recipients of this unwelcome plaudit.

Global Research Receives Prestigious Media Award
Global Research

Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization and Editor of Global Research was in Mexico City to receive the prestigious award of the Mexican Club of Journalists in a ceremony celebrated on December 10.

Typing Without a Clue
Timothy Egan

The unlicensed pipe fitter known as Joe the Plumber is out with a book this month, just as the last seconds on his 15 minutes are slipping away. I have a question for Joe: Do you want me to fix your leaky toilet?

Journalists Become Targets in Mexico's Drug War
Julie Watson

Mexico is the deadliest place in the Americas to be a journalist, and among the deadliest in the world. The New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists says at least 24 have been killed since 2000, and seven have vanished in the past three years.

The Media and the Venezuelan Elections
The Real Network

The Real News Network spoke to Latin American Studies Professor Miguel Tinker Salas who says, the fact that the opposition was able to make modest gains means it's a victory for Venezuelan democracy, and the Venezuelan political process, and the maturity of the Venezuelan population who participated.

Violence Against Journalists Grows in Mexico's Drug War
William Booth

Armando Rodríguez, at El Diario newspaper, was the top crime reporter in the deadliest city in Mexico. He had seen it all. But this was different.

Tuning Out the Braindead Megaphone
David Sirota

If you're having trouble remembering what the recent election was all about, rest easy: you're probably not going senile - you're likely experiencing the momentary effects of brainwashing.

Messenger, Killed: Slaying of Mexican Journalist Muzzles Whole Society
Houston Chronicle

Armando Rodriguez said goodbye to his wife and two of their children, climbed into the car with his oldest girl, Ximena, and paused before heading to Ximena's school and then his office. An ordinary day in the life of a reporter. But in those few moments, as Rodriguez warmed up his car, an unknown gunman fired repeatedly into his body.

A Juarez News Outlet Shuts Down Temporarily, as Drug War Threats to Journalists Escalate
Frontra NorteSur

Even as El Diario de Juarez reporter Armando Rodriguez was killed last week, more Ciudad Juarez journalists reported getting death threats. In one case, the director of a popular online news site took the threats so seriously he immediately fled to the United States.

Presidents of Chile, Spain & Mexico with Nobel Laureate Garcia Marquez Honor Carlos Fuentes
Russ Dallen

Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Nobel laureates Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Nadine Gordimer and former leaders of Spain and Chile headed here Monday for the ceremony beginning assorted activities paying homage to and marking the 80th birthday of writer Carlos Fuentes.

Distinguished Mexican Journalist and Novelist Paco Ignacio Taibo dies

Distinguished Spanish-born journalist Paco Ignacio Taibo I died Thursday in his adopted homeland of Mexico, family members told Efe. He was 84.

Suspected Drug Gangs Kill Mexican Journalist
Ignacio Alvarado

uspected drug gangs shot dead a Mexican crime reporter near the U.S. border on Thursday, the latest journalist victim of a brutal drug war in which traffickers are targeting the media.

Activists Decry Arrest of APPO Members in Brad Will Murder
Kari Lydersen

The Mexican government has argued that Will was shot at close range, which would implicate the APPO protesters around him. But eyewitness accounts contend he was shot at long range.

Presidential Candidates Fail to Focus on Hispanic Media
Hispanic Digital Network

Results from on online media survey indicate that the majority of Hispanic print publications have not endorsed a presidential candidate. The findings also show that immigration is the key issue at stake for U.S. Hispanics in the election.

The Ambition Condition: Women, Writing, and the Problem of Success
Anna Clark

Perhaps you know about Emily Gould's cover story, "Exposed," in the New York Times Magazine last May. Even if you didn't take in all 8,002 words on the former Gawker editor's gains and losses from blogging about her personal life, it would be hard to miss the criticism of the piece elsewhere.

