Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - This Tuesday, December 4th, Democrats Abroad is launching its Third Annual "Every Tuesday Films" series at Paradise Community Center. Twenty films are scheduled through April this season and, as was true last year, there will be a special week of Academy-Award-nominated films.
This week's film is 2012's "The Koch Brothers Exposed," an expose on the billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch, who helped finance the conservative political advocacy group "Americans for Prosperity." The film shines a light on wrong-doing, political lobbying, and money-fueled influence in America.
The film was directed by Robert Greenwald, best known for his work on "Xanadu" - starring Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly, "The Burning Bed" - starring Farrah Fawcett, and the documentary "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price."
Advance tickets are available prior to the show every day between 9 am and 2 pm at the Paradise Community Center for $60 pesos. Tickets are available at the door on Tuesday night for $70 pesos. The movie starts at 7 pm but we invite moviegoers to come early and enjoy ordering from the food vendors at the Community Center to eat before the show.
Paradise Community Center is located at 127 Pulpito, directly across from Coco's Kitchen in Puerto Vallarta. For further information, contact Tobe Jensen - tjensen1942(at)hotmail.com or David Camp and Judy Snow - snowkamp1(at)yahoo.com.
For more information about the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad, click HERE. For local assistance, contact Susan Wichterman at 044-322-303-5181 or mexicoms(at)hotmail.com or Paul Crist at 322-222-4793 or editor(at)mexicodemocrats.org.
The Paradise Community Center is located on Pulpito street across from Coco's Kitchen and the former Kit Kat on the South side of Vallarta. It is home to the Book and Bean Coffee Shop and book exchange, the new Alexander Hair Salon, and the Worship in Paradise Church services on Sunday mornings. For more information, call 044-322-170-4261, send an email to info(at)paradisecommunitycenter.com, or visit ParadiseCommunityCenter.com.