Studs Terkel, Listener to Americans, Dies at 96
William Grimes

Studs Terkel, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author whose searching interviews with ordinary Americans helped establish oral history as a serious genre, and who for decades was the voluble host of a popular radio show in Chicago, died Friday at his home there. He was 96.

Hollywood Insiders Rip MSNBC, Defend Palin
Paul Bond

In a room full of television industry executives, no one seemed inclined to defend MSNBC on Monday for what some were calling its lopsidedly liberal coverage of the presidential election.

The Cost of Slumber
Dahr Jamail

Iraqi civilians have endured suffering beyond belief. As a journalist, Dahr Jamail has witnessed firsthand the destruction and death.

Mexico Judge Orders Trial in US Journalist Slaying
Mark Stevenson

A Mexican judge this week ordered a suspect in the 2006 killing of U.S. journalist-activist Bradley Roland Will to stand trial on homicide charges.

Federal Government Fulfills Commitment to Remove Obstacles Blocking Progress of Radio and Television
Presidencia de la República

During the 50th Anniversary of National Radio and Television Week, President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa invited the electronic media to continue promoting key values among Mexicans, such as honesty, patriotism and the value of work, as the only means of progressing.

Mexico Arrests 2 in Killing of US Journalist Brad Will
E. Eduardo Castillo

Two supporters of a protest movement in southern Mexico have been arrested for the 2006 fatal shooting of U.S. journalist-activist Bradley Roland Will, federal prosecutors said Friday.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Corporate Takeover of Our Government

This is the most concise and informative piece of film on the most important issue of our time: the media. And judging by some of the comments on here, people still don't get it.

Avalon Travel Selects Puerto Vallarta Author for Eighth Edition of Popular Moon Guide

Local writer Robin Noelle was recently selected to author the eighth edition of the Moon Guide to Puerto Vallarta, a popular travel guide known for its eclectic authors and original content. The new PV edition is scheduled for publication in 2009.

Journalists Targeted in Latest Mexico Drug Violence
David Montero

A newspaper editor, a columnist, police officers, and bar patrons are among those killed in separate acts of violence this past week.

Alaskan Independence Party: The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Last week found the American media once again boarding Republican swift boats against this season's Democratic candidate armed with unfair and hypocritical attacks artfully designed by GOP strategists to distract attention from the cataclysmic outcomes of Republican governance.

Press Freedom Organization Issues Alert for Mexico
Deborah Bonello

The Mexican government must bring an end to the impunity enjoyed by those who kill and threaten journalists and "apply themselves to the investigation and review of all of the cases of journalists killed and missing," was the Inter American Press Association's (IAPA) message to Mexico at the closing of its 64th Annual General Assembly in Madrid this week.

Registration Open for Workshop on Covering Health Issues

Latin American journalists have until October 6 to register for a workshop on the news coverage of health issues, to take place November 16 to 22 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009
Project Censored

Project censored is one of the organizations that we should listen to, to be assured that our newspapers and our broadcast outlets are practicing thorough and ethical journalism.
— Walter Cronkite

'The Most Terrifying Night of My Life'
BBC News

In October 1968, British journalist Robert Trevor was in Mexico City getting ready to cover the Olympic Games which were about to start. But he ended up reporting on one of the bloodiest episodes in Mexican history, what he calls "the most terrifying night of my life."

FBI Prevents Agents from Telling 'Truth' About 9/11 on PBS
CQ Politics

The FBI has blocked two of its veteran counterterrorism agents from going public with accusations that the CIA deliberately withheld crucial intelligence before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

Mexico Report Slams Probe of US Reporter's Death
Associated Press

State and federal police have mishandled investigations of the 2006 slaying of a U.S. journalist-activist, Bradley Roland Will, the Mexican National Human Rights Commission said Sunday.

Writer of Harsh Truths
David Jasper

Organizers of The Nature of Words recently chose “borders” as the theme of this year’s event, slated for Nov. 5-9 in Bend, Oregon. Which should make for an interesting panel discussion at the annual literary festival.

